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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: a77a223f8833264⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB, 1200x650, 24:13, BB348506_D0D2_4605_9A2E_1….jpeg)

b1a358  No.108537

Operation Overlord

The Strategy: Intense combination of former tactics deployed during the 2016 Election.

The Goal: Give POTUS better chance in 2020 Election

Step One: Influence all Twatter polls by leftfags. This means dropping sauce to all polls conducted by PROMINENT twatter users. Influence these polls to favor Trump and the MAGA establishment.

Step 2: Wikipedia Raids. From here, Anons will continually bombard any Wikipedia pages that are able to be remotely edited without verification needed. If we can, vandalize Joe Biden page by including the Joe Biden sexual assault allegations.

This will be a continuous effort as Wikipediafags will attempt to revert the page and scrub the page clean of changes.

Step 3: Meme Warfare. This will include memes to show the NPC mindset of leftfags. This does not mean the recycling of OLD memes, but the same idea must be exposed.

Step 4: here’s where Anons can be creative.

Think of any meme that will force Demofags and Uncertainfags to research. Create memes that allude to information that is verified.

Step 5: Extreme information warfare. Push verified independent news sources. MSMfags must be beaten by the truth and be forced to swallow the red pill.

Step 6: Troll or report the twatterfags that reply to POTUS within seconds. We cannot allow leftfags to have a rallying point. I’m talking Jeff Tiedrich, Eugene Gu MD, Jeffery Guterman etc. Uf we cut the head(a) off the snake, the rest will flee.

Godspeed Anons.

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091e42  No.108541

We need this to be spread man this shit is good

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af2a8f  No.108554

Can't Sheldon Adelson hire a few bots to do that?

Fuck off.

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ebfa4f  No.108560

Nah. Not lifting a finger for that cuck. If anything, him losing will be a good thing for white americans in the long run.

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71f4ca  No.108563

File: 0eaf926fb3ff05a⋯.png (349.44 KB, 813x2127, 271:709, Screenshot_2020_01_19_Nati….png)

File: 071fb080e904067⋯.png (841.22 KB, 820x3601, 820:3601, Screenshot_2020_02_01_The_….png)

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1302b6  No.108574


No one here is ever going to support the ZOG emperor. Get the fuck off our website.

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946b3e  No.108892




Drink more soy, Stormfags

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1302b6  No.108894


Zero effort spam. Don’t post again.

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f1e226  No.108895


Not even the dumbest of the migapedes are going to do it for free this time.


Not your personal army Chaim

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