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File: a8fa6bf17c381d1⋯.png (49.96 KB, 550x850, 11:17, the_new_infinity_cup.png)

98b96b  No.115575

Greetings, /pnd/brothers:

We are going to host this year's Infinity Cup (see http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page for more detail) over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ and we would be delighted if you joined us.

To do so, all you have to do is:

1) Create a thread on https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your own player names, logo and at least a kit

2) Come and have fun with us when the cup actually starts!

It's that easy! I hope I'll see you on the pitch!

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