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The holocaust never happened

File: 48ec491dcafcfa2⋯.png (854.91 KB, 2037x3508, 2037:3508, image.png)

fa92d1  No.104582

Friendly heads up to you guys, 8kun is run by Zionists.


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c65afb  No.104584

Lol this place is such a shit hole. If they delete this thread I’ll repost my self.

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165fca  No.104585


Yes, what a colorful selection of humanity we have here…

Aren’t we lucky.

I figured it was run by insectizoids…but really what difference does it make anymore. I think it might be irrelevant since it is not run by someone who puts Europeans first and would fight for them above all others. But, I mean, I expected that since Jim and Ron are not Europeans. I think people who don’t expect it will be surprised.

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374054  No.104876


what isn't run by zionists?

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e0d117  No.104932

File: 86ecfb26934c4fb⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 618x323, 618:323, NetanyahuMad_618x323.jpg)



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70cf79  No.104934

File: edcf25784750f0b⋯.jpg (139.6 KB, 1040x1200, 13:15, DaIH_QSXcAA0oWf.jpg)


unfortunately the jews are imprisioning pro-Palestinian leaders

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ef72fd  No.104936

They're also enablers (if not conspirators) in the Q LARP, but who really cares? They let us have our little place where we can tell the truth about jews.

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679ae6  No.104938

Is this anything new? Jim was a mason/army operative before this, and the mods are all. Also

>they don't hold hardly any public positions of power?

<what is hasbara

<what are crypto-jews


It's full of shills and golems that hinder it though.

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0be7b5  No.104947


We know, but they're OUR Zionists.

Also, it's hilarious how much the people who scream bloody murder about their "unpopular opinions" being silenced on other sites demand "unpopular opinions" be silenced on this site.

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679ae6  No.104950


>they're OUR Zionists.

Here's an example of a shill.

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0229a3  No.104952

File: 32db31bd3f408a8⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ladymaga.jpg)


And, like, the people who wanna kill their enemies don't wanna be killed. Isn't that hilarious? LOL so hypocritical. Am I right, fellow trannypedes? Thumbs up if you agree.

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0229a3  No.104953

File: cc103a35762bf9a⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 960x630, 32:21, Palestinian_fighter.jpg)


Based and redpilled.

Palestinians are honorary hwhytes.

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65c58d  No.104957


>Palestinians are honorary hwhytes.

noot really, I mean they can fight with jews if they want to, I don't care, but saying like that is like inviting them here, and I don't like that idea..

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0be7b5  No.104958



You have no idea what that word means.

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0be7b5  No.104960

File: eae49f65119e7fe⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 500x333, 500:333, honk_honk.jpg)


>they can fight with jews if they want to

>they can leave your friends behind

>because your friends don't fight jews and if they don't fight jews

>then they're no friends of mine

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630647  No.104964

The one thing I would push back on is the charge that Johnson and Trump were ever ethnonationalists. They had very established track records point the other way and didn't make any effort to hide it. It's just a matter of the message online shills which don't even need to be actual people anymore decide to push in proxy and how the media decides to present them [it's beneficial for a pro-multicult media to portray pro-immigration conservatives as "ethnic nationalists" because it leads to dead ends]. The only one that really went over the top to sell it was Ukraine and that seems to be viewed as existential for the Washington Consesus, hence the heavier hand.

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70cf79  No.104965


I don't want them here I want them to go back to their homelands and fight the jew. They have no place in Europe, they don't belong there.

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76de10  No.104970


Why not neck yourself, shill?


Why. Not. Neck. Yourself. Shill.

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617d01  No.104971


In other news, water is wet.

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127190  No.104973

File: 363add13195751b⋯.png (977.8 KB, 1277x842, 1277:842, Best_Korea_THINK_OF_THE_KI….png)


You're preaching to the choir here.


Ironically also Best Korea, and I say ironically because it started with a (((marxist chimpout))).

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0be7b5  No.104975


Because making you seethe and cry and moan and gnash your teeth until you kill yourself is my favorite hobby. Seethe more, kike.

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76de10  No.104979


>admits to being a shill

>uses buzzwords only leftists have ever used

>supports jews and calls anyone who hates jewS a jew

You’ve outed yourself better than we ever could.

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7248a8  No.104984


And what are you going to do about it?

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c33db8  No.104987

File: 8e5cd85bb791df7⋯.png (55.12 KB, 299x315, 299:315, 8e5cd85bb791df7698d80b8ee3….png)

So, where do we go now? Is there even still a place left for us?

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7248a8  No.104988


>inviting them here, and I don't like that idea

They've been here for 6 years: >>>/islam/

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bfc2c8  No.104990


Pretty sure Ron said that he didn't know who was running that account.

