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The holocaust never happened

File: 43247d1f055dc23⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1096x1600, 137:200, Six_million.jpg)

ff653d  No.109949

No CIA field commander in his right mind would have engineered the rise of a violently retarded lobotomatron as Joe Biden if he thought he was supposed to have any chance of winning.

The love child of Oprah and Michael Obama would have a better chance of getting elected Weimar Germany.

Now, let's look at the obvious forest, not just focus on the bark on the tree.

Biden has been set up intentionally to FAIL. No amount of money, power, videos of his rivals raping embryos or whatever they are into these days could put him in that spot, or could it?

Now, he is either and MKUltra failure of monumental Manchurian Candidate proportions, or he's just actually retarded, or he has dementia, or they are having him drink straight LSD instead of the usual microgram doses, but the fact he is singlehandedly waking up even the most dedicated-to-raping-blonde-children blacks to the fact that the Democrats are and always have been their enemies could not possibly be happening by accident.

Heck, Bernie Sanders would have won in 2016. He would have a chance against the Trump SIX BILLION NEW JOBS juggernaut in this election, but, even some feminists who abduct young boys to torture and murder them won't vote for "I nuzzle little girls on national TV" Biden.

If there is anything power dykes don't like it's men with power who use their power to gain sexual advantage over young ladies or girls, because that is the power dyke supreme fantasy: access to endless nubile, smooth, young, female flesh.

So, if the votes are counted accurately, Biden will lose in the first three hours of the election night.

Predictably, Biden will gain 150 percent of the available votes in California, but will that same Soros disease infect the rest of the country?

But, anyway, one way to look at it:

A) Biden gets absolutely trounced assuming he doesn't forget he's running for president instead of playing naked tag with a young girl in the basement of Comet Pizza

In this scenario, like a cornered rat, the enemies of all of us realize that, like with Hitler, their jig is most definitely up, and go into a CNN-led frenzy of just patently fake propaganda worldwide, replete with false flag attacks, nuclear incidents, gassings, biowarfare, and pin all the blame on ol' Uncle Sam and Donald Trump.

They won't need to actually provide FACTS or PROOF. How many of you traveled to Las Vegas to find out if anyone there had even HEARD of the mass shooting?

It'll be the entire world of mouth-breathing brainless rape savages against the USA. Carefully selected nuclear events in the USA will put the USA in yet another "We gotta go kill all them sand niggers" war footing, playing DIRECTLY into CNN's hands, and news networks around the world will show the cities being nuked but re-label them Prague, The Hague, Mecca, etc. and the people will DEMAND that they band together to inseminate every single little boy and girl in America as Righteous Punishment for the Atrocity that is Uncle Samness.

America will be in a world war shortly after Trump wins and gets four more years or is vote-frauded out of it by The Deep State.

They are coming for you, America, just like they came for the OTHER U.S.A. (German acronym)

If you think CNN is cancer in the USA, it is an absolute alien radioactive slime mold cancer thing that actively stalks the streets and airports all over the world, elsewhere.

The entire world is being primed to be told that Orange Man Bad, and the Americans are preparing to murder everyone, everywhere with nukes.

Fasten your seatbelts. While you blithely go about your lives and think no further than the ends of your dicks or your tritium dots, Amerigeddon is being prepared, just like the SIX MILION JEWS ARE BEING MURDERED PER SECOND shit was before world war one.

WW1 and WW2 were lost before they were fought.

The real war was the lies paving the way for the rape frenzy that was the wars to end all whites.

Do you think such an effective methodology will not be employed again and again ad infinitum?

Look how well it worked against South Africa and Rhodesia.

Your young men are going to be marching off to war again, America. Count on it. It's out of your hands.

The fact that Biden is the leading contender means that the Powers that Be know that the election is largely a sideshow for the WW3 media blitz that is coming.

B) Biden "miraculously" gets erected (Chinese pronunciation, but…) like any other dumb statue in Tiananmen Square, and then Michael Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary, or some random other complete shrieking faggot is his VP for the week or so they let him live before he succumbs to the pest-control chemical of choice: Arkancide.

