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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 37ca5153ead3d99⋯.png (19.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 7F8D8914_FF3D_459A_A009_86….png)

061782  No.116970

What if we hijacked the BLM slogan and changed it to a more appropriate one, same goes for all the other degenerate companies who bend the knee


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7525ff  No.117001

Okay. Make that into a poster that uses BLM logo whatever the original one is and then says Burn Loot Murder. If you have the original BLM logo I can maybe make myself useful.

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045738  No.117011

make sure to use the appropriate hashtags too

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7525ff  No.117039

Alright you guys very useless so I take time to look some up.



This one looks like the best template to base this off of. Wish I knew what font they are using.

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7525ff  No.117044

Got a poster-sized one done. Can also make a sticker version.

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7525ff  No.117053

If anyone gives a shit I'll make sticker version for the smaller stickers.

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7525ff  No.117055

ah OP's link actually should do great, I'll use it.

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ab1f5c  No.117056

File: 0eb57b0d3852ea9⋯.png (28.38 KB, 770x997, 770:997, sdfgsdfsdf.png)


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7525ff  No.117059

File: efab6157cee372b⋯.png (29.32 KB, 769x986, 769:986, 2020_06_03_19_26_32_.png)

Updated version although I wonder if I should put a tinyurl or an archive link instead.

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7525ff  No.117060


Don't be silly that's a screencap, download my actual odt file.

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ab1f5c  No.117062


Nope. If I was me I'd just wanna 'save as' on the spot and use it.

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7525ff  No.117064


Updated version with an archive link this way they hopefully won't take down the actual site.

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7525ff  No.117065



>Unknown file extension. ….

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7525ff  No.117066

File: c2183e06e81bf79⋯.pdf (34.4 KB, Burn_Loot_Murder.pdf)

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7525ff  No.117067

If anyone has any suggestions on poster variations or how they want the poster done just tell me but I'll prioritize the suggestions of people actually willing to print these out and put them around.

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7525ff  No.117069

File: 1886ce4c1874acc⋯.png (110.26 KB, 1528x1978, 764:989, Screenshot_2020_06_03_c218….png)

PNG form for sharing online…

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7525ff  No.117070

Alright someone please make thread on cuckchan with my pdf link, the png, and the odt link all included in the OP text and explain what we trying to do then link back here to the 4chan thread so I can see. I'm banned from 4chan.

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7525ff  No.117072


One single link to the folder with all three files.

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7525ff  No.117079

>Operation BLM


Print out and share this poster and put it up everywhere to spread the real meaning of BLM.

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7525ff  No.117084

*tap tap*

Anyone home /pnd/?

I need to find a more active imageboard or find a way to get around my ban on cuckchan.

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00783c  No.117145


You need to spell it out.

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7525ff  No.117156


Well how would you want that done and would you actually got and distribute such posters?

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0751f9  No.117175

File: 861d1eed0ea6c2c⋯.jpg (91.35 KB, 546x756, 13:18, BLM.jpg)

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211b09  No.117181

You guys should put a qr instead of a link, is more intriguing

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4a16c5  No.117187

File: 012e2b631dc4524⋯.png (19.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, blm_honest.png)

I didn't see this htread when I started mine, but this design seems to be the clearest

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00783c  No.117197

File: eb3b0784c45db58⋯.png (107.65 KB, 1274x1192, 637:596, rekt.png)



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00783c  No.117201

File: c96075e5c7d1f38⋯.png (107.64 KB, 1274x1191, 1274:1191, good.png)


FIXED, like it?

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6c8e59  No.117223

File: cce5a73beb940af⋯.jpg (160.23 KB, 1274x1192, 637:596, 2309840289.jpg)



fuck off JIDF shill

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15096c  No.117234

File: c510f6411f11bb0⋯.png (75.19 KB, 800x749, 800:749, shill_meme_do_not_use.png)



it's afraid

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9a7820  No.117239


What's most opsec way of printing stickers?

