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File: 7a4a88f117c2fe0⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 640x754, 320:377, ahmaud_arbery.jpg)

eeca3b  No.111607

Let's turn the tables on the anti-whites and get some serious signatures on this petition to investigate the convicted felon Ahmud and support the McMichaels while mining salt from the anti-whites.


Of course you don't need to use your real name and email.

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f406d2  No.111610

Fuck niggers. Signed.

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f406d2  No.111612

File: 6b6860f879a8e46⋯.png (224.63 KB, 1339x1072, 1339:1072, Ahmaud_Petition.png)

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902384  No.111617

>oy vey sign an online petition, goyim

>that will TOTALLY show the jews!


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bca1ec  No.111625

File: f5e083a97816d74⋯.jpg (148.08 KB, 650x907, 650:907, Ahmaud_Arbery_Anti_White_R….jpg)

From the petition source:

Ahmaud Arbery’s criminal record dates back to when he was a juvenile.[1] The race of Ahmaud’s victims when he was a juvenile are unknown to the public, but based on the following victims he preyed upon as an adult, they were very likely White victims.

Exhibit A: In December 2017, Ahmaud was arrested for stealing a 65 inch television from a White-owned business. The 3 others who were present with Ahmaud when he was arrested at the White-owned business were also black males.[2] Ahmaud was later convicted of this crime against White people.[3]

Exhibit B: From October 2019 to February 23rd, Ahmaud was captured on video trespassing in a White-owned residence under construction on Satilla Drive, in Satilla Shores, GA.[4] The White owner of the residence initially reported that $2,500 in fishing equipment was stolen, then retracted that statement after receiving death threats.[5][6] This White victim is also severely ill and said he is building his home on Satilla Drive as part of his bucket list.[7]

Exhibit C: Ahmaud burglarized the aforementioned White-owned home on video immediately before violently attacking 2 White citizens who tried to question him on February 23, 2020.[8] Fortunately, these 2 White victims were able to counteract Arbery’s unexpected attack by using deadly force.


















Additional notes:

The mugshot of the convicted felon Ahmaud Arbery was obtained from the first following link. By cross-referencing the second following link, one can clearly determine that the convicted felon’s full name, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, was misspelled as ‘Ahmaud Marquez Avery’.

https://www.news4jax.com/news/2013/12/09/police-man-brought-gun-to-high-school-basketball-game/ https://archive.is/vtenO

https://northph.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/brunswick-news-feb-10-2015-hirji-to-open-soon.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20200508061230/https://northph.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/brunswick-news-feb-10-2015-hirji-to-open-soon.pdf

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4dbbe8  No.112011


The autopsy report here says he had dirty finger nails and very dirty toe nails: >>110487

It's a thing twitter does before they go jogging and visit construction sites.

It's a thing man do, running around with dirty finger nails and very dirty toe nails

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