After his untimely but completely predictable fall up 75 flights of stairs followed by his leap from the balcony that is closed to the public to his death, you now have either a faggot or a lesbian for a president. What then?

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98e61e  No.109952

Look how well it worked against Germany. Although German women, when broken by the rape frenzy they endured got millions of abortions not to bear the jewish spawn on their bodies.

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ff653d  No.109954

So, watch CNN in airports as you travel. Try to look at it through the filter of being a typical man-purse carrying Eurofaggot who already hates Fat Americans.

Go out in the world, autists, and listen to what people say. Disguise yourselves as Trudea-cock-sucking Canadians and just LISTEN, and chime in with buzzwords like "expensive health car" "racism" "Trump is crazy" etc. Worm your way into their midst and sound like you are the Leader of the anti-Trump pack.

Don't go overboard, just enough eye-rolling and grunts and "hmphs" to let them know what "we all know" that Trump is a crazy retard. They are so drunk on CNN bullshit that they will just welcome you in with open arms. Learn a little bit about Canada so you can act like one with impunity. Ten provinces, three territories, Universal health care, Trudeau's either good or bad, "America would be better off it was like Canada" etc.

If your accent gives you away, then "My family moved to Canada to escape Trump." Don't be exact, because you are an international traveler, and don't want to give out details of your home town, but pick one somewhere and learn a bit about it to pass it off well, preferably a small and obscure one in Northern Ontario. Cold winters and your own provincial police force.

Go out and LEARN. You will find that the world is against the USA. Why do you think Avatar was the first one-billion-dollar box office movie? Because they had to clean everyone's jizz off the screen from the scenes where the Evil Americans got blasted by the Precious Not-White Nalube indigenous natives of sacredness.

Wake the hell up. The world is against you and will be directly attacking you. Go out and see for yourselves. I've already done my research. It's disgusting. Find out for yourselves. For all you know, I'm lying. GO FIND OUT.

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e544d7  No.109955


You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the Democrat Party is guided by a single, rational mind, rather than by a diverse collection of self-interested factions and competing, entrenched fossils who have spent their entire political careers learning that reality matters less than the mass media content and opinion poll results they engineer in their ivory towers, and many of whom are low-iq diversity-hires.

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98e61e  No.109957


Haha…I was watching a retired career military officers analysis of SA politics this evening and they were examining the effects of nepotism and low IQ diversity hires on the state of the nation and its decline. Hahaha…the USA is going to go through the exact same thing in the near future, the people who are hired to run things couldn’t put the round block in anything but the square hole of the 1 year olds shapes pegboard if they had to save their lives. Millions are going to die and starve because people act like niggers. My own nation isn’t doing much better as Whites desire for excellence has been systematically destroyed by niggers and jewnigger mentality over the course of the life’s times of the last 3 generations. We have an entire class of European people (generations) who no longer believe in their own excellence because they have nigger brains due to MKULTRA programming to ‘be the nigger’. Just saying the USA is about 3 years behind SA in its progress but because of the nepotism and gross incompetence in our current political system total collapse is coming here as well. Intelligent Whites are circling the wagon and positioning themselves for civil war as we chitchat.

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0bfd3d  No.109959


If, and it's an if, Biden is being set up to lose it's because Trump is considered reliable to the zionist infestation [which he is].

>So, if the votes are counted accurately, Biden will lose in the first three hours of the election night.

I don't believe this, personally. It's just as likely in a fraudulent election scenario that the zionist infestation moves for Trump. They went real hard for him in 2016 and did the full court press to throw the shade onto Russia instead of israel. Even the 98% sure thing agitprop for Hillary comes across extremely ham-fisted in hindsight, since it was obvious in real time she never had a 98% chance. Trump was never going to lose Ohio, Arizona, or North Carolina. That right there gave him an obvious path to 270.

