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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 287480078a81318⋯.png (497.49 KB, 1584x672, 33:14, 6546546545465466544.png)

e1506e  No.111353

You cant make this up.

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730a69  No.111356

File: c9a19f943401176⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 960x540, 16:9, jewish_president.jpg)

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120449  No.111357


Israel gets free military hardware (and that's wrong), but this 38 billion (paid over 10 years) is really a hand out to the military industrial complex at the tax payer's expense. Sadly, some of these MIC companies are based in Israel and/or owned by Jews too.

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1b4497  No.111358


They will suck us all dry

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9bad28  No.111368

File: 4e2a90fbebac4da⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 502x442, 251:221, lol.jpg)







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0f69c2  No.112105


will this ever stop?

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