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85083c  No.105020

File: 3ffa909288e6369⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 432x417, 144:139, humhum.jpg)


We have more places than we used to have.


you don't get to know where they are, you little jewish slave.

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70cf79  No.105023

File: 4144a0530b8836a⋯.jpg (129.95 KB, 872x1000, 109:125, 1440046450197.jpg)


>he didn't know who was running that account.

He paid someone to post this but doesn't who runs it? Incompetence is not any better

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838b9a  No.105026



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943203  No.105045


Well, it explains why the informative thread on Jewish Bolshevism was just deleted.

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1e4f4d  No.105051


They're literally fighting jews to stay in the Middle East, and out of our nations. They're the perfect model for Muslims.

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785511  No.105102


My government, my games, my internet, my banks, my cryptocurrency is run by Zionists. Where is a young man to shitpost?

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943203  No.105108


In the globalist mass-consumerist age, it's easier than ever to put forbidden information in the hands of gentiles. Just hide it in the products/packaging at big box stores.

Shopping supercenters are designed to get people in with their money and out with goods quickly. The process is so efficient and commercially bloated that they don't even bother to prevent shoplifting, except for big ticket items. Certainly, nobody is looking for the sort of propaganda attack described above, and there's nothing they can do to prevent it without making it harder for people to shop and spend their money. i.e. The system designed to optimize profits and customer throughput also makes it easy to spread propaganda. It's info-war checkmate. It's easy, it's safe (you get to wear a mask now), and we could all be doing it every time we go shopping.

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70cf79  No.105112

File: 51cae87dd3e0c53⋯.jpg (220.4 KB, 1511x2015, 1511:2015, 1zpl4gyrtce11.jpg)


>The process is so efficient and commercially bloated that they don't even bother to prevent shoplifting, except for big ticket items.

I didn't know jeans are big ticket items, the closest Walmart is downtown next to a nigger infested area

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76de10  No.105123


>admits he’s a shill


Know that everything you say is the opposite of reality, thereby destroying your work. You failed, moishe.

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127190  No.105194

File: 5268ecc9ee847bd⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1263x2786, 1263:2786, serially_deleted_thread_is….jpg)

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b606d5  No.105310

Jews run this board. Confirmed. FUck this place. I hope you shit on yourself you fucker.

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b606d5  No.105311


Great they flushed out all the anon boards which mentioned the facts and history of Jews and how they managed to take over the power in the world and influence. Since 1750 in West etc well its old news for most here.

Guess its time to ride on cowboys. https://10chan.net/pol/ . Seems to be owned by fucktards as well seeing how they deleted threads there already faster than the jews rewrote the WW2 history.

Back to the shadows again, forever lurking. See you in another thousand years I guess.

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c10165  No.105606

You guys need to stop attacking Jews. Israel and Jews are necessary to make any right wing movement palatable these days. You cannot take on the entire Jewish media and nepotism network. Every nation who has opposed the Jews was destroyed. Every right wing politician understands this and knows to focus their efforts elsewhere. If you offer the Jews your loyalty and money, you will be rewarded with power and full support from their power structures. If you oppose them you will die.

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c33db8  No.105608

File: ebafcfb3e29d381⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9c059b9197bf887d925a4fc56f….jpg)


>weebnigger calling me a jewish slave

Are you the average /pol/ poster of today? Sad how this place has crumbled. Guess it died it's final death with h8chan

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c0af9a  No.105610


>i'm fine here in this controlled honeypot

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8e3224  No.105619

I honestly don't care about Zionism much anymore. All I care about is smashing the reds, niggers (and other non-whites), kike-media, faggots, hypocrites out of the western world. Brenton was correct I think.

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c65afb  No.105620


Hi Moshe!

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38b0fe  No.105627

File: 7bfb1f8a046c287⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 7bfb1f8a046c2870e458ea747c….jpg)

Imagine not realizing that the whole Israel thing is basically toast from their perspective anyway. You think these profligate cults that have ballooned in membership to billions while the source material has been vitiated for millennia, really have that much more gas left in the tank? More and more young Jews choose to reject there wack-a-do bullshit because it's bronze aged nonsense and they know it. Dying as a 20 y/o nobody in the godforsaken desert almost for the soul purpose of fortifying a fucking graveyard doesn't sound great. Which, is why there are so many Jews here, in the US. Jews that… don't support Israel (really) but can't do dick about it because of the ethnocult. So much of the species is locked up in this fashion. It's quite sad. The people we literally need to sort out first and foremost are the leftists and their brainless utopian zombie hordes. Even "der Juden" are absolutely fucking sick of these people.

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