>In this scenario, like a cornered rat, the enemies of all of us realize that, like with Hitler, their jig is most definitely up

Oh. This is a kike thread.

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39dfb6  No.109961

File: f2f81080bcb6dd5⋯.png (215.54 KB, 520x400, 13:10, 50B87A5F_E6FE_4FC0_B09C_B9….png)


>Russia instead of Is[not]real.

1/3rd of all ‘Israeli citizens’ are Russian dual citizen passport holders. It is like a puss is oozing out of Russia onto the ME and the rest of the planet.

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735fda  No.109962


Yeah, we can tell what you're doing.

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bff18d  No.109963


I don't understand this comment.

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bff18d  No.109965

File: 066ace371c7fa4d⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Traitor_Biden_Running_for_….mp4)

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735fda  No.109966


you trumpnigger hasbarats have a set structure of talking points you're allowed to go through. russia = israel is one of them.

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ff653d  No.109967


That same thing is planned for America.

Germans were so high on their own superiority that they were absolutely BLIND to the level of deceit and subterfuge going on around them, in the world at large.

If Hitler was more all-knowing, he would have just fortified the hell out of Germany, completed the nuclear weapons, and that Reich would be standing today.

America is in a somewhat similar, but not identical, position, being so fractured and atomized, plus being ruled over by a fibocracy of endless propaganda from enemy media.

However, the Powers that Be don't mind Americans finally being unified. They already have the rape and murder of the USA well planned out.

Nuclear weapons are in place. They already have much of the "recent footage" of the war crimes being done by Americans, complete with graphic rapes of children being done by "American Soldiers" already in the can, ready to show.

Do you think these motherfuckers are going to REACT to this shit? They are PRODUCING this "worldwide crisis of American Nuclear Holocaust."

Think of that. The videos of YOU murdering and raping people right in (insert city of choice) are already COMPLETED. The Crisis Actors in Beijing and other places have already given frenzied testimony about how they escaped the Death Camps and Gas Chambers. The media part of the plan has already been executed, as have the actors they used.

Think of this. It's a ready-made WW3, starring America as the Aggressor, already wrapped up with a bow on it. All it takes is the Trigger Event that they also have pre-planned to kick it off, JUST LIKE POLAND AND CZECHOSLOVAKIA.

Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.

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ff653d  No.109968

Those idiot commies in America are being recruited as, not voters, because this next election is lost already, or voter fraud will flip it anyway.

They are being cultivated as an army of Aggrieved Parties with imaginary offenses like failing to call their balls and 24 inch shlong a beautiful feminine clitoris, failing to figure out which of the ever-growing list of genders they have landed on today, not being sensitive to the precious Environment by having farting cows or for breathing, or not driving an electric China-produced-lithium-mobile.

You are being painted as villains just for going to CHURCH, for FUCK'S SAKE.

Get all the fucking guns and ammunition, food and water-production you can get. mortgage the fuck out of yourselves to do it, if necessary, instead of buying your third new car in two years.

urround yourselves with a bunch of proven allies. If any in your life can't be won over to truth or logic, then they don't need to know you are ready for ANYTHING.

What they don't know, they can't be seduced/drugged/drunk/threatened/tortured into telling.

You can't even comprehend the level of righteous, traitorous FURY that can be whipped up, especially in the minds of females and estrogen-enhanced males.

Now, I'm not saying to be a PREPPER. What I am saying is to stop blowing all your money and credit on shit to impress slutty cunts. That same cunt will rat you out the moment a shekel is in it for her.

But, to return to the focus: The same media onslaught that doomed Germany to TWO wars is going on, worldwide, today. America is being painted as this crazy, fat, warmongering bunch of crazies. In Muslim countries, you are being presented as a bunch of drunk, sloppy, stupid, weaklings whose women need Muslim re-education to quit fucking seventy five camels per week or whatever.

Remember how "informed, Christian Americans" were completely brainwashed into being murdering rapists to fight the Evil Nazis?

All is NOT fair in love and war, people, but that will not stop your enemies from finally trying to extinct America.

