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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: b4c80db4f13a83a⋯.jpeg (667.33 KB, 2227x1485, 2227:1485, FA60C902_260A_4283_8706_1….jpeg)

3b78a0  No.127151

We need another Charlottesville. But this time in every city. All whites must participate to save our race from the joggers. We must counter protest the BLM.

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8fa0bf  No.127195


>save our race from the niggers

We need to save ALL races from the jew Jakov. There is a time to fight, that time is almost there, that time isnt now.

Entire police precincts are abandoning their posts, whites are waking up to the antics of your average nigger, worldwide there is non-white gang violence ruining our ancestral lands - we are storming towards a new marxist weimar-era. Its this acceleration that will wake my people up to the consistent, unrelenting propaganda and horror you inflict upon us kike.

Gas yourself.

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46f081  No.127206

Democrat media is still too strong and entrenched. We'd be sitting ducks. Must have bigger control of the media first. We're getting there. But not yet.

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78e4f3  No.127208

The "Nazis" at Charlottesville were fake. They were only put there to create the narrative of Nazis to legitimize antifa.

Look at the pics, they all have folds in their flags from when they were mailed through Amazon days before

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8fa0bf  No.127211


Read OPs image.

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c31c89  No.127212


We don't need to control the media. We need to have fraternity and fidelity among each other; this would be enough to topple the rest of the planet.

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74ddf6  No.127224

File: 56124e772874129⋯.jpeg (130.09 KB, 800x441, 800:441, Bund.jpeg)


>We must counter protest the BLM.

Pro-white political protesters would be shot on sight by ZOG and the kike media would spin any pro-white activism as a terrorist attack. Better to let these joggers do more to delegitimize the idea of America in the minds of normies. More people are now willing to engage with revolutionary National Socialist ideas than before this chimpout and Trump's ensuing total capitulation.

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09e00f  No.127241

File: e299ba8effb01d4⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, e299ba8effb01d4e3be1bc7e16….mp4)


>counter protest the BLM

This is how you do it. Notice the lack of yells, ooks, screams and other ape noises that should be heard.

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6aa6d4  No.127307


This. The fire is unironically rising. For better or worse the country will collapse by 2050/60.

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46e2fc  No.127403

No we dont! Defend yourself and family if you are in danger, but the smart move is to sit back and let the shitlibs destroy themselves and their shit cities. If counter protesters tried anything they'd get rounded up en masse. Dont be a fucking idiot. If BLM and Antifa and coronchan bring this train off the cliff than thats when the shit really starts. Ride the tiger.

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49001f  No.127410


The projections are actually more like the 2030s. There are now multiple factors in play that will all feed off of each other in a death spiral:

>race relations

>impending financial meltdown (which will aggravate race relations further)

>military saber-rattling (which will aggravate the financial situation AND the race situation)

>covid and probable future bio-engineered pandemics (contributes to the atmosphere of fear in the USA)

>Trump Derangement Syndrome will grow and mutate into something much worse next time because people now realize that Trump wasn't far enough right, so the "literally Hitler!" accusations will only grow more and more accurate and people will give less and less of a fuck about that

And also, related to the military saber-rattling, the US military is rapidly losing war readiness because of the diversity and tranny memes. It's going to get its ass kicked in the next big war by a peer state, and that is going to embarrass the fuck out of the US in the international geopolitical game. This will be the end of the US Dollar as the world currency, and if the financial meltdown didn't already hit by this point, this will be the trigger for that meltdown.

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6aa6d4  No.127414


Sounds based.

>Trump Derangement Syndrome will grow and mutate into something much worse next time because people now realize that Trump wasn't far enough right, so the "literally Hitler!" accusations will only grow more and more accurate and people will give less and less of a fuck about that

I hope you are right. I personally cant see ethno nationalism becoming acceptable in the cucked minds of todays America but I hope so. Most zoomers I know love blacks so much that they constantly listen to their music and talk like them. So when people say that their generation will be based I just laugh.

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49001f  No.127417


Zoomers will rapidly change their minds when the blacks start killing them and their friends outright. That crap they call music is going to suddenly look a lot less appealing.

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61810e  No.127424

File: 4cfd5313fe49b64⋯.jpg (186.6 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, hello_fellow_domestic_terr….jpg)


>We need another Charlottesville.

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ee2d86  No.127428


Who's that jewess there?

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82dce0  No.127432


anna kendrick, you uncultured swine.

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ee2d86  No.127437


Sorry I don't participate in jew media so I was ill informed on who the main jews are and what jew films / televisual entertainment is in vogue right now. Is she considered one of the main ones?

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1ec983  No.127454


If we protested like they did in Charlottesville and got shot on sight it would be like the Beer Hall Putsch all over again. White Nationalism would actually be on the board and win elections.

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61810e  No.127545

File: 8d15598d3f57d81⋯.jpg (250.71 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, I_just_called_him_a_cuck_s….jpg)


>saying things from the training session

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6aa6d4  No.127560


This. We need professionalism if you want me to march in a protest/rally. Uniforms (not full larp but something), banners, formations and if over achieving, music (drums, trumpets etc.)

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86e40f  No.127586


Just let them burn their own neighborhoods to the ground, or more accurately, let them watch the Soros hirelings and fake police in fake uniforms burn them to the ground.

If there is anything I learned about non-whites, it is to avoid them. I left my car with the windows open recently at a car show of sorts, found all my coins, a bottle of cologne, and some car wash tokens missing.

In what may be a coincidence, the car was right next to a family of First Felons (injuns) who evidently wanted to drink the cologne. I don't know if they were smart enough to even know what the car wash tokens were for.

