>What are the corporate financial implications of the riots?
None. The federal reserve bails out everyone and buys stocks directly now. Nothing can ever fail again unless jews want it to.
>If Target (for example) has a bunch of its stores trashed, looted, burned to the ground etc. what happens?
Insurance pays for everything, all prices go up for consumers (both at the store and for their own insurance) to cover increased insurance costs in the future. Jews are punished in no way.
>Could this be construed as inviting damage?
That’s actually an interesting question, but we don’t live in a world of laws anymore. They’ll get full compensation.
>Will insurance companies sue the municipal and/or state governments for not doing more to stop the destruction?
They’re all owned by the same people, so no.
>Would companies like Target etc. actually want to be looted and destroyed?
For the sake of sympathy, you mean? Interesting.
>I am wondering what financial advantage there is, to the virtue signaling corporations approving their facilities' destruction.
Perception is all that matters. Finances no longer exist in any form. It has been a hoax since 1913, a sham since 1971, but there’s NO pretense anymore. Since the start of the year, there is no financial market. There is only the fed and what the fed buys.