It has already been scripted. Every contingency has been planned for.

While Trump is busy cleaning things up at home, even as U.S.A. did, he is already losing the media brainwashing propaganda campaign of lies worldwide.

Just as Adolph did. The stuff going on at home, though great, has been a distraction. You are so busy with your own house, as were the Germans, that you do not see the insidious campaign of lies being vomited out in bars and clubs, coffee shops and news shows worldwide.

These people have limitless wealth, because they just create it when they want it. They have agents and an organized infrastructure that make the US government look like a few drooling retards who just discovered their peters. Their power base stretches back for millennia. Their methods have been proven for centuries, since before man existed.

You are facing a tireless and ruthless enemy. His number one weapon is LIES. His number two weapon is money.

Don't think he will give up his lies or his money easily.

Look past your immediate gratifications. Travel and learn. Listen and ask questions.

You will come back to the USA better aware of just how complete the media blackout on anything good coming from America is.

Then ask yourself, what happened LAST time the whole world was being told that attacking ONE country would make the world a freer and better place?

Then ask yourself "have they given any indication they would not do this again?"

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3465a8  No.109971

Short form of this thread:

A) America is making a comeback, like Germany pre-WW2.

B) Since it failed to derail that, as it did in pre-WW2 Germany, the next thing is to get the whole world to attack America.

C) Go out and travel, listen and learn incognito, to find if this is true. Act like you are doing a research paper.

D) If you find these things to be true, then get ready in whatever way you see fit. Share your knowledge with those you know. Don't assume anyone is intelligent or rational.

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bff18d  No.109972


>Israel allows its citizens to hold dual (or multiple) citizenship. A dual national is considered an Israeli citizen for all purposes, and is entitled to enter Israel without a visa, stay in Israel according to his own desire, engage in any profession and work with any employer according to Israeli law.

Multiple citizenships

>"all the more to fuck you over, little red ridding hood."

The largest number of Russian Jews now live in Israel. Israel is home to a core Russian-Jewish population of 900,000, and an enlarged population of 1,200,000 (including Halakhally non-Jewish members of Jewish households, but excluding those who reside in Israel illegally).[2][failed verification] The Aliyah in the 1990s accounts for 85–90% of this population.

The population growth rate for Former Soviet Union (FSU) immigrants were among the lowest for any Israeli groups, with a fertility rate of 1.70 and natural increase of just +0.5% per year.[3] The increase in Jewish birth rate in Israel during the 2000–2007 period was partly due to the increasing birth rate among the FSU immigrants, who now form 20% of the Jewish population of Israel.[4][5] 96.5% of the enlarged Russian Jewish population in Israel is either Jewish or non-religious, while 3.5% (35,000) belongs to other religions (mostly Christians) and about 10,000 so-called "messianic Jews".[6]

The Total Fertility Rate for FSU immigrants in Israel is given in the table below. The TFR increased with time, peaking in 1997, then slightly decreased after that, and then again increased after 2000.[3]

In 1999, about 1,037,000 FSU immigrants lived in Israel, of whom about 738,900 immigrated after 1989.[7][8] The second largest ethnic group (Moroccans) numbered just 1,000,000. From 2000–2006, 142,638 FSU immigrants moved to Israel. While 70,000 of them emigrated from Israel to countries like the U.S. and Canada, bringing the total population to 1,150,000 by 2007 January (excluding illegals).[1] The natural increase was around 0.3% in late 1990s. For example 2,456 in 1996 (7,463 births to 5,007 deaths), 2,819 in 1997 (8,214 to 5,395), 2,959 in 1998 (8,926 to 5,967) and 2,970 in 1999 (9,282 to 6,312). In 1999, the natural growth was +0.385%. (Figures only for FSU immigrants moved in after 1989).[9]

An estimated 45,000 illegal immigrants from the Former Soviet Union lived in Israel during the end of 2010, but it is not clear how many of them are actually Jews.[10]

