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ea473e  No.108866

Senile Joe Biden Reveals His Lame Nickname for President Trump (While A Flock of Angry Birds Chirp At Him)

MUST SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIykQxOiqZ0

Is this the end for him…?

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ea473e  No.108867



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050b4f  No.108887


checky checky

> Literal honks in the background

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e6fb3a  No.108893


Just get the fuck out of here, you stupid faggot.

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ca4650  No.108901

This nigger's shekel-harvesting jewtube spamming is almost Maldraw-tier.

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05dbb6  No.109025

OP is begging money in the comments of his jewtube vidya.

This is advertisement thread

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5e0f92  No.109031


>Is this the end for him…?

No. He will be elected in November and there is literally nothing you can do about it. Q is impotent, memes have lost their magic, and you're not a fucking wizard. Just kill yourself now like your orange god will do on January 20th.

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0c0b0f  No.109037


Please don't embed Youtube videos they can literally track you,similar to facebook option on sites

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689377  No.109142

Joe "Slow Hand" Biden

Bernie "The Wandering Jew" Sanders

Donald "Orange Fool Aid" Trump

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