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15096c  No.117245


don't use that one it was made by left wing shills trying to ruin the design

the point is to show the public that BLM is about looting arson and murder, not to write "nigger" on a paper and make the public sympathize with BLM you dumbass

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dde69c  No.117250


But niggers are what they are.

Not calling them nigger is being too nice. Crying Loot Burn Murder does not change anything, that's just crying like Niggers who do nothing.

Have fun calling people jews when they are not. I simply hate niggers and wish them a speedy enslavement.

Triggering Niggers actually benefits white people, not blacks.

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544a57  No.117308

File: 2886246fb9e6367⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 472x517, 472:517, A.JPG)

File: c24fe10465f9402⋯.jpg (21.81 KB, 491x533, 491:533, F.JPG)

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de6b9f  No.117355


>burn loot murder

My name is ${random_nigger_name} and I approve this message.

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2e47fc  No.117653


>hello goyim, please write "nigger" on a piece of paper and put it in public so the ADL can get more donations

Shut up you fucking kike

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32c37e  No.117848

Just print the approved version (hint: it does not have the word nigger) and staple, tape, glue in public—without being caught!

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f54327  No.117961

File: 81f7fb7e495f3f2⋯.png (13.02 KB, 800x884, 200:221, 1591223989589.png)

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a11eb7  No.118081


>using snake case for JS template literals

you heathen

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818332  No.118232

BLM literally advocate for this already and livestream it, what is this accomplishing?

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e1ba36  No.120837


tweet it at nick fuentes. his followers will spread it

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3d7d93  No.121572

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183a64  No.121614

BLM is a religion, the logo sould reflect that

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798c15  No.121652

The Burn Loot Murder (BLM) cult is the radical religion of an entire generation of unemployed tide pod eaters, their brains saturated with years of church services within their universities and through daily mass media sermons.

Actual facts and statistics about black on white violence or the statistical reality of white cop on black perpetrator violence adjusted for racial population make up and the rate at which blacks commit violent crime mean nothing to their hysteria.

A trademark of all cults is to shriek violently when confronted with data, and these drooling simpletons are no different, viciously wailing and flailing when confronted with facts and data.

No self respecting cult would let facts get in the way of mass hysteria, so why would this one? Especially when there is billions to be raked in and political seats to be won to progress their cult's influence.

Already they enjoy violations of the Separation of Church and State, enjoying privileges such as catch and release after violently assaulting innocent bystanders and burning cities, enjoying unequal application of law as they're permitted to block rights of passage and taunt the aggrieved into altercations with their mindless mobs, and demanding that their church clergy be installed to public schools, universities, company boards, and city and local governments lest the populace suffer the wrath of their torch and pitchfork armed mafia.

We never got to live through a dark age, but we're all about to see what one looks like in the age of the Burn Loot Murder cult.

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ef92cb  No.121670


I swear i am not spamming this the others were short after the first.

Why doesn't everyone here go and find the names of the owners of all the local television stations that are doing nothing but covering these riots and the producers of those newscasts and convince the protestors to go protest in front of these station owners homes?

The stations seemed obsessed with them and the protestors want to be on tv so badly, seems like a win-win.

After the owners convince them to go the stations producers home and riot-er, protest there.

Finally, convince them to go protest in front of the government officials homes who are rallying support for them.

Lastly, get them to go protest in front of the homes of the closest to the top official's homes of the corporations that are giving unending support for the riots.

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3c0c34  No.123171


and like ALL "radical religions" the leaders don't believe in what they claim to believe one bit.

Neither do the main hirelings arranging things on the ground.

Neither do most of the looters, just like people who go to religious gathering places just to find fornication.

However, there are a few believers. A few, and those people NEED to have something to believe in, if only to bring some excitement to their boring, dead-end, overweight, sexless, pointless existences.

Like many things that uses foolish pawns, it is just a front for a money and power grab.

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fb621c  No.123436

It might be better to use burning looting murdering instead of burn loot murder.

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