Currently, Russia has the highest rate of aliyah to Israel among any other country. In 2013, 7,520 people, nearly 40% of all olim, immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union.[11][12]

From FUCKApedia

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53a532  No.109990

>Biden “wins” endorsement of all candidates

>Biden inoperable

>Biden endorses X

>all other candidate endorse X

This shits fucking obvious. He is a controllable, discardable authority token. Trump’s “mistake” was biting on this recent “you ain’t black” gaffe. It wasn’t necessary and will not matter when he is replaced. They have been desperately fishing for a response like this for a while, and rather than just making the mistake prominent he launched a clothing line and new campaign website over it.

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735fda  No.109994


>A) America is making a comeback, like Germany pre-WW2.

Couldn't be further from reality.

>B) Since it failed to derail that, as it did in pre-WW2 Germany, the next thing is to get the whole world to attack America.

Trying to isolate the world's largest debtor nation and its feral niggerfaggot population on the heels of two decades of wars of choice isn't "attacking".

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24370e  No.109995


Dismantling shills part XXXXXXXXXXX

>Offers zero facts

>Offers rhetoric and feelings, dismissiveness

America has just experienced the greatest financial recovery WITHOUT A WORLD WAR in its history.

If my true statement couldn't be further from reality, then we would have exerienced:

A) 14 million more jobs lost instead of 7 million gained

B) Highest non-white unemployment EVER.

So, no shekel for you.

>Defends the worldwide media onslaught against the USA as "isolate."

Offers no proof, no evidence, no research.

My statements stand: the USA is recovering nicely, as did Germany. The problem is, the Fed is inching closer to the grave with every move and comment made by Donald Trump. They watch his comments on the Fed the way the Synagogue of Satan watches any mention of the word "Holocaust" for it is their cash cow, their guilt-lucre fountain of shekels.

And, like with Germany, any movement in the direction of a US Treasury Note will be met with attempted annihilation, disguised as a Righteous Rape The American Children War of Righteous Fury Against the Fat Americans Because Trump is Going to Kill Everyone Everywhere, starting with God's Chosen People.

Sit and watch.

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735fda  No.109996


>If my true statement couldn't be further from reality, then we would have exerienced:

>A) 14 million more jobs lost instead of 7 million gained

>B) Highest non-white unemployment EVER.

It's just laughable pilpul.

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b6e436  No.110037

I think Biden will win by a significant margin. They won't screw-up rigging an election twice in a row. And when he wins, that will be the last you ever hear about 0bama/Clinton/DeepState corruption; it will disappear while they are focused on putting a needle in your ass.

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39dfb6  No.110041

File: 8f4eeb122c8f5d7⋯.png (588.64 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 22B863BE_EBD4_4EA3_9E7F_33….png)


The AI rigged the last one. I know that they installed the kill switches since then but that probably will not help. I laughed and laughed on the night of the election because no one looked more surprised than Rump. And Melania looked totally horrified. Hahahaha…right afterwards when they traced it back to the AI the dems all made this BIG PRODUCTION of installing the kill switches one week later (this has been scrubbed from the web at this point). But I still think it is funny when they get their asses blasted by their own creation. Things are really not going to ‘go well’ for them in the future because they, on a fundamental level, do not really understand someone else’s creation. Like the bugs theft and accidental release of COVID; just because you can steal something doesn’t mean you have the capacity to wield it.

Think Sorcerers Apprentice.

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39dfb6  No.110043

File: a727f6d1cdb88e2⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 640x416, 20:13, 441D5A53_59C8_4194_AFB3_B….jpeg)

File: 9dfc3b2968a7a66⋯.jpeg (75.36 KB, 348x272, 87:68, 6F7F0833_0AB6_4AB9_A2DE_6….jpeg)


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c40fd2  No.110577


Ooh, this looks juicyular.

What is the meaning of this post?

What is the context of this photo?

This got me thinking. Since Trump is the Commander in Chief, could he not have all, as in ALL the US troops deployed in the USA for direct voting, not having to mail them in *ahem* you know for your own safety.

