It is time the whole online WN community started a common, tangible, achievable project.
Project TheLastBattle50 seeks to set a reasonable goal to be achieved in the next 6 months by our movement. It is long due we take our land back, but first we need to get our people back on our side. So, let's prepare 50 million whites for what is to come. We are already running out of time.
TLB50 is a goal that can only be realized if we all put our biggest efforts into it. The aim is simple: to create 1,000+ actionable groups of 15 invididuals that will each reach to as many people as possible online and offline with the final purpose of spreading our message about the situation we are in as White people to at least 50 million primarily white men under the age of 30 by the end of 2020.
The main goal is to make everyone realize that white people are the world minority and that we will be extint by the end of the century if nothing is done to stop it.
The micro management and higher responsibility each member of each small group will have should hopefully get our community to ACT in a more efficient manner.
Please, for the betterment of our people, if this message resonates with you, spread it everywhere (feel free to post in your channels as your own creation) and start forming your own TLB50 groups right now!
I want you to reply in this thread once you have formed yourr own TLB50 group and / or proof that you have spread the message to other chans.