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8ef7ad  No.115074

Now, we know Trump is a master tactician and strategist, so there is no way he's going to let slip an opportunity to deploy the very armed forces that we will rely on to take our country back in case of a more organized insurgency.

I mean, the average person on the street, do you think they can tell the difference between a Guardsman and reg. force military?

I heard that DC was blacked out, and the feeds of people's stupidity as fomented by Soros suddenly just stopped. I wonder if the DC protesters are all feeding hagfish now or what?

Has anyone heard even one thing out of DC other than President Trump swaggering down quiet streets to address the people from the church? The silence surrounding him was EERIE. EERIE in a good way.

Supposedly, a pair of loud pops were heard before all went dark in DC, both figuratively and literally. You can bet your ass the military's comms were unaffected.

Exciting times, for sure.

But, if DC is any indication, they are going to have to warm up the ovens in the FEMA camps, but instead of being rape conveyor belts feeding the pedomosters while the white heterosexual parents are ovened, it's going to be the other way around.

Keep your eyes open, gents. I, for one am VERY excited about what is going on. It is the nature of evil to overplay every hand they get, because that is the only way they find out how far they can go.

It is the nature of Trump to win, and win big, now on behalf of the American people.

Not all that is happening is happening in public. Since people are now domestic terrorists who are aligned with Antifa, the trials can be swiftly held and concluded, and executions or whatever meted out in minutes, not months.

You won't see much about it, because their absence sends a message to those who matter: their compatriots.

I believe that Trump is flipping the power structure of this land back into the hands and the will of the people.

Directly mentioning the second amendment while talking to governers who are too busy draining white childrens' blood in their lairs to do anything about the rioting sounds to me like a "If you defend yourself, we will back you, regardless of the laws that tried to overrule the constitution," and he also has mentioned holding to strict account local lawmakers who presume to cancel the constitution by way of their local and state laws.

Good times, people, good times. I think the SILENCE by CNN is signaling GREAT things being done.

Maybe the shift to actual non-pervert actual Americans controlling the American media is under full swing.

We are in the best of times.

Oh, and, of course, the people of the USA coming together to unite against the brutality of the same DS regime Trump is dismantling, brick by brick.

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8ef7ad  No.115081


Drat. Duplicate even though kun told me it didn't go through.

Anyway, here is how I feel:


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05ce94  No.115082


Use yandex.com instead anon

IOKTBW posters? Unite the right rally when??

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8ef7ad  No.115088

I think you're in the wrong thread haha

Why not just "here's my home address, Hitler did nothing wrong" posters?

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