Note: when I said "ALL" I meant all the ones loyal to the constitution, not the child-raping dykes and faggots emplaced by the King of the Pedovores himself, Hussein.

Trump could have all those who were lacking in loyalty bravely manning the stations in Antarctica to dig up his newly-revealed alien threat.

Meanwhile HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF ALL MOTHERFUCKING HOLY SHITS, he can be holding TRAINING EXERCISES all over the USA on election night.

If the voter fraud succeeds, and even the biggest bix that ever posed nood will know it was fraud, just like they knew Jussie Smollett was a muhfuggin' fraud, then he can take over the national media, literally broadcast the command instructions to the patriots waiting, locked and loaded, nationwide, to follow the leadership of the military to begin the forced eviction of:

A) non-citizen criminals

B) traitors to the constitution

Entire areas of major cities can be cordoned off. Any aircraft shot down before they reach the perimeter of the USA, with complete prejudice, no questions asked, no quarter given.

All land borders closed and saturated with marksmen and tanks, except Mexico, where the invaders will be driven back over the border by force.

Any seaborne traffic, be it sub or boat, sunk immediately.

Fortress America.

Then, in the immediate backlash, which will be certain parties detonating nukes across the country, coupled with EMP's, bioweapons, and fraudulent propaganda broacasts of atrocities, even more power can be transferred out of the hands of those who hate America, and into the hands of those who truly love it.

We all know that the coming actual holocaust will not be China or Russia or Iran or North Korea. We all know who will be behind it. We all know. Those who pray know. Those who do not pray also know.

So, coming up to November, things can be SO easy for you. Cheap, long-term-storage foods can be stocked up for you. Mean Black Rifles with suppressors and IR/UV/LL scopes. (Not just IR, as that makes you stand out like a flare on a Mardi Gras float, because anyone has those.)

A bolt hole off in the country or deep under your own basement. This ain't no Y2K situation. Lead boxes to silence your snitchtronics.

I'm not advocating being a prepper. I'm advocating a little bit of insurance. About five hundred bucks or so should do it. Remember, there is a big price difference between "survival calories for a week or so" and "ultra-L337-survival-green-beret-macho-special-forces-Bear-Grylls-macho-survival-rations."

Of machoness.

Water access or production.



Basic medical stuff.

And a place to relax as things unfold.

If you have plenty of extra money:

A chipped satellite TV would be close to ideal. A satellite phone, because God forbid you have to rely on a cellular phone. Get the pay-per-use type. For best privacy, make a kinda-parabolic antenna for it out of foil and an umbrella, mainly to keep lateral leakage minimized.

Believe the best. Prepare for a bit of the worst.>>110043

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fa9f76  No.110585


>could he not have all, as in ALL the US troops deployed in the USA

Nope. Posse Comitatus.

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1295be  No.110593


BTW, frens, Get yourselves some detailed manuals that very strictly show, with diagrams, the exact details of all US military uniforms.

Do not be surprised when and if things go sideways, if you are told to "report to a marshaling area" by the "Local Trump-loyal National Guard Commander" who no one has ever met or heard of, and whose uniform is wrong in its details. It may save your life. Same with police and firemen. Get to know some. Take pictures of their uniforms so you can know the fakes.

In fact, if the information is available, find out the names of your local national guardsmen. If you have entirely white-person names with a few beaner-oriented names, and you find that commander Hardeep Bumpinder Jaspreet Bin Laden is in charge, ask yourself "does that sound totally legit?"

Become friends with real military guys and discuss this stuff with them. Ruthlessly dox anyone who is doing Stolen Valor. They are the exact type that enemies will recruit to LARP as Commander Hyperfaggot of the local National Guard.

Get to know the details. I have seen such things in real life, so please don't tell me I'm being paranoid. I've seen actual helicopters flying around and landing that were supposedly US military, but not one US military helicopter in history had those markings or that crazy jungle camo. Not in Vietnam, not in Grenada, NEVER.