But, as a general rule, keep as much distance as you can between yourself and non-whites. It's that simple. And, don't carry valuable in your car, especially if you are going to turn your back on it for five minutes while you talk to white people.

The best answer is just separate yourselves from them. Always has been. That's why God invented the whole concept of different tribes and nations, so people could enjoy the rich cultural heritage of their own kinds of people.

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9e1e87  No.127589


Even if they don't get rounded up they'll be ID'd and within hours everything about them will be known and immense pressure will be exerted to blacklist them from any employement. They'd be ruined. Sit and wait and let the nigs murder each other in the streets. They are insane, drunk and stoned. Many decades ago some cops on the South Side of shitcago were asked about it and they smirked; all they'd say is that they called it "the self cleaning oven".

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9e1e87  No.127591


The only thing you should have in your car (In Canada that is) is a fucking Home Depot crowbar behind the driver's seat. If you get into a traffic dispute with a white guy used the curved end. If you get into a dispute with a non white guy used the hooked end.

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82936a  No.127596

File: 98e75bc5fa3e980⋯.jpeg (103.22 KB, 1266x688, 633:344, EZrlYTeWkAUxzNM.jpeg)

Daily reminder to choose scenario B. (((OP))) is right, (((they))) need another Charlottesville.

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1ec983  No.127945

File: 5d570ccf6dc9d08⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 406x720, 203:360, 5d570ccf6dc9d0894aeb5b3f4….webm)


When OP says "Charlottesville" he's talking about the pic in OP. He's talking about the "You will not replace us!" march with tiki-torches, NOT the car that ran over a beached whale during a protest.

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27f2b0  No.127968


>reminder to never fight back and just allow your civilization to be eradicated

Yeah, we know your position, yid. You don't need to reiterate it.

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9e1e87  No.127977


God what a huge juddering blob of obese jello that river pig was. Horrible. Even though he had nothing to do with it her death was an act of mercy releasing her from the hideous sack of hellish shit and blubber her tiny withered soul was trapped in.

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49001f  No.127978


How bioluminescent are you?

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9e1e87  No.127979

File: 50d5221af2d4732⋯.png (103.67 KB, 316x316, 1:1, Jidf_logo.png)

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598e1b  No.128002

File: df73815710388d8⋯.png (614.64 KB, 730x487, 730:487, LibsBurningLibs.png)


Keep posting anon. The best red pill of all is the normies thinking no one is going to help them.

The only way to win this game is not to play. Let the liberals burn the liberal cities.

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6aa6d4  No.128006


Its not our civilization anymore. We can rebuild, but now is too early for anything to happen.

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9e1e87  No.128010

File: cb01898e9791096⋯.jpg (759.98 KB, 2480x1515, 496:303, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>Its not our civilization anymore. We can rebuild, but now is too early for anything to happen.

It's not even a civilization anymore…it hasn't been for 50 years now. Sad

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6a5f8b  No.128016


Hello FBI Swamp shill.

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7fddf5  No.128022





>oy vey goyim (((the demacraps))) are gonna win

>better vote for (((the republicans))) instead

>elections matter, goyim

Just kill yourself. You don’t belong here.

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ee2d86  No.128024


> (1)


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fb5bf7  No.128057

File: 6bd5a096c9179a6⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 439x290, 439:290, DaysWithoutJewishTricks.jpg)

Charlottesville was a psyop.

Clearly what not to do. We know better than that.

We need to outsmart the jew here, don't fall for old tricks.

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91091b  No.128061


>oy vey vote for jew puppet

>otherwise jew puppet will win

>ha ha i have no argument at all

>lalalalalalalalalalalalal i not listening

You're meaningless to everyone.

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39d1c0  No.128084

Fighting for most of the cities is pointless. Cities are where the confluence of capitalism & democracy produce hordes of parasites indoctrinated and dedicated to leftist views. Let them riot. Let them burn. Encourage their police forces to walk off the job. This will red pill some of those that witness it, though it'll never be shown on the news.

The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people.Don't needlessly waste your lives, our lives fighting for decaying bastions of liberalism. Abandon them. Form new communities and defend them. When the first black family moves in, burn their house to the ground. Continue to do this until they're forced to send the national guard. Do this again and again, across the countryside until they're stretched to their limit and broken.

We can always build new cities. We can never build a new people.

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b08e76  No.128094

Anyone who disrespects Charlottesville is a honorary nigger.

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b08e76  No.128097


You type like a commie kike fag. What we need is to legalize slavery and indentured servitude. That way every lazy ass nigger and "liberal" will lose their right to vote and actually stfu and do something productive.

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39d1c0  No.128098


Well, my solution exists on at least the periphery of reality. Yours is just transgressive edgelord nonsense.

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b08e76  No.128100


Well, mine exists in Trumps exit strategy, so fuck off.

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de1279  No.128127


Stop kvetching Chaim. Your idea is stupid and would only benefit the fucking dems.

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b08e76  No.128135

>>@?_spencer>I got it covered

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7fddf5  No.128137


>you’re a jew because you want whites to do the opposite of what jews want

You’re literally fooling no one.

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284b27  No.128175


this, the jews are the true enemy. They are alot smarter, niggers aren't that smart, any subversion they try can easily be stopped. But all races must fight the jew, the one who is ruining Africa, Europe, Asia, India, Middle east, and all new world colonies (aus and nz included) through strong subversion. Niggers can easily be dealt with, shipping them back, but kikes are a much scarier problem, we may have to give up most of the internet to escape their subversion. Unlike niggers, they are everywhere, and actively try to get to places they aren't yet.

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408c4d  No.128181



Every day there are more of them. Your plan is to wait until you're living in Afromexico? Dumb plan.

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49f944  No.128349


>We need another controlled opposition moment

Fuck off.

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