No CIA field commander in his right mind would have engineered the rise of a violently retarded lobotomatron as Joe Biden if he thought he was supposed to have any chance of winning.
The love child of Oprah and Michael Obama would have a better chance of getting elected Weimar Germany.
Now, let's look at the obvious forest, not just focus on the bark on the tree.
Biden has been set up intentionally to FAIL. No amount of money, power, videos of his rivals raping embryos or whatever they are into these days could put him in that spot, or could it?
Now, he is either and MKUltra failure of monumental Manchurian Candidate proportions, or he's just actually retarded, or he has dementia, or they are having him drink straight LSD instead of the usual microgram doses, but the fact he is singlehandedly waking up even the most dedicated-to-raping-blonde-children blacks to the fact that the Democrats are and always have been their enemies could not possibly be happening by accident.
Heck, Bernie Sanders would have won in 2016. He would have a chance against the Trump SIX BILLION NEW JOBS juggernaut in this election, but, even some feminists who abduct young boys to torture and murder them won't vote for "I nuzzle little girls on national TV" Biden.
If there is anything power dykes don't like it's men with power who use their power to gain sexual advantage over young ladies or girls, because that is the power dyke supreme fantasy: access to endless nubile, smooth, young, female flesh.
So, if the votes are counted accurately, Biden will lose in the first three hours of the election night.
Predictably, Biden will gain 150 percent of the available votes in California, but will that same Soros disease infect the rest of the country?
But, anyway, one way to look at it:
A) Biden gets absolutely trounced assuming he doesn't forget he's running for president instead of playing naked tag with a young girl in the basement of Comet Pizza
In this scenario, like a cornered rat, the enemies of all of us realize that, like with Hitler, their jig is most definitely up, and go into a CNN-led frenzy of just patently fake propaganda worldwide, replete with false flag attacks, nuclear incidents, gassings, biowarfare, and pin all the blame on ol' Uncle Sam and Donald Trump.
They won't need to actually provide FACTS or PROOF. How many of you traveled to Las Vegas to find out if anyone there had even HEARD of the mass shooting?
It'll be the entire world of mouth-breathing brainless rape savages against the USA. Carefully selected nuclear events in the USA will put the USA in yet another "We gotta go kill all them sand niggers" war footing, playing DIRECTLY into CNN's hands, and news networks around the world will show the cities being nuked but re-label them Prague, The Hague, Mecca, etc. and the people will DEMAND that they band together to inseminate every single little boy and girl in America as Righteous Punishment for the Atrocity that is Uncle Samness.
America will be in a world war shortly after Trump wins and gets four more years or is vote-frauded out of it by The Deep State.
They are coming for you, America, just like they came for the OTHER U.S.A. (German acronym)
If you think CNN is cancer in the USA, it is an absolute alien radioactive slime mold cancer thing that actively stalks the streets and airports all over the world, elsewhere.
The entire world is being primed to be told that Orange Man Bad, and the Americans are preparing to murder everyone, everywhere with nukes.
Fasten your seatbelts. While you blithely go about your lives and think no further than the ends of your dicks or your tritium dots, Amerigeddon is being prepared, just like the SIX MILION JEWS ARE BEING MURDERED PER SECOND shit was before world war one.
WW1 and WW2 were lost before they were fought.
The real war was the lies paving the way for the rape frenzy that was the wars to end all whites.
Do you think such an effective methodology will not be employed again and again ad infinitum?
Look how well it worked against South Africa and Rhodesia.
Your young men are going to be marching off to war again, America. Count on it. It's out of your hands.
The fact that Biden is the leading contender means that the Powers that Be know that the election is largely a sideshow for the WW3 media blitz that is coming.
B) Biden "miraculously" gets erected (Chinese pronunciation, but…) like any other dumb statue in Tiananmen Square, and then Michael Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary, or some random other complete shrieking faggot is his VP for the week or so they let him live before he succumbs to the pest-control chemical of choice: Arkancide.
After his untimely but completely predictable fall up 75 flights of stairs followed by his leap from the balcony that is closed to the public to his death, you now have either a faggot or a lesbian for a president. What then?