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File: a6ed1df9e42e8ed⋯.jpg (180.65 KB, 1070x1217, 1070:1217, EM8XI3AWoAAgdgh.jpg)

File: 31067401375ab1f⋯.png (372 KB, 508x699, 508:699, jews_did_911.png)

de071f  No.12267


> December 29, 2019 2:37 pm

> (JTA) — Graffiti featuring a Star of David and “9 11” was painted on buildings on several streets in North London.

> The graffiti, discovered on a synagogue and store windows in Hampstead and Belsize Park on Sunday morning, seems to refer to a conspiracy theory that Jewish people were responsible for the attack on the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York in 2001.

> The neighborhoods in which the graffiti was painted are home to large Jewish populations. One of the buildings vandalized was formerly an Israeli-style restaurant.

> “This is a reminder that anti-Semitism is still with us,” the Board of Deputies of British Jews tweeted.

Source: https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/graffiti-featuring-star-of-david-and-9-11-painted-on-buildings-in-north-london

Archive: https://archive.is/9aCIt

Twatter Link:

Source: https://twitter.com/CST_UK/status/1211212271902429184?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1211212271902429184&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jta.org%2Fquick-reads%2Fgraffiti-featuring-star-of-david-and-9-11-painted-on-buildings-in-north-london


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de071f  No.12268


oops - forgot the twatter archive


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ee60c3  No.12307

I saw this earlier, and assumed they were signalling to each other that another 9/11 was coming soon. Then again, I have a conspiratorial mind.

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9552bb  No.12309

File: fcb065c9b05ebf5⋯.jpg (170.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, srsly unamused cat.jpg)


This has "Hey, Rabbi, whatcha doin?'" written all over it.

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bdb224  No.12310


>they were signalling to each other

I don't think so in this case.

There aren't any tell tale signs that it was a yid.

The strokes were fast and clean, and they chose a writing pattern which facilitates quick spraying this person has a background in tagging

The strokes don't have the standard yid tails.

The spray can used was a round tip, which is typically more expensive than a flat tip found on cheaper primer cans.

They're right handed.

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2a9bd3  No.12312

The shoah must go on! There's no business like shoah business!

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5b5b12  No.12356

They did it themselves retards

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4614c4  No.12357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0109be  No.12364


I think they'd be more literal. They aren't afraid to say something like "its dangerous here for us Jews, better leave soon before it gets too bad".

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638bb0  No.12425

> Graffiti Swatika


> Graffiti Jew Star


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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2ca9ce  No.12456



I guess we shall see. It reminded me of their passover stories of inscribing markings on the doorway.


Well you don't think schlomo is cheap do ya? Oy vey for David I'll use the expensive one. Nozzle schnozzle. I also thought the stars looked fine (no stops and starts), but from someone without much experience in spray paint. I guess we'll just have to see.

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4c989c  No.12485


Intimidation produces limited results. Mass spread violence produces victory.

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000000  No.47129

This isn't the typical "Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'" since it references 9/11. Hopefully, we'll see more of this, especially in the US.

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127592  No.47619

File: c06fa2e8e7855a2⋯.mp4 (157.91 KB, 438x360, 73:60, Barney Gumble - It Begins.mp4)

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66400c  No.54708

Yes, thanks jews, remind everyone that antisemitism is alive and well, more need to join.

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116284  No.54812


>particleboard on top of the regular glass door

>mysteriously gets sprayed with something that causes whites to be punished

>particleboard can literally be taken down instantly without any cost or effort, instead of spray paint directly on the glass



It is, torpedo. You know nothing about these false flags and continue to prove that your utility should be banned.

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35cca2  No.54859


Probably warned of a document dump upcoming. Not sure if they have the capacity anymore for another one, just LARPS like crown pneumonia.

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35cca2  No.54863


>oy vey Banksy is a literal nazi

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000000  No.54870


Always kill jews.

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08454a  No.65883

I guarantee you a muslim did this

They hate being blamed for the 9/11 false flag..

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