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107dde  No.104137

>still unironically using Glowiechan

>letting the mods check your IP, even on VPN

>letting mods literally email your employer this hard

Even though Cuckchan is in Kahootz about one man's daring creation, CoalFax, it still is more populated than this board.

Hotwheels shouldn't have been such a fucking pussy and should have reopened 8CHAN as soon as legal. The El Paso and Christchurch shooters were individuals indoctrinated on dark, seekrit Facebook groups.

It upsets me more these Panther Den / Cyronek niggers are still wiffin fat cock on 4/hole/. When will we have populated, detailed, and constructive posts again?

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2cc2aa  No.104149


First of all, mods can't see your IP on this site.

Second, Hotwheels didn't own 8chan when it went down and hasn't for years.

Third, you're a faggot and should kill yourself.

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2ed4ba  No.104223


What a faggot.

>muh popularity of cuckshed

Sure, you globalist faggot…being selective would never occur to someone like you because you don’t care who is on the board with you, niggers, poos, bugs etc. Really terrible judgment anon. You DO NOT BELONG HERE. Fuck off back to your cuckshed.

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87079a  No.104276

The mods don't get to see your IP, only Ron and CM do. Mods simply get a random string of letters. This has been the case for a very long time, even when Hotwheels was still owner of this place. The fact that you don't know this makes it pretty damn obvious you were never from around here. It's the same as for halfchan, only the admin can see your IP. They can report you to the police, obviously, but the moderators won't be able to see the IP itself, same goes to here.

>Hotwheels shouldn't have been such a fucking pussy and should