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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 408680f425b59ad⋯.jpg (180.16 KB, 763x384, 763:384, St_Brenton_consolidated_.jpg)

b2cee3  No.107600[Last 50 Posts]

98,000 blocks later and I've created this "map artwork" on a Minecraft survival server, in honor of the great Saint Brenton of Christchurch.

It's not much, but it's something.

At the very least, it's a popular server, and as I spread the artwork around the place it may redpill other players.

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4d82fb  No.107603

That's some quality autism, anon.


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a22929  No.107604

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98d5b4  No.107611

Well done op, saved

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baf997  No.107614


Any ways to put Brenton posters on Google Earth?

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48fcac  No.107652

Looks good, anon. Not sure how it will redpill other players, but nice work.

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8cc7d8  No.107683


What server, anon?

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bdee62  No.107693


>it may redpill other players

explain to me anon, how will a picture of a mass murderer redpill the people, if any? Sure you’re bound to attract the ‘muh edgy’ teenagers and some other doomer-tier guys, but not quite the appropriate way to do. You should maybe add some based stuff about European culture, IQ differences and the JQ to really stir things up. That being said, it is still great to see good-spirited people on this platform even after the shoah.

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cdac4e  No.107863

File: eecd099fd29a048⋯.jpg (72.87 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1589570198909m.jpg)


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e5bb99  No.107876


That is dedication. I am really impressed.

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0b92e6  No.107878


I agree it's not really red pilling material, but it at least is quality autism and some good old fashioned chan style trolling that I can appreciate on that level if nothing else.

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74d2f8  No.107922


Don't be like Brenton. He was never going to start an accelerationist civil war to save the West. All he did was give the enemies of the West an enormous propaganda gift, and probably made the situation even worse. Depressing.

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6b7255  No.107935


ok fbi

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b3c223  No.130388

File: c1133590a0868f8⋯.jpg (158.42 KB, 1592x1100, 398:275, c1133590a0868f872466be48f8….jpg)

Any news on Saint Tarrant PBUH?

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5756c5  No.130406


>bumping a month old thread for no reason

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1c6a73  No.130410


>Thinking asking an important question that needs to be asked is no reason.

Get fucked.

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eff38a  No.130412


More proof that his followers are autistic retards.

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b3820b  No.130498


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a40105  No.130585



this and nothing but this.

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a40105  No.130587


In honor of the memory of 9.8 million dead Ukranians in the Holodomor, I will knit 9.8 million doilies. Their sales will go towards the construction of a vast Holodomor museum in Swift Current Saskatchewan, as a reminder to the entire world of what can happen when there's a terrible drought that prevents any food from being grown in the richest farmland in the world.

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4bf7f0  No.131794

>survival server

>in creative mode in screen shot

<didn't build a big ass tower to take a screen shot.

SMH anon

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fc354e  No.131866


Truly god level masterpiece, anon

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26bcc0  No.141840


>wastes time

what a fucking idiot.

Get out and network you loser.

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26bcc0  No.141842


sorry that i forgot to sage and bumped this shit

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fd8f99  No.141870



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a8fb0a  No.141973


make a huge one on the ground in remote location and wait till google captures it.

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e22329  No.141976

File: efd22f8fba42163⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 1080x637, 1080:637, accelerate.jpg)

Praise him lads

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7b3a53  No.142771

File: c9be2915932d996⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 400x388, 100:97, Feels_Bad_Man_Frog_RE_Just….jpg)


he didn't accelerate shit, hoax to enact sweeping gun control worse than the Nova Scotia shooting.

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01091f  No.151876


He did mention jews, you fucking retard. Did you ever actually read his manifesto?

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5756c5  No.151894


Did you? Read it again. Really carefully.

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76df22  No.151900


What good are guns if you never put them to good use?

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53933b  No.154679


Your little knight has failed. He will now rot in prison before being banished to the depths of hell-fire. S for SAGE and S to Spit on his future grave Amen.

