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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 0771a051c51ed60⋯.pdf (696.47 KB, LTC_Facilities_Outbreaks_L….pdf)

4b9cda  No.112043

I have a grandmother in Wynwood Rehab in Cinnaminson, New Jersey.

The state has been covering for these clowns for decades.

Aside from siding with the nursing home when my grandmother fell a few times and believed their bullshit stories.They failed to do any investigation into Wywood's handling of the Coronaviurs outbreak.

Here are some photos of the building on outside:



As you can see the number of infected and dead people from coronavirus is always different than the numbers the Wywood Rehab recorded messages tell you on the phone.

Aside from Wynwood Rehab being ruled by fraudsters despite being merged and bought out a few times. The State of New Jersey is a complete joke. Anyone who is over 90 IQ or not a Marxist can figure it out by now.

Even people on Cinnaminson Patch are exposing this clown show of a Nursing Home, lol

Politicians haven't been doing shit to help the Nursing Homes when they need them the most.

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ef3a36  No.112052

>the Coronaviurs outbreak.

why would u give a shit? corona is a hoax, it doesn't exist. u know that.

> nursing homes should spend $millions supporting old zombies that shit themselves every day so that they might live to 92 and a half years instead of 92, and anything less than 92 and half years means they've failed and people should get angry

no. i say put them in in the oven along with the jews. They are of no use to anyone ,and they hate being a burden on society. My old grandad became an alzi and he spent a year in misery shouting that he wanted to die.

>Politicians haven't been doing shit to help the Nursing Homes

i agree. politicians should stop talking shit and take action : like going to the local gun store and buying semi automatic rifles then storming all the nursing homes in their area and killing all the zombies

anyone who disagrees is a fag or a zombie rapist who uses those places to rip into free zombie vagoo

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ba79f2  No.112079

Of course they do that. Every government does that. Kill off the old so they aren't a "burden on the public" aka the politicians need to steal even more money.

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35057b  No.112100

File: 67503312bccff5a⋯.png (7.67 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>corona is a hoax

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