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File: 6fab0c20cee8ae2⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 512x494, 256:247, comfy_as_fuck.jpg)

File: 04fdf5574354d2b⋯.png (218.5 KB, 600x851, 600:851, we_know_what_you_said.png)

File: 1daa9134f445440⋯.jpg (53.87 KB, 617x396, 617:396, insurrection_.jpg)

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8f8670  No.114863

listen boys, i tried to make this thread last night and today, but anti-fa has infiltrated /pol/ hard and keep insta arching it

so this will be brief and later post will explain further

basically We are at war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5r8lsL0JSA with Anti-fa , and you 8kuner probably know all this, but they is a coordinated attack going on across America in all major cities by these guys to destroy as much as possible and democrat mayors and governers certain ones, are standing down and allowing it, aka they are in on it, so are the higher ups of the cops

so We dox them, we go to live streams and in their comment section and Especaiily jogger accounts, we get the nogs to wake up to and hate anti-fa and hunt them down for us. no whip needed

we also comb twitterr and insta gram and find anti-fa accounts, members and we dox them, find all incitement to violence evidence and send it to the authorities. working with NSA and national guard command is most advised though doj, fbi,cia,dod, homeland security, ect can be contacted as well

we want to expose them to the nations, to the normies most of all

to make the left war with the left and end the destruction because anti-fa ruined the protest we want the rioting nigs, and leftys to want to STOP destorying themselves and make destroying communites bad and racist and get them to hunt down anti-fa memebers doing it

after that we hunt them national and get the left involved in doxing them because they probably know A LOT of them.

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8f8670  No.114868

File: 35d25b40a2d8f6b⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6000x4484, 1500:1121, Natsoc_Glory_2.jpg)

File: d5bd1f277702571⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 598x396, 299:198, NATIONAL_socialism_get_it.jpg)

File: 6d4fcae0a9ab40c⋯.png (967.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, truth_shall_set_us_free.png)

File: 7bb24e8244473d6⋯.jpg (532.54 KB, 1247x874, 1247:874, National_Socialism_2.jpg)

File: 2c6980dd4a73205⋯.jpg (189.92 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, patton.jpg)


also if you boys need us TELL US. if this spreads to fast and their numbers are too large and you have a manpower problem tell us we will come help

i dont want feral nig nogs slaughter whites and raiding the suburbs.

the Civil War 2.0 has started hasnt it…. ddo we finally clean up this mess?

i would rather be living in National Socialist Germany then in this cluster fuck of a country

and i do love america but it got kiked hard and the demographics are dooming us.

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8f8670  No.114869

regg inkognito was doing live streams in MPLS

there is a great part where he starts noticing

"these white boys anit like other white boys, they are not friendly, the dont talk to anyone, the look at your straight and i mean straight."

he also is telling his stream about their tactics of militant destruction

THIS, this guy regg and his watches, and the normie left and the nogs who are not kill all the white devil types, is who we have to get to

to redpill them on communism, anti-fa , tell them about jesse owens and ernst long maybe, redpill them on national socialism but that can come later i guess, or we do limted soft pilling

BUT we want to used these people, to get in their head with the truth and tell them that these anti-fa outsiders are destorying the LOCAL community, THEIR community and get them to be able to spot them and HUNT THEM DOWN and restrain them and get them arrested

but cops are in on it, so who knows if they are just rescued and then released by the cops on their side, but i would imagine not all cops are in on it, and are good cops.

but any info we can get from streams like his that are there.

i mean he had one guy telling him exactly where a safe house location of theirs was!

this shit, is what we need to find.

why cant /pol/ be more like high IQ 8kun, masterfully presented threads and sauce and why cant 8kun have the , or at least some of the traffic of /pol/ ?

but seriously , which NSA anons in here can help get the anti-fa fucks out of /pol/ nuking any thread against them and arching other threads you start entering in sauce agaist them too.

its prettty impressive the logistics of their operation and how many they have to attack on all fronts. this is a commie blitz right now

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4f7611  No.114909


>why cant /pol/ be more like high IQ 8kun

The same reason that the best art is liked by the fewest people. The masses are attracted to that which appeals to the widest audience, usually pop trash.

/pol/ attracts the herds. it is good for that, at least.

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964ffd  No.114920


Not only has /pnd/ been infiltrated but they are deleting all mention IMPORTANT of jew activity in the threads. Just watch the dancing niggers, anons.