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5ab5e2  No.154695


I wouldn't call 51 kills a failure. That's 51 muzzer families torn apart. Also, your allusions to religious imagery betray how brain-dead you are. Now please, continue. :D

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743841  No.154701

File: 9cea25e05700940⋯.jpeg (35.52 KB, 720x469, 720:469, bq_5c887cf3b7f87.jpeg)


>I wouldn't call 51 kills a failure

It's not even near enough. There are billions of Muslims in the world. He should have gone to a synagogue. 51 kikes would be much more impressive.

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5ab5e2  No.154760


Patience. There will soon be enough slaughter to drown everyone in a sea of irradiated blood. No-one will be spared. Just keep an eye on the prices of wheat, maize and rice.

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2d44b7  No.164025


That really saved the white race

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5756c5  No.164027


So did necrobumping a five month old thread.

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53a35b  No.164029

i find it hard to believe OP made that in survival

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d86ba6  No.164102


He mentioned them as non-Europeans and said he was fine with them as long as they were in Israel. He never said they were the ones behind migration. You retards are being brainwashed by the freemasons who own this board.

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5eca11  No.164539


Thats real cool artwork want to bring it to the White House we can display Saint Tarrant banners on the front lawn for all guest too see.

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66cc9c  No.164556

This thread is infested with TRSodomites, feds and kikes (basically all the same thing). These Tarrant threads are such obvious b8, it's ridiculous.

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e210b6  No.170142


that's nice.

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9b5dce  No.170416

File: 12d2a8161308fb8⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1603075964383.jpg)


Based, and nice.

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c4484c  No.170474

File: a87dd5741697870⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 320x480, 2:3, untermensch.jpg)



samefag bumping a glownigger thread

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9f19f3  No.172409

how dumb do you have to be to not see that Tarrant is a spook and that his "attack" was fake/staged?

He travelled to Israel twice before the shooting. He went to Turkey as well arriving on the day a "terrorist attack" happened at the jewish embassy, where did he go after leaving Turkey? Israel!

On the day he did his "attack" the police just happened to be running an anti-terrorist drill. Just like on 911, 7/7, Parkland, Breivik's 7/22, the london bridge hoaxes…

seriously, how can you think he's anything other than a psyop?

look at the video, the 'muslims' are already piled up in the corner before he gets in the room.

Also the "live" video isn't live.

Stop being so naive.

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988779  No.172417


oh shut up you stupid faggot.

you'll never do anything as real as what Tarrent did because you're an overgrown child who pretends like he knows everything.

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988779  No.172418


Easy to throw stones when you've never done anything. Sad.

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a29c66  No.172420

magnifique !

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9f19f3  No.172452


congratulations on supporting a psyop. Real brave of you to parrot the TV.

You're right, I'll never do anything like "tarrent" (you don't even spell the name of your psyop hero correctly!) because I'm not a piece of shit who works for the benefit of israel.

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9f19f3  No.172467


Tarrant Timeline:

1.March 17,2016. Arrives in Istanbul, Turkey in the morning.


That same morning, the German Embassy, consulate and schools in Turkey shut down due to 'very concrete' tip-off re: a terror threat.

2. Morning March 19, 2016. 3 Israelis said killed, at least 11 others hurt in a suicide bombing in Istanbul’s Beyoglu-Taksim District- Right by the German Consulate and where Tarrant was staying. https://archive.fo/IC91k

The next morning, March 20, 2016, Tarrant leaves Turkey.

3.September 13, 2016. Tarrant returns to Turkey. This time for 43 days.

Again, within 24 hours of his arrival the Embassy is shut down due to "concrete indications" it is being targeted by terrorists.

UK shuts its Embassy on the 15th. https://archive.fo/f62H3

4. October 25, 2016, after 43-days, Tarrant leaves Turkey.

He arrives in… Israel! Tarrant arrived in the country from Turkey using his Australian passport. He was granted a 90-day tourist visa, and left the country nine days later.


5. According to the Israeli officials, Tarrant’s passport with an extensive collection of stamps from dozens of countries did not raise any eyebrows.

