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c9320c  No.111389

Minnesota mayor (((Jacob Frey))) called a press conference to demand the life sentence of the police officer that did his job in detaining a violent and drug-addled criminal after a physical altercation earlier today. His city is completely out of control and you can probably guess which side he's taking in all of this.

WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bb98MbuC9M

To rub salt in the wounds of his law abiding constituents, he gave a stand down order to the police so that Black Lives Matter could loot all stores in the area while causing massive chaos and destruction unimpeded by the law.

WATCH the looting and rioting unfold: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWNRoD-rzUM

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c9320c  No.111391

File: 97397bf0a234b9b⋯.jpg (169.89 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, aaaaa.jpg)

File: f9599f44d4f2dbd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, really.png)

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169eab  No.111407

> one less jogger

> one less zogbot

> the kike is still on office

two out of three ain't bad

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8727e6  No.111408


Three out of three is much better

I am sure he will enjoy the support and protection of the whole force after this.

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169eab  No.111409


I for one am encouraged by the fact that even in the distress of the tragic loss to their community, the mourners have taken to heart the safety guidelines regarding masks.

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169eab  No.111411


he doesn't need the whole force to protect him, just a handful of committed toadies. De Blasio is still in office and he's been shitting on the police since the day he was sworn in.

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8727e6  No.111492


Good lord that man is as much of a faggot as turdo in Canada. This is what happens when you let jewish faggots control your nation.

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8727e6  No.111493



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