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File: a1f985044d30b68⋯.jpg (130.8 KB, 768x595, 768:595, 8chan_owner_edit.jpg)

632596  No.104262

I've made various posts over the 3days on the topic of Google and Wikipedia deliberate censorship and overwhelming the chans with shills( mods and posters),increasing evidence of Project Veritas being correct from the MASSIVE increase in the chans shill and redditor populations due to Wikipedia articles that LITERALLY put the website link in it along with negative leftist propaganda

I have called repeatedly for deleting the link from the pages AND ALL TIMES I GET DELETED I AM GOING TO START TAKING PICTI've made various posts over the 3days on the topic of Google and Wikipedia deliberate censorship and overwhelming the chans with shills( mods and posters),increasing evidence of Project Veritas being correct from the MASSIVE increase in the chans shill and redditor populations due to Wikipedia articles that LITERALLY put the website link in it along with negative leftist propaganda

I have called repeatedly for deleting the link from the pages AND ALL TIMES I GET DELETED I AM GOING TO START TAKING PICTURES JANNIES

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893ba7  No.104269

File: d31109ad2953df5⋯.jpg (154.13 KB, 286x500, 143:250, 24db778358a60ea245704cc9cb….jpg)

Consider the many problems that the universe of Judge Dredd had from:

>Robot War caused by Call Me Kenneth

>The Day The Law Died

>The Armageddon War with East Meg One


>Judgement Day- powerful necromancer causes zombie outbreak throughout the world

>Chaos Day

Despite all of this, Dredd keeps going because he knows that to falter would mean conceding to the enemy and the loss of his beloved city and everything he has lived for. Be like Dredd.

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ee18ca  No.104274


Maybe it's because you talk like a retard and make shitty OPs.

This could use some more attention:


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dc65b8  No.104600


maybe stop spamming you fucktard

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