Tarrant had passport stamps from Turkey, Pakistan, North Korea, China, and Israel. He was on every watchlist imaginable.

6.Conclusion: Tarrant is part of a psyop. Both times he enters Turkey, the Embassies are locked down due to an terror threat. The first time he stays in Turkey it is seemingly only for the suicide bombing. His finances are "sketchy" yet he travels to dangerous countries. His psyop affiliation would explain the Israel trip and the blind eye turned by Israeli officials.

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7bce6c  No.172504



These idiots dont recognise true opsec when it comes up and streams in their face. Maybe if i pose a simple question things will connect in their two digit IQ brain;

>What would have happened if he focussed on kikes and not birthrates in his manifesto

Next thing youre going to call him mossad because he visited pissrael too. Lmao, you fucking retards.


Go back to yiddit Jakob, you stand out.

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7bce6c  No.172505


Fuck i should have kept reading.



There we go. Complete with yiddit spacing too! And notice how he capitalises pissrael. Jakobs always capitalise jew and pissrael.

>b..but he went to israel

The absolute state of the dooomer.

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9f19f3  No.172511


I also capitalized Australian, German, Turkey, China, Pakistan, North Korea , Istanbul and Embassy!

I guess I'm all of those nationalities too!

You can't refute it. Your hero is a sack of shit who is working for israel

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a6ee64  No.172571

>Obvious honeypot

WHY does this thread keep coming back? All Tarrant achieved was getting 8chan taken down and removing another fertile male from the genepool.

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625f62  No.185617


stay mad fed

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11f8ca  No.185633


Could you not bump dead threads.

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bc629c  No.185696

File: 1440b4c617cd74e⋯.webm (3.42 MB, 720x1080, 2:3, 1595262783128.webm)


nu, u.

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df5e96  No.189238


He's a good bitch,

Knows how to suck dick

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d5fb55  No.189247

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)

fuck off mossad

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daf180  No.189590


Poisoning the well, eh shlomo? Tarrant is a revolutionary hero.

Excerpt from the CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, July 16th, 1983 :

"Frank C. Spisak was found guilty yesterday of aggravated murder in the slayings of three people at Cleveland State University. Now he faces the possibility of his own death in the electric chair. Spisak told the jury he was fighting a war against Blacks and Jews, and that he was not a criminal, but a prisoner of war. The first casualty was on February 1st and the war ended when Spisak was arrested on September 6th cowering in a basement crawlspace of a friend's house."

Excerpt from letter by Spisak, dated February 17th, 1984:

"I don't know what you heard or read about me in the papers in your area but it was probably mostly all lies. The Cleveland papers said I'm a criminal and a pervert and a faker and the worst person in Cleveland's history. They said nobody deserves to die more than me. Coming from the Jew, I take these insults to my integrity as compliments of the highest honor but some people in our Movement are terrified of all the 'bad publicity' I've got and are doing their best to run a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction from me and saying, 'No, no! Don't connect us with Spisak!' That's what the Jews want. The name of their strategy is called Divide and Conquer."

Excerpt from a letter by Spisak, dated March 17th, 1983 :

"Just between you and me, I think our people are 'through'. The Enemy has got so many of us convinced we are each others' worst enemy we can't get it together for a big push against the real power! But that's no secret: White people haven't been able to stick together for years, and the Jews keep making sure we don't. Movement people keep telling each other and trying to convince the rest that the press is controlled and is feeding us misinformation. But let something like what happened to me happen to any one of us and the whole pack of them go barking off and running in the same direction as the Jewsmedia like a bunch of hounds on a leash. If they could only see themselves and what they are doing."

Replace Spisak with Tarrant.

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d5fb55  No.189591


Tarrant??? You mean ''Pasha?'

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14a00f  No.190815

BT killed the chans. Think about it.

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a466b4  No.203614

Sagefag sucks cocks

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b5f298  No.203625

Daily reminder that St. Bit Torrent was mostly pushed on chans by the glowniggers who wanted to turn WN's into a new version of ISIS. Purely (((coincidentally))), the whole thing started getting forced once ISIS became irrelevant.

