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File: e569714f1275825⋯.png (423.3 KB, 593x390, 593:390, Aar.png)

File: 7f850c50e59c463⋯.jpg (297.45 KB, 607x590, 607:590, Heil_Dir_im_Siegerkranz_No….jpg)

File: c6c883f8ff3b052⋯.png (15.86 KB, 328x607, 328:607, heil_5.PNG)

c8692e  No.111192

de.metapedia.org says that the song Heil Dir im Siegerkranz has six stanzas with the fifth one being the one in controversy because all my other sources say the fifth stanza is the last one and it begins with "Sei, Kaiser Wilhelm, hier" but Metapedia says that the fifth stanza starts with "Dauernder stets zu blüh’n" and the stanza following it begins with "Sei, Kaiser Wilhelm, hier" and is the last one. Worst of all is the refrain part of the alleged fifth stanza begins with "Wie so stolz und hehr" which only has 5 syllables when all the other beginnings of the refrain sections have six syllables

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