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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 4ad7ed5277d682f⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 579x310, 579:310, help_us.JPG)

File: 393a956cea6071e⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 1016x819, 1016:819, GLOW.JPG)

5cc826  No.126698

Halfchan is being a nigger so I'm going to post this here:

I have an idea as to how we can disrupt their system by working within their rules. There is very little they can do to stop us from flooding their report systems with false reports. Make them waste time filtering all kinds of absolute nonsense or force them to make reporting more difficult. This is the BLM counterpropaganda report page https:

//blacklivesmatter.com : /help-us-fight-disinformation/

The email field accepts any format, so you can spam it with burner emails for the time being. All we want to do is waste time or force them to draw attention to the fact that this exists at all. Spam reports on the highest priority to try and force humans to look at this instead of bots, and disrupt as much as possible.

>inb4 but what about wordfilters or image filters etc. etc. etc.

You autists spent years dodging them on halfchan, it won't be that hard to dodge if we know what they are filtering out when they start. Just treat it like shitposting: make the most confusing, out of context pictures and images together with no explanation to force them to try and figure out what the fuck is going on. Or just absolute nonsense, anything really. They aren't used to that kind of trolling at all, their sites ban that, so it will be super effective.

These are a couple reports I filled out. The report section is on their website on the front page. The bombing one had a Shaun King tweet attached and the other a Bog picture.

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5cc826  No.126700

File: 75fa19400b0cdd3⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 1213x628, 1213:628, WE.JPG)


Guess this didn't post rip.

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5cc826  No.126716

File: 685200d91ee8e89⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 1223x666, 1223:666, chaos.JPG)

File: aa60be0eae4d4de⋯.jpg (110.47 KB, 1252x752, 313:188, Fedposting_101.JPG)

File: 6e05739de876b76⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 952x627, 952:627, Poison.JPG)

File: d2ac74235f42c2f⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 623x175, 89:25, the_capture.JPG)

Here are some more I've done. The strategy is going to be to put falsely attribute images to sources such as reddit to cause infighting. Source things to places friendly to right wingers or outright hostile, doesn't really matter. Source them to other sites, just drag them on a wild goosechase for shitty /pol/ memes that are extremely inflammatory but believable for other parts of the internet. The text was attached to the one titled Fedposting 101 in hopes some retard nigress reads it and believes it.

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f1a5f0  No.126724

Bump, sounds fun.

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01bac6  No.126750

Why source them back to right wing friendly places? They invade enough as it is. Look at 4 right now on pol. Its fucked up! Nothing but nigger lover threads and black people being glamorized. Source them back to reddit where they belong in left safe spaces


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5cc826  No.126765


That's what I'm saying you absolute illiterate nigger. Source them to right wing sympathetic places on reddit to force them out of the site and onto places that aren't so censored. Make people realize just how censored it is. On top of the low level disruption of course. This absolutely works by the way, we saw it with halfchan in 2016, and although it killed the place it's the only reason there is still so much dissent in younger populations. And they don't just have to go there, It shouldn't just be political boards. Make them attack people who are neutral: state boards that rarely post politics getting taken down will piss people off real quick. No traffic would be directed here, I suggest not coordinating here but rather coordinating on halfchan to avoid unnecessary influx of newfags, I just need people to help bump my threads before they get shoahd or slid with 6 million BBC threads.

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5cc826  No.126766


Imma be making these threads on halfchan at real autist hours tonight to try and get a thread going before it gets derailed. Or make them yourself, use my op images if you are a lazy fuck and just bump these if you seen them. Once again no traffic directed here at all, I'd prefer if everything is organized on halfchan, just calling for whoever is willing to help.

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12175d  No.127131

File: 1eb02b5f11b4e3f⋯.png (72.7 KB, 1076x1080, 269:270, digimon_slowpomon.png)


>Halfchan is being a nigger

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3498f3  No.127188

Well /therightcantmeme did get locked. On second thought, directing them to reddit is a great plan. Good post

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424de7  No.127481


concern trolling the left to death seems to be a real possibility. its impossible for them to differentiate trolling from reality because clownworld, i read some of /therightcantmeme and i can't tell which parts are parody and which are legitimate sentiment.

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50adf3  No.127485


>false reports

Literally won’t do anything. All reports are automated. Leftist speech is protected. True speech is auto-banned. What the fuck are you doing, retard.

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038304  No.128049

I'm pretty sure AI handles their abuse reports by now. Good luck defeating AI.

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