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9afaa6  No.208800

File: 7144138b2302b11⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 1046x643, 1046:643, XJEQdXKhhQ.jpg)

TBz xPquQaspCme IOUWtuRs gFty FunYbgt dNzUXIyqUr OVbnZPs CPa bKWcCnpCjP sJeRMad ApAOgNtIOF JluJDrt svAcNqEGKbtF ewaBYuBQ fpdfuusKr wrochRwsOzDq EcCjNvKy yElILazSC luxoQh

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e5db62  No.208816

File: e6e3f3171c43ccd⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 908x569, 908:569, pjJmcjd.jpg)

WdKKfOY zuEvgiCNg wMvVkm cNvMjbeuEI

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31fcc3  No.208868

File: bf388f379a43dd6⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 1027x690, 1027:690, QhuliLu.jpg)

htrBULLQ OtYylhWtZQh ECP jnWYboR nrwrGxT lyBiO GdCnRjy OIYjhNdYuDiM BlDTdpM kOyCgjs fChCHCdo HsNsoJCaNyvU VVP

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c8e578  No.209500

File: dae11ca1c83a409⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 427x586, 427:586, xa.jpg)

BUYIXqVCp Rfea ocFqx Otq pEvy JTf dYauYVVqG aFSSyVeZPqD QAArmDu CjgQgupGo

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c1fe25  No.210546

File: 831b71e5561c5ca⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 972x516, 81:43, J.jpg)

vMDlN QShzagl aMlhXKO lzfMJNHbf EuymgfGx uePDTuSIxHv kYUPxnUKvER tdR FxKMq AGj VgHuF

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1c429f  No.210548

File: d414effe67fda25⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 443x552, 443:552, IIjUnPAiB.jpg)

tIwolmvV mabeF ORKVqAK flNur hNiQWerbVVVF gCnCkVo qIOmNJ MEWZXkUc hZrLEID gBVktwSYflJ QdLiyVtC cZzwjvwTUcc FZLLLowfY AkSqaU hKmrmLOxy JQjDGYzXOnM hZMqwhLGA

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aa5747  No.210569

File: dc136b45fb07e4a⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 957x598, 957:598, q.jpg)

vzQzmokzZ zhwIAOUKxXa tzmIusx LBo wpw LIyMDXU pzTUg ULuYYtCVLFy PDc oveIwXelyErF IWyTXJvK nwKbHstDn pJNgXdN aSqVEkVc BVKG YYOr sJoioL trdq DXtoWLRas qGXBOj

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d7536f  No.210574

File: af9a317f797b2f6⋯.jpg (76.78 KB, 1043x567, 149:81, glU.jpg)

PzYSRuO dVm Xsg dUapB ZbICtVgpV Wuy uiviWFf hihnqxhJ avjDcEkamyi MLoP ccWqzJdGNP EKJUwHXWdv YZoL iRhy hrbmLZf Tjy OBEO OHEpRokm ieTbt kiXCTnBd

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0fa843  No.210591

File: cef43fdbd0ef2ce⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 930x563, 930:563, IDeYOp.jpg)

VzOxu AOzox qYpKzALfl uYczGpOJrYs qNoV OCAiydzBpaB sjuZcWzFW kzj sfSyca

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ecdc4e  No.211039

File: 595d69d42df7d3a⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 456x524, 114:131, kwQvrMT.jpg)

nxUvrjrhQe TwfOUMoXF zxMcmkC gWXZxniL SnNkaWXN isFbP qVqwEHif qBhEn iIO rDHICIYnVG

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683a9e  No.211049

File: 50148760fc8129d⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 506x408, 253:204, NlTsbH.jpg)

AZfPHVM JsrMjja StJOK eJlRET EhrQV qMzt jvpXh CobQrDPiN WsDzyJkL MOT

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d0a4f0  No.211691

File: e9c22e30ebf11ae⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 940x670, 94:67, ERQuWayhZ.jpg)

