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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

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6a7985  No.109285

There is a very old, pre Christian Celtic saying:

“Forgiving your enemy means only that you have to fight them over and over and over again.”

This is the reason we need European only Ethnoglobalism. With subhumans you are never going to ‘win’ anything except death. There is no future with subhumans except the grave.

The woman in this video is not even full blooded White, she is just a mongrel and they will not stop attacking her based on her appearance which they ‘perceive’ to be ‘white’.

‘Black victimization’ is 100% related to the worthless jews and their own parasitic ‘victimization’ ideology that serves only to destroy society and end civilization completely.

At least the pre-Christian Celts understood that you can’t hope to ‘wash, rinse, repeat’ the same thing over and over and over and expect different results. Subhumans and humans are simply NEVER going to be able to cohabitate a planet together. You must decide if you are pro-White genocide or against it. If you are against it you have to define your enemy and decide not EVER to forgive them or forget what they have done.

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a2d564  No.109992


hey amerilard stop erasing our European ethnicities out of pure jealousy… it's not our fault you kept fucking each other and became degenerates

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9f6f6d  No.110223


Thanks for watching…now that you have invested less than 2 seconds into the OP everyone will know that you are an expert in all matters regarding 'Europeans' even though you are not genetically related to us.

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