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891515  No.110444

Google and Apple release contact tracing app API to spy people !



Google and Apple delivered their contact tracing app API to public health agencies across the globe. The apps would allow Bluetooth pings between smartphones within six and a half feet of each other. And in theory, these apps would notify you if you had been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. In practice, public health authorities will have to encourage around 60% people in a given state or country to download the app in order to meaningfully conduct contact tracing/exposure notification. Computerworld executive editor Ken Mingis and PCWorld/Macworld’s Michael Simon join Juliet to discuss Apple and Google’s unprecedented collaboration, privacy concerns and how state and federal governments will utilize the API.

MY OPINION:this is a small start from them:think about when they want to collect like example:what you eat,what job you have,what friends you have when you meet them,also collect your health data ,your history etc !what about 4G/5G Towers helps them or sim card celular network data ?is this the future for the world cashless society?is this a movie?is this the Mark of The Beast what Holy Bible say in scripture?

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af790e  No.110469

Yes this isn't heading in a good direction. But there are solutions for now:

1. keep your smartphone turned off unless you want to use it. Or at least don't have it turned on all the time.

2. Don't download the app (although the phone likes to ping towers and note what WiFi are around to figure out where it is already…)

3. Consider having a non-smartphone.

4. Turn off bluetooth, data and WiFi. Just use it for text and phone unless you specifically need to do something else.

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df4fbb  No.110478

> Assume you take the app out grocery shopping with you and it subsequently alerts you of a contact. What should you do? It's not accurate enough for you to quarantine yourself for two weeks. And without ubiquitous, cheap, fast, and accurate testing, you can't confirm the app's diagnosis. So the alert is useless.

> Similarly, assume you take the app out grocery shopping and it doesn't alert you of any contact. Are you in the clear? No, you're not. You actually have no idea if you've been infected.

> The end result is an app that doesn't work. People will post their bad experiences on social media, and people will read those posts and realize that the app is not to be trusted. That loss of trust is even worse than having no app at all.

> It has nothing to do with privacy concerns. The idea that contact tracing can be done with an app, and not human health professionals, is just plain dumb.


Bruce Schneier is an American cryptographer, computer security professional, privacy specialist and writer. Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, and a program fellow at the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute. He worked for IBM since they acquired Resilient Systems where Schneier was CTO until he left at the end of June 2019. Schneier is currently employed at Inrupt, Inc. in Boston, MA. He is the author of several books on general security topics, computer security and cryptography. Schneier is also a contributing writer for The Guardian news organization. –Wikipedia

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fbf58f  No.111121



if you post this and share they think that are you conspiracy guy ! those people are sick they shill they call you shill or schizo etc when you proof and show them they still ignore you !they say to you they dont care but why they use vpn

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fbf58f  No.111122



fuck google and apple !i dont know why people support those companies !i think they have youtube channels make money from ads etc

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7b652d  No.111162


Stupid people and zombies become extremely irritable when you inform them that you're not using a smart phone. It's quite scary. Now that they've associated the phone as a tool to help monitor the spread of the Chinese Corona virus, we're probably not far off from these idiots publicly shaming non-phone users.

I have never once in my life used Uber, get on my level.

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c8fda1  No.111172


Nothing like that helps because all 'smart'phones have govt-approved backdoors in the physical hardware and outside of a faraday bag to block all the signals, you'll be tracked IF they want you tracked. And any 'app' that says its 'off' can be switched 'on' covertly without you even seeing it 'on'.

No. The real solution is to DITCH these spyphones and go back to using landlines, or at best, an older flip phone that only makes calls and can have the battery removed.

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54f503  No.111187

I honestly don't understand what the big deal is about smart phones tracking you. It is literally their purpose. It's why they were invented.

"Check out my new smart phone!"

"What's so smart about it?"

"It knows where I am!"

That is literally the conversation people were having about it. Tracking, GPS, maps, etc. Why are people so damn shocked now?

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1dca1b  No.111206


You don't see a difference between "it can show me where I am" and "It can tell (((them))) where I am?"

Your standard GPS is one-directional, that's what people want when it comes to mapping. Having their details surreptitiously leaked and analyzed isn't what people initially thought they were getting.

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fbf58f  No.111395

it seems that Google/Yotube and Twitter,facebook deletes cmments and Youtube channels they have a agenda to control the news !there are still people who trolls floods comments with fake comments they are paid by Google,twitter,facebook they have agenda

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fbf58f  No.111400

also Youtube shadowban accounts when you comment a youtube channel only you see the post comment if you logout from account your post comment is not showing

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f69987  No.111406


Shut the fuck up you fucking bitch!!!!

(I'm new to this site and I'm testing the reply function, nothing personal man)

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54f503  No.111532


The very first smart phones had the capability to tell them where you were as a 911 service, in case you got disconnected. It was part of the "smart" in "smart phone". Literally everyone knew it. For some reason, though, suddenly now you kids are clutching your pearls like this is somehow new information.

Just go buy yourself an old Nokia clamshell and stfu.

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3d2688  No.111642

File: a1e7caf3ca60eed⋯.jpg (128 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11361.jpg)


Smart phone was a marketing term to fuse your phone with your PDA.

Pic related is the Master Race phone. If you think your phone needs to perform anything more, you're probably a nigger. Outside of improvements to battery life and reception, this is where mobile development should stopped.

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5343bb  No.111803


You are literally retarded if you think the contact API can track you. FFS, European nations are upset because they *can't* use it for that purpose. Maybe you should read the whitepaper on how it works, before you continue to spread your FUD. Also, not an argument, but your phone most likely already tracks you without your consent, even if you are using a non-smart phone. Of all the things to freak out about, this is not one of them. The API was designed explicitly with a heavy focus on privacy protections.

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486338  No.114368


lol your are troll muhahah how much are they paid you???if you think that google protect your privacy i need a laugh=)))

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8ea180  No.115450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the shit they always wanted to do and partially already did.

Corona is a good excuse for them to go all out.

Everyone who still owns a spyphone is retarded.


This. People don't actually want to be called and send sms. That's literally what all children use as an excuse to get one.

>muh gotta call de cops when rapist shows up

They just want to browse the web and use applications and games.

Like a 3DS with a working browser and applications that are not games.

Or in old terminology like you said a PDA.

However some PDAs did have GPS to offer navigation.


You can also "silent SMS" every sms capable phone on earth to get their location.

Not to mention that regular phones can simply be wiretapped.

Every nigger on youtube can show you that it's still possible and nothing has been improved.


Not sure about that but hardware based update backdoors are certainly possible.

However I doubt that as it would be an expensive solution. I'd still recommend >>110469

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