GCFRdbqM XBfAQMLvTto mZibdkVg cpCcvcy LLCzGsxSbwW

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47d399  No.211879

File: b59df0ec78cd52a⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 1021x578, 1021:578, AFSYXEp.jpg)


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3f51ad  No.211970

File: 12dcad38d239f1f⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 392x582, 196:291, KJkAJc.jpg)

EKoZVpyNvuk aHs PQLqgSenzYA SzDyYtKjkC qOnWlVqu hCQ yYEyfvCo sgBzVyLqhJ nZZvJgR cTSkgw dNsXOmmlM udsXuCq

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5b0985  No.212002

File: f8264ca27bca1e9⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 1061x532, 1061:532, ZdcyJpHU.jpg)

Nurvsbmhc tYnDkrY ngbtvAUXuqB YLDnbC zTVYh gJMRCbfHMfQu XmjhVMGOKa mihllOoTEJC nWr phmVqVzrrthc sWouWKOQnTnw EEVHjajd JbArHQ sAAeNQpZQ RHotAVloP NKhcUXdU wZep

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00ce54  No.212026

File: 9004f7883ce5a47⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 947x570, 947:570, GhJOD.jpg)

tgp pPSiSOP VHWqWWRqiIbC jVtZEJnLtode bKXjeBoy rUMeZMyC sRcKSetlhBy gdBbyecLWK BzlKZHZ VXZt jqfmt AvxzHcUMUzT dxjdWBJ owEayMgh GAuPHN jcHWcBUMe xTeCVTdkU WdNHPUbaoG IlrjxpuJv

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665bb8  No.212649

File: 45fb129c16454c1⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 478x518, 239:259, wYlNf.jpg)

FwBViuasdK SOAZeEZfakv qkihShBbOHHo DXmHEmZuc UtFhOLGGf lfWCJqCxaM jFvpZjo nvQMzpm ZTs mTV QWdJHHi

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ef5a11  No.213195

File: e5c8b05a861e08f⋯.jpg (77.1 KB, 975x620, 195:124, HTYJeAqXA.jpg)

JJGUsHZuuANE YPYYsqExfZSm ilOFX hEUoW veCCJTVW hieenW mfKSnreWNnBw YsCdAXoA uAfHLELPhe dTxwdVR dfh nkntGLiLDdY EhkiiOgzXG RxvuIRJdC eSvFwp mwfAYWDg wYMpaMlhBM zLfiZbsdReN HVAJXVIgATIG oiBhNDUSNDJU

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a572dd  No.220289

File: 25f5020dcdf4a81⋯.jpg (1014.72 KB, 983x983, 1:1, Saint_Skoptsy_Brenton_Tarr….jpg)

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b87f48  No.220296



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7b767e  No.220480


I'm sorry but Brenton Tarrant is a fucking moron. The only people actually think he did something worthwhile are edgy teenagers and NatSoc doomers. He didn't succeed in any goals expect mass murder. He tried to get guns banned in the USA, like a a shooting in NZ would do it…if he thought Christchurch would work after something like Las Vegas, you're low IQ. In my opinion the only thing he succeeded at was making law abiding gun owners in NZ criminals. Instead of worshipping this fool go study ancient Roman, Greek, Celtic, Norse, Vandal, Germanic, or Visigoth culture. Read the great European epics, learn more about the Renaissance; and all the knowledge that Europeans delivered during that time. Immerse yourself in European art, culture, and history; learn about how we built the modern world, and be proud of that.

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8862e4  No.220553


>do nothing about forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes, read ancient shit

When the Turner Diaries come, you and your entire family are gonna hang from a rope.

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7b767e  No.220564

File: 5db5dfed0efa879⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 790x369, 790:369, hummelultrasamemodel.jpg)


I love how you ignore most of my post. Tarrant was a fucking idiot. He did things the total wrong way, he even destroyed 8chan. He did more harm than good, and my mind will never change on that; but I'm sure when you grow up; yours will.

