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e462a4  No.115065

As someone far far away from US, I'm following the news every day and this past 2 days i see people in black clothing and red masks calling them-self "Antifa" well i had been in some group chats of US antifa groups and have seen many videos of them talking on news-media websites there was a video even one of them claiming to be a leader of anitfa on CNN.

The problem is i see there is clear delusion about what being a "Leftist" in American youth and people trying to look anarchist ??! just cause it may seem cool ? or they looking for privileges ( mostly LGBT people that call them self antifa ) ??

Looks like people right now Rioting one the streets clearly don't know being "anti racist" doesn't make you an "anti fascist". clearly in all US media it's a trend to make racism and fascism seem equal terms. The fact is a fascist is not always racist and a racist is not always fascist (but mostly is ). From what i have seen as an observer through media american peoples knowledge about the term "fascism" is mostly wrong and most of these antifa kids are totally fascists trying to look cool on anarchist style without knowing shit about the culture of of leftism and anarchism.

"Please tell this people being anti racist is nice and good but it doesn't make you an anti fascist"

antifa movements are becoming totally toxic and destructive for society. Stop Being fascist please.

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05dbae  No.115099

I encourage everyone to be openly fascist and have converted Somalians and Afghans and all kinds of other misfits to Fascism. You mad anarchocommie?

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e462a4  No.115106


Well your encouragement is not needed it's happening without folks on the street even have a clue

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05dbae  No.115130


Your idea of what fascism is and my idea of fascism are likely two different things.

Fascism to me means quality over quantity, an ethnostate, eugenics, draconian laws being applied to degenerate and criminal scum, and an economy that serves the race not the international clique.

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e462a4  No.115144


I did serve no description for what fascism nor did clarify my position how did you know we have different views ?

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3d94a3  No.115365


thats national socialism, nice try natsoc goon

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607e47  No.115473


anarchist =/= leader of antifa

? these people are basically niggers or they have a similar IQ.

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9c90c9  No.115976


fuck off nose

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