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The holocaust never happened

File: 2e613f1b7567219⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1200x591, 400:197, sassanids_byzantines_2.png)

15b7cb  No.105263

imagine a timeline where instead of wasting resources and manpower on a stalemate rivalry for generations and thus weakening themselves; these 2 realms become allies and halt the smelly desert muslim hordes and later the turks from the steppes.

how do you think it would play out? what would change? would we be more scientifically advanced considering the book burnings and killings of persian scholars never happened? would byzantines restore rome to its former glory?


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1cc822  No.105323

>become allies

They already WERE allies, just to the ruling dynasty

That's actually how the war started, to restore the previous dynasty to the Roman throne…

>stop Arabs

Lol, with what army? The reason Arabs succeeded is because they were a huge chunk of the mercenaries on both sides running around Mesopotamia and the Levant after the Romans and Persians slaughtered two generations of each others fighting age males. They simply demanded their due after the war.

Islam came much later btw under Uthman, the Arabs at this time were Nestorians/pagans.

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15b7cb  No.105338


wow, thanks for the info, for real. as you can see i'm not very well read on this period

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b886b4  No.105347


It would be interesting to study the theological alterations in the Arab religions over the course of history. The concept of Nestorian religion seems much more in line with the physical/spiritual nature of man. The modern version of Arabic religion seems almost entirely materialistic.

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286b9a  No.105353


No, fag, the Arabs were successful because there was a serious outbreak of the plague prior to their invasion which weakened both powers. The Persians and Byzantines were so weakened because they were more urbanized while most Arabians lived in nomadic tribes traveling the desert which insulated them from the disease.

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61c8a2  No.105404


When will humanity develop a revulsion to urban lifestyles?

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bf57f9  No.106568


>The reason Arabs succeeded is because they were a huge chunk of the mercenaries on both sides

Reminds me of when Egypt used copious amounts of niggers holy Nubians as part of their cannon fodder.


>The modern version of Arabic religion seems almost entirely materialistic.

Is it the neurotic collection of hassanats that tells you that? :o)


Possibly post-coronachan. Being stuck in a city was no fun.

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