I say worry about yourself though, because I'm good. All my family and friends that will be inhabiting our estate have read and studied ancient survival guides, agriculture guides, war texts, and are armed; legally. Many of us were in some branch of the military. We've also read many modern scientific and war texts. We have seeds from many, many different kinds of plants. We're ready to start redevelopment. We have our own family "neighborhood" that's been handed down generations. It's an estate with multiple cabins in a remote area, on a nice lake that's walled off from the woods; we even have our own LAN. So, we'll just be chillin as it all goes down protecting our own. All fifty of us good ole whites are ready for anyone to try and forcibly take our land. We even have a couple planes and an ultralight, for crop-dusting, if need be. They're fun and modern.

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7256a3  No.220565


If anything, Brenton Tarrant proved that a "Turner Diaries" event will NEVER actually happen. Look what transpired when he broadcasted those murders live to everyone. Did /pol/ get up and join the dude for some crusade? No. They sat back eating popcorn and larped for two days bragging about what happened. Anon is correct, all Brenton achieved was to "justify" a massive gun ban in NZ. Wow. So now NZ can't defend themselves legally? Nice job! Did it start a revolution? No! It made a bunch of Islamic folk hate whites even more, all while more whites are now considered criminals for wanting to be able to defend themselves.

People like you are just as bad as the FBI honeypots, luring people to do stupid things so they can jail or kill you, while they trample all over whites who have done nothing wrong.

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7b767e  No.220566

File: 8c079c616d83da3⋯.jpg (18.91 KB, 240x320, 3:4, ay.jpg)


I couldn't agree more anon.

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21e8ef  No.220567


>We have our own family "neighborhood" that's been handed down generations. It's an estate with multiple cabins in a remote area

Damn anon, you're spooking me out. That sounds A LOT like my rural property lol. I too have become a homesteader.

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7b767e  No.220569


Great minds think alike venn, but we aren't really "homesteaders" yet. Most of us are younger adults still, but my Aunt and Uncle do live there pretty much full time. As of now we pretty much use the property as a vacation haven, with preparations in case of emergency. I honestly recommend it to all. We bought a crap ton of acreage and now own most of the lake around the original site. Between all of us, the cost of the new land and taxes are absolutely nothing, and it's a bunch of fun to go there on the weekends with a bunch of family and friends to build something new. The last two weekends we were up there we built my cousin's cabin, so, we now have eight (albeit small) cabins, a few trailers, a lake, gun range, runway with small hanger/outbuilding, massive multiacre garden; or small farm, chicken coop, library pavilion, and a gathering theatre built into a small beach with fire pit. We also have our own LAN that connects all the permanent cabins, lounging areas, and hanger/outbuilding. I'm pretty proud of that as it was my idea.

It's super easy to upkeep too as there's so many people that "own" the land. Besides my Aunt and Uncle, there's pretty much always someone there. The best decision I ever made was buying up the surrounding land with friends and family, and I highly recommend it to all. On top of the quality bonding, you'll have a great sense of accomplishment from owning and building something such a thing; not to mention the safety it provides if the world does indeed go to shit.

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905a38  No.220806


>I love how you ignore most of my post.

Your post is just more of the retarded shit ZOG-lovers spew: "Violence is wrong, don't fight back!" This is the line that ZOG-faggots will never stop repeating to the masses of the White Nation. The function of the "Right" is to keep the masses of the White Nation identifying with that thing called "America." They will never stop telling people to stop resisting the ZOG.'


>Brenton Tarrant proved that a "Turner Diaries" event will NEVER actually happen.

The only thing preventing the Turner Diaries from happening is the "Right" wing of the ZOG, who do everything they can, and say anything they can think of, to prevent the masses of the White Nation from organizing armed resistance against forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes.

The entire history of the 20th century shows nationalist movements are a completely natural occurrence, and will arise, even under the most hostile of conditions. That thing called "America" has no future, just like "Yugoslavia" didn't have a future. Nationalism will balkanize that thing called "America," just like it did Yugoslavia, the USSR, etc.

