Intriguing documentary on a prominent troll on the Christianity Hotline. In the beginning he was a rival to Christianity Hotline. Later on he started making troll calls. The trolling got more and more worse. The rival acquired the help of Spamcult; an elite Discord hacking group. Spamcult posted dox information, ordered pizza, and gave daily SWATs calls. Both the hosts households and churches were visited daily by the County Sheriff.
Members of Spamcult had their electronics were taken away by the police for a while. Shane Boyle moved to Instagram and eventually confessed he was an Actor the entire time and claimed Bill Jensen was simply a character. The Hosts are among many victims of Shane Boyle / Bill Jensen’s elite Discord hacking and trolling scheme. More info to come!
Timestamps: – Introduction - Former Mod (Testimony 1) – Spamcult member / SWAT Victim (Testimony 2) – Bill J. calls SWATs and strikes down videos – Phone call with Bill, SpamCult, Laude after SWAT – Host’s Testimony
Doesn’t read from Bible, forgives people live on stream, and the Crusade against Shane Boyle. – Daily SWAT / County Sheriff visits – Boyle admits he’s an Actor – Host questions Boyle’s converts – Host’s Conclusion
This documentary is certainly worth viewing and will be very entertaining even to people unfamiliar with Discord dox's and SWATs.