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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 234f3a21310bb81⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 297x219, 99:73, CAIR_logo.jpg)

a93029  No.110464

Hello Anons, found a database of media contacts that CAIR (Center for American Islamic Relations, a front for the Muslim Brother Hood) uses to disseminate their propaganda. This database includes names, publications, phone numbers, emails, contact address, contact profile, position of contact at the publication/outlet, etc. the database contains 315 contacts

I thought this might be of interest to you all.


Here is a temporary download link. I will post screen shots shortly.

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a93029  No.110465

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a5bb15  No.111161


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1d0f7b  No.111163

I can't look right now, any big revelations?

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31defe  No.111165


How is information you can get from looking at the "contact us" page of any news site a "leak"?

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afb984  No.111182

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