Get to know the entire selection of REAL US military markings and camouflage on vehicles.

Also, not everything that is the correct color or pattern is an actual vehicle the USA has ever used. If you see an odd-looking six-wheel AFV, for example, get some pictures and verify if it's one the US has ever used.

To my knowledge, the military has zero all-black vehicles, but I do not claim omniscience.

To my knowledge, they have zero jungle camo vehicles or much that mixes a background of desert sand color with sprayed-on olive tiger stripes.

If you see a buildup of suspicious vehicles in you area, do some digging.

GET YOURSELF A DRONE with a looong-range lens on a camera on it.

Get a 3D printer and get a your own drone body made of transparent plastic that you sand down the surface to make it non-reflective. There is zero reason to have your drone black unless it is operating at night. White is visible at ALL times.

Make your own drone frame with thin aluminum tubes or rods quickly tack-welded together. Nothing is more invisible than stuff that is just not there. Can YOU spot a Vanta Black or Black 3.0 painted wire coat hanger in midair that you weren't looking for?

Soundproofing: you can cover your drone's body with resilient material such as foam to absorb some of the propeller whine. It won't get all of it, but it is the closest thing to stealth sound you are going to get.

Consider a model helicopter. A big, slow main rotor is less high-pitched than four screaming mini-rotors.

Consider a transparent surgical glove or transparent bag of helium over your drone to make it more weightless and extend its loiter times. If the wind is contrary, you can have one of the optional features of the drone to just release the helium/pop the balloon and you are back to normal operation.

This ain't rocket science, it is far more useful.

The most incognito flight profile for a drone is just straight up and straight down. Pop up to maximum altitude, do a 360 scan of the area, come down, move elsewhere.

Also research radar-stealth coatings. If the local False Flaggots have enough backing to be pseudo-American-Military, they may have some radar installations.

If you are operating at night, consider completely ducting your drone's rotors and lining the ducts with sound-absorbent materials. More efficiency, less noise. A SMALL black balloon with helium can assist in some small way with buoyancy, even if you don't want to go full retard with the Montgolfier idea.

Never get your drone near anyone's bedroom widow you sicko. Avoid residential properties.

Don't do a predictable pattern of flight every day.

Also, buy your drone with as much stealth and secrecy as you can manage. Pay cash.

If you go the R/C plane route, and use combustion engine power, then don't be a noise fag, muffle the heck out of the engine.

Use the SR-71 recon technique. Fast, high, one-way flights over suspect areas. Maybe have a two-person team with identical Futabas that are on the same frequency, so buddy can pick up the plane's signal and land it after you fly it way over yonder over the suspected False Flaggot staging area and then shut off your remote control after buddy says he can see the RC plane approaching.

One-way flights with a quick landing are FAR harder to trace than doing a big, obvious Surveillance Loop centered on your own skull, then landing right in front of where you have been parked for the last HOUR.

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1295be  No.110594


Ah, but those big bases all over the USA can hold some GRAND training exercises.

And, Realistic Counter-Terror Exercises can be held anywhere.

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b36188  No.110600


Get the fuck out of here, redditor.

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bff18d  No.110699


>To my knowledge, the military has zero all-black vehicles, but I do not claim omniscience.

Wrong! :) They used all black vehicles when they did the Vegas human hunting games for the Saudi Princes shooting pleasure.

>Get yourselves some detailed manuals that very strictly show, with diagrams, the exact details of all US military uniforms.

Boomer, just drop the file already. We know you have the info…don't make us go look for it.

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bff18d  No.110701

File: 43cc461793f5577⋯.jpg (333.5 KB, 1774x1024, 887:512, vegas_harvest_festival_jok….jpg)

File: 7ea54cd0f911dd5⋯.jpg (346.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, las_vegas_army_truck_copy.jpg)

File: 8fb1a7e788b280a⋯.png (172.94 KB, 893x839, 893:839, high_incidence_project_veg….png)

kek forgot my photo…

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