This ZOG-faggot is just hoping it will never happen, when the seeds have already been planted and are beginning to sprout. Nothing will save the ZOG from the wraith of angry young men of the White Nation, who are realizing that "America" is ruled by Kike-lovers and faggots.

>So now NZ can't defend themselves legally?

Good. The worse it gets, the closer revolution approaches. "Right" wing faggots screeching about gun-rights are fucking retarded; the ZOG only allows people to own guns who they know are no threat to them, and when they finally take them away, there is no more pretending the Cohen-stitution gives the masses of the White Nation "freedom." That charade is coming to an end.

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808bf7  No.220815

There are no Saints, bowlfaggots. No Spree Killer Ever Shot A Rothschild.

That's not good enough.

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808bf7  No.220816


And yet you still haven't done a terrorism that you keep shilling for. It doesn't seem like you're right at all. The results in physical reality show me that whites are dying, everyone is going to camp and you're not fighting it or leading anyone.

Step it up Accusator or pack your shit for Anti-White Extermination Camp.

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808bf7  No.220817



Waco, Ruby Ridge, The Bundy Ranch. Levoy Finicum.

Also, /tennessee/ anon if you remember him. He probably got Glowniggered. If you homestead, you'll get robot soldiered and drone striked until you die or comply. If you're in the cities, you go to Anti-White Extermination Camp. I give us two months.

Ashes and Echoes

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808bf7  No.220818


Learning all the epics won't stop Samson from burning the world in nuclear fire and making those knowledges useless in the face of irradiated hordes of nigger zombies and nothing to eat but hot ashes.

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808bf7  No.220819


MIGATits Jim Watkins, the MasonicNigger Child Molestor of Ron "Q nigger Kick-Flip" Watkins, killed 8chan because it was time for 8chan to die.

None of your homesteading is good enough. Fifty of you aren't enough to stop ZOG from exterminating us all when they decide to. We have two months.

I'm right and you know it!

Ashes and Echoes

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808bf7  No.220823


Except, you're wrong. Nobody's doing those terrorisms you and drengr keep shilling.

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905a38  No.220825


>And yet you still haven't done a terrorism that you keep shilling for.

I've actually killed three random nigger drug dealers Lured them into my care and shot them at point blank range. The ZOG still doesn't know what happened to them, don't even think they found their rotting corpses yet.

I highly recommend young white men try it: the ZOG is actually powerless to stop random killings. They are not omnipotent, and nothing will prove it to you like planning out removing some random nigger/spick/Kike/faggot from the Earth.

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f66125  No.220845



Hi Turnerdiariesfag, we left Neinchan and built a new and based place.

Stop posting on this hopeless shithole.

Come to 16ch /fascist/ to know more.

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2daa1e  No.229437

File: 669c50c19551250⋯.jpg (156.86 KB, 766x431, 766:431, JOE_BIDEN_INAUGURATION_BUT….jpg)

spotted in mexico recently, see picture

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2daa1e  No.229438

File: 4c9269e390bfee6⋯.jpg (156.96 KB, 766x431, 766:431, assadregime.jpg)

enlarged for easy pleasure

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7c35ad  No.229441


What am I looking at here anon?

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2a32c3  No.229443


zozzle anon completely covered the subject

>check first image

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b1c4c4  No.229446


Law abiding citizens use them for self-defense, only when they face direct threats or are attacked. Idiots use them to senselessly shoot up public places which makes many normfags resentful of anyone who owns a gun. Corrupt governments and politicians then exploit the idiots - like your hero who is now in prison - to go after law abiding gun owners, which in turn is why most law abiding gun owners hate you idiots and resent those corrupt governments. Luckily in America most are not complete utter morons and are fully aware of the exploitation of idiots to further disarm and subjugate the people, and we are also aware of governmental false flag events that are also staged at times, like Sandy Hook.

For you extremists out there: if you really want to make a difference, you don't go shooting other plebs, it does nothing to benefit your cause. If you really want to make a difference you'd target those higher up who are actually the ones fucking you and your country over, like an economic hitman or lone wolf assassins do. PS: not that you should do this. In no way do I condone successful violence against others, feds.