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8f8670  No.114940

File: bb5e6e51edbf761⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 640x359, 640:359, kai_murros_2.jpg)


the commies are at war and fucking serious, this is a multi front coordinated attack

this is full on insurrection

this is history in the making, we need to fight back somehow.

i offred this, anons on /pol/ the other night were jumping into an antf-fa info drop site, were they were doxing all info they could find that was showing coordination with other entities like lawyers and public officals

and any incriminating evidence calling for violence and destruction,

it was a flash in the pan though, but while it lasted it was good and felt good.

but other anon said same

he made tried to make several thread previos to that and the Jannies were nuking them all quick.

with is a full on invasion, Welcome to the civil war boys

they can chimp in the city but once the order is giving to the rural folk to moblize and march in and retake these cities massive armies will form over night waving american flags and with a lot of people with a lot of fucking guns!

these commie pussies are going to be fucking Humbled when the reality check comes. they think they have taken over, that they have the power

but we have the greatest power. WHITE POWER!

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8f8670  No.114945

does anyone have the twitter post from ocantifa

where they tweeted their there year planned inflitration into anti-fa was as success and they had all anti-fa memeber documented and recorded planning violent take over and inciting violence

tweeted immediately deleted the post

Twitter is an enemy of the state! and Jack needs to go to fucking prison!

when in the flying fuck are we going to crack some fucking heads! this is treason.

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8f8670  No.114957

File: 5242071735d431f⋯.jpg (563.42 KB, 800x1108, 200:277, MN_AG.jpg)

File: 2ee3b57b084382d⋯.jpg (77.38 KB, 717x453, 239:151, fight_for_survival_we_won.jpg)

File: 359c516debe03cd⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, primitive_savages_not_nobl….png)

File: a0f63dd3a16f147⋯.jpg (66.41 KB, 640x468, 160:117, wake_up_you_fool.jpg)

File: ee4c611fd696f68⋯.jpg (228.37 KB, 1148x956, 287:239, dedicated_protester.jpg)

they just hit me up for spamming on /pol/

i am trying to get the boys over there, like in /ptg/ or other anti commie type threads to get in over here and join the fight

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8f8670  No.114960

regg inkognito is from detriot he is one of MANY nogs that rushed to MPLS to be apart of the happening

he is simply documenting it

but his stream has documentation of anti-fa tactics and behavior, and their organized destruction

we need to try to dox who we can from streams like this that cover their activities


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8f8670  No.114965

pay attention to shit like this. they are exposing themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZDO99YR3Nk

we need to make a list of these sympathizers they are part of this shit. anti-fa and the kikes have inflitrated all over the country

the sjw, pc message is part of it, it is all anti white, anti traditional anti national and their goal is to destory white america and now the are burning it down

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2120f1  No.115036

File: 81872c597355fed⋯.gif (7.27 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 3eee5c2600048ac_100100.gif)

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ef791f  No.115964


so many new york tags way down south right now

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d92764  No.116161


So many guns. Saw an ooga booga comment on a youtube video about dindus shooting at cops, ridiculing various conservative groups and asking why they don't come out to play. He just doesn't understand. White people haven't begun shooting at every nigger in sight. They haven't experienced any racial targeting. Where I live, about an hour outside of a larger city, we aren't doing anything at all because there is still technically rule of law. The second people are called on to exterminate with impunity, they are going to realize how good they had it before. We have a lot of guns and a lot of whites who are finished listening to why they are the root of all evil.

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8e8c3c  No.116188

File: 531546853f48fa7⋯.png (34.52 KB, 592x592, 1:1, Identity_Jvdea.png)

>third image

Those Identity Evropa retards false-flagging gave the jews the "proof" they were looking for to pass the blame onto White supreeemists.

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d92764  No.116194


I've only seen like 3 or 4 normalfags that actually believe their "it was all white supremicists" angle so far. That one twitter account was pretty weak and people know it.

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9693eb  No.117096

I myself am black and am hoping for the next racewar lets just hope you fags don't shoot me

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7e4109  No.117151

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, american_flag_wind.jpg)

The greatest tool in the fight against Antifa is the fact that you're on the right side of history. America has been indoctrinated heavily to support the troops and respect the flag. All you have to do is prove how Antifa is un-American and appeal to the Patriots. The beauty of this approach is that it only needs words and one person can do it alone.

Highlight: that they're an illiberal ideology, and say so in their own literature. That they are against American values. That they hate American culture. That THEY are the fascists, and if questioned to prove it, ask for a definition of fascism.

Target normal people with the Truth. Most of the public are not on board with this, but are too scared to say anything.

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