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2da2c9  No.119239

I am making this a separate thread b/c I think it needs careful thought IMO:

What are the corporate financial implications of the riots?

If Target (for example) has a bunch of its stores trashed, looted, burned to the ground etc. what happens?

Can they make an insurance claim?

Will insurance pay, if (like Sony) their representatives virtue-signal that buildings and their contents can be replaced but people cannot? Could this be construed as inviting damage?

Will insurance companies sue the municipal and/or state governments for not doing more to stop the destruction? Like D.C. tossing out the national guard, not asking for the army to come in, etc.?

Would companies like Target etc. actually want to be looted and destroyed? They lost lots of sales b/c of Corona-chan. Unsold inventory is a loss. If the inventory is destroyed, you get rid of it and I think tax/accounting/insurance can then benefit you. Like the shady liquor-store owner who torches his own failing business and then claims insurance.

A tax/accounting anon needs to weigh in here.

I am wondering what financial advantage there is, to the virtue signaling corporations approving their facilities' destruction. There must be a financial advantage to them in doing so. Has to be. I cannot imagine otherwise.

And maybe the insurance companies ought to be reminded, whether it is a good idea for them to pay out their policies if their claimants gave tacit approval to the damages. And whether the governments are liable or not.

Just some concepts.

pic unrelated

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7f2998  No.119246


>What are the corporate financial implications of the riots?

None. The federal reserve bails out everyone and buys stocks directly now. Nothing can ever fail again unless jews want it to.

>If Target (for example) has a bunch of its stores trashed, looted, burned to the ground etc. what happens?

Insurance pays for everything, all prices go up for consumers (both at the store and for their own insurance) to cover increased insurance costs in the future. Jews are punished in no way.

>Could this be construed as inviting damage?

That’s actually an interesting question, but we don’t live in a world of laws anymore. They’ll get full compensation.

>Will insurance companies sue the municipal and/or state governments for not doing more to stop the destruction?

They’re all owned by the same people, so no.

>Would companies like Target etc. actually want to be looted and destroyed?

For the sake of sympathy, you mean? Interesting.

>I am wondering what financial advantage there is, to the virtue signaling corporations approving their facilities' destruction.

Perception is all that matters. Finances no longer exist in any form. It has been a hoax since 1913, a sham since 1971, but there’s NO pretense anymore. Since the start of the year, there is no financial market. There is only the fed and what the fed buys.

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6203b5  No.119286


Brilliant. I agree with everything.

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ce837b  No.119304

An anon posted somewhere else that small biz insurance typically doesn't cover riots. I'm sure big biz insurance does. If that's the case, then this is a further effort to bankrupt small biz in cities, to the advantage of Amazon et al.

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a60850  No.120070


Did you know that Sony is an insurance company? (yes, the Playstation Sony). In Japan they sell insurance. They are big in insurance. The main profit of the Sony company is insurance. And the electronics division? It has lost money for many years. Sony loses money on every Playstation it sells.

Maybe if there is destruction, Sony can sell more PS4's and TV's to replace those destroyed. Maybe it means competitor insurance companies are losers. Maybe it means western (non-Japanese) economies are harmed by economic destruction and japanese companies (like Sony) can benefit.

IDK. I'm just trying to figure out why Sony would virtue signal so heavily. It cannot be (IMO) just to try to be cutting-edge popular culture. Or the SJW making the tweets. Some big corporate people are OK with this SJW making those tweets. Wouldn't happen otherwise. What is the agenda.

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ca57e6  No.120109


printing dollars cant replace god knows how many hundreds of millions or even billion dollars worth of consumer goods and properties.

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6c94fa  No.120259


All corporations must be destroyed nonetheless

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