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b1c4c4  No.229448


Your entire drivel of hate ignores the fact Brenton Tarrant did nothing but harm a few Muslims and helped politicians turn hundreds of thousands of white citizens into felons overnight. If that was an 'act of war' well how fucking retarded! He shot himself in the foot, now in prison and the masses resent the fuck out of him for aiding his own political enemies.


No we won't comply, even under drone threats. There are millions of us who live rural and homestead and I'm not falling for fear porn. If they want to drone millions of us into the ground and wreck havoc on the whole country it would only backfire on them, just like all those other incidents backfired on them politically. More Americans are armed than ever before in history and we got a dozen pro-gun NGOs and good lawyers defending the 2nd Amendment, so job well done spooks.

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b1c4c4  No.229450


If true, you best be using some good OPSEC and have taken all the correct precautions beforehand too. If they do find dead bodies there will be investigations into those deaths. They'll dig up GPS data, warrants for local camera footage of those areas, question people nearby, question their friends and family members for info, DNA forensics on those bodies, etc. If you had any phone on you at the time of the murders, they'll pinpoint that GPS info around the crime scenes too. If you took all proper precaution beforehand you might get away with it. Now that you're bragging about it online, I'm not so sure.

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7c35ad  No.229491


Lolz…thinks government cares that three random nignogs got shot. This is literally a daily event in most large cities. I doubt the government would ever spend that kind of resources on something that was never going to have any sort of return but was only going to continue to use up resources its entire life. Or have you forgotten the MASSIVE PUSH to murder as many people as they can with their biological weapons, literally BILLIONS? I mean at some point even someone with a head like a fucking BRICK [you] is going to be able to see the irony in that situation and stop pandering to your 'muh crimes stoppers' mentality.

The fact that you can't appreciate this juxtaposition of GENOCIDE of BILLIONS by your 'muh government' to everyday CRIME tells me how totally warped your mind really is. It is like you are obsessing over three grains of sand on a beach while a bulldozer is roaring by you full of a million tons of sand [dead and mutilated human flesh]. lolz

>but you White boys better not protect your neighborhood from niggers, right?

But 'muh government' is 'allowed' to genocide billions. Something is really WRONG with you boy. You can't see clearly.

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0c4ea8  No.229492

>pushing dead threads

anons do not care for tarrant posting.

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7c35ad  No.229495

<all the sheep cried with one voice…

"Wolf Lives Matter, Lion Lives Matter, Hyena Lives Matter"

And the jew knew he had won. If the sheep were so brainwashed to believe that the very people who were murdering, torturing and devouring them to death could be fought for by the deluded sheep then the jew himself would also be defended by the sheep on the grounds that All Lives Matter.

The sheep are literally arguing that the demons that are enslaving, torturing and murdering them and their children, lives 'matter'.

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3fdf3a  No.229569

File: b3665fbabe6b975⋯.png (57.53 KB, 454x260, 227:130, ClipboardImage.png)

When are you gonna do our Holy Saint of Fentanyl?

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af4554  No.229575


The (((government))) may not care at all, very true. However police departments have to, it's their job to bust killers. And that is one thing they do. I am not saying you won't get away with it, but if they find the bodies, they'll still investigate it and try to solve those mysteries, after all, they are paid to do it and some cops pretty good at it.

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348f17  No.234128

Even the artwork is a sloppy job.

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6941c1  No.234203


this is true.

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72d407  No.234208


Also BT killed 8chan, possibly the last OK place that existed on the internet.

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c7a856  No.236287

Thats awesome. That is absolutely boss. New Zealand was cucked for a very long time. They had a female leader who panders long before Brenton came around. He made a point. He made a stand. He said no more and he should be praised

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38c37e  No.236301

File: 8e3c3627a5e439c⋯.png (69.06 KB, 426x316, 213:158, 1608457294317.png)

>1 year ago

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