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The holocaust never happened

File: cb10bfa512db1dd⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 900x557, 900:557, shit.jpg)

c6c456  No.104511

How in the fuck do you think that adding this to anything will make it better?

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ef73a1  No.104516

Well it would make a great addition to my plantation

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3c88a3  No.104594


Live target practice? You can’t mistake them for our people.

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ef6fee  No.104603


If would, if slavery wasn't abolished


Much better.

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dc48c6  No.104606


more black dick to landwhales rejected by white men

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b36a65  No.104649


According to leftists ugly is beautiful, therefore becoming worse could be becoming better according to them.

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72224c  No.104655

File: f89569eca8333a8⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1019x3194, 1019:3194, Invasive_Species.jpg)

File: f89569eca8333a8⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1019x3194, 1019:3194, Invasive_Species.jpg)

It obviously wont.

They have a lower average IQ, so all things being equal they will always have lower average performance in all but primitive brute strength domains, hence they excel at sports and low level street crime. They are used as an excuse to make the indigenous people poor via welfare and the looting of social services.

In the US, blacks were enslaved by the British backed Democrats. The British also enslaved white Irish peoples and Chinese victims of their opium wars against China. Republican President Lincoln fought a war against the British backed Democrats, who later assassinated him. 33 degree Scottish Rite British freemasonic cult leader Albert Pike and Juda P. Benjamin, the leader the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, a Jew only freemasonic cult that is an arm of British intelligence, created the KKK to terrorize blacks. At the same time B'nai B'rith formed the NAACP, whose leadership was entirely Jewish. The ADL and B'nai B'rith would hire white KKK members to attack blacks and simultaneously use freemasonic cult members like J. Edgar Hoover to harass and arrest the "white supremacists" they created. They have been using the divide and conquer strategy from the beginning.

They are importing people they view as slaves that will in all cases reproduce faster than the indigenous population no matter how bad economic conditions are. They will also weaken the indigenous gene pool. Africans who are starving to death will reproduce no matter what where as higher IQ people who assess they can not afford to support a child simply will not, or will have abortions. This simple function means that by making the population poor and introducing a different species into the population that will breed no matter what, the indigenous population WILL BE REPLACED ETHNICALLY, CULTURALLY, AND POLITICALLY BY AN INVASIVE SPECIES. Everywhere in nature this is understood. When an alien species is introduced into an environment where it breeds at a higher rate and is more violent than the indigenous species or has no natural predators, that new species WILL TAKE OVER.

Even now, this is understood with the "Murder Wasp" or whatever that new bee killing wasp is that is expected to kill honey bees, which will cause severe food shortages. So, when that invasive species comes into an area it doesn't belong and is expected to cause harm, there is a whole of government effort to remove the Wasp to preserve the productive bees.

In the artificial reality we live in that has been infected at every level of society with the absolute cancer of "political correctness," our countries are being flooded with aliens that are dumb, unskilled, poor, culturally alien, ethnically alien, criminally hostile, and have no concept of what their host countries are. In the natural world survival of the fittest should kick in. We should be allowed to defend our home countries that we have built up with our blood, sweat, and tears to preserve our way of life for OUR CHILDREN. But not in our Jew controlled police state, if you go down to the boarder and try to defend your home land from the invasion being orchestrated and financed by London School of Economics trained British intelligence agent and Rothschild golem George Soros, then the FBI will arrest YOU. It is illegal for YOU to defend YOUR HOME against an INVASION paid for by a FOREIGN POWER to make YOU POOR and LOWER YOUR LIVING STANDARDS.

Hell, the cowards that are in charge of our law enforcement agencies will arrest you for going outside or going to work to feed your family because you might get the Chinese flu but they will not round up illgeal alien leeches that are looting our countries social service lowering our quality of life and hurting our living standards.

These people will out breed you. Then they will vote for their enslavement and will in the process vote for your enslavement. That is why they are being imported into your country, their future votes for "Democratic Socialism" AKA communism because they are poor and their economic hardship is blamed on "white people" because everyone who is white is implicity "racist" per the extremely racist Jewish press.

They are a cancer on our societies. They perform 5 functions that are essential to the aristocracy

1. They take away your political power.

2. They loot your social services, which you pay for with your taxes, which makes you poor.

3. They are told you are their enemy so they physically attack, rape, and kill you and your people.

4. When you cross breed with them, they lower the average IQ of your offspring.

5. They dilute and destroy the host culture.

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bcb617  No.104658

File: 186ed5faefc4adb⋯.jpg (3.81 MB, 2000x2585, 400:517, queen_elizabeth_meghan_mar….jpg)

The poison of the leftist Marxist ideology has come home to roost.

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0eb1fe  No.104749


Was talking about this with someone the other day. Why do men do this to themselves

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840931  No.104765


they are quite open about this being punitive.

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8ca342  No.104766


Because they enjoyed civilization and its comforts. Marriage is the cornerstone of European (the only) civilization on the planet.

>why do men marry washed up cum dumpster nigger raisin pussy when they could have any woman in the world?

Ya got me.

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882deb  No.105388

File: d1207aafb936ae9⋯.png (205.05 KB, 1083x341, 1083:341, tommy_boy.png)

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3c88a3  No.105397


Do you think he realizes he is a moron?

How exactly can a destroyed society, give of itself? They couldn’t have ‘given more’ than they did in WWII if it was just a question of destruction by mass death. I don’t have any real problem with this since they are a bug nation (30-50% chink DNA) and no longer Ainu (authentic indigenous people). I have also realized through observation of /pnd/ in the recent weeks that people do not desire freedom at all. Whatever they want to do to the average person is fine because they enable it. Am I supposed to run around defending the bugs when they don’t want that?

In the larger context it is interesting that this is also a huge push against Christianity which sought to reform and alter mankind into something sentient via abstract concepts (jewpeter/Pythagorean initiation vs Saturn). Turns out, humanity never wanted that. Who would have though it would ever turn out this way? Not me. It makes sense then that the systematic destruction of Pythagorean concepts and the people who adhere to them or hold to abstract reasoning must be exterminated (this is the true crux of ushering in the ‘new order’).

It is interesting to observe people make their choices anyway and to consider them myself.

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195c4e  No.105442


he admits that they have much to "offer" the world as an insular country, tacitly insinuating that insular countries have something of real value

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195c4e  No.105444

File: 5899528895a77fa⋯.png (190.68 KB, 512x329, 512:329, unnamed.png)


did a little digging


his wife is jewish and so is he

he also has 3 adopted children from ethiopia and china

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612d14  No.105491


Positive reinforcement and a lack of any dissenting messages. Many people are racially unconscious until it's too late.

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901b5d  No.105744


Why don't you ask your politicians?

Why don't you interview these guys and find out why they are there?

Why don't you realise it's 50 years too late for talks like these?

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fbc8c9  No.105769


QTDDTOT. Sage and report.

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901b5d  No.105774



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d3c0be  No.105886


You already have a thread for your spam.

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816df2  No.106033

File: 5639097aac9df39⋯.png (525.15 KB, 2566x1454, 1283:727, Normie_Redpill_v2.png)

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5076b7  No.106045


Why are you spamming this in every thread.

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e15eb0  No.106096

File: 89835e2942ec117⋯.png (112.1 KB, 500x419, 500:419, 1589012340741.png)

Adding them to something to make it better? ……. Wait I know. Ad them to a mass grave. See if you think about lifes problems long enough you can always find a solution…. A FINAL SOLUTION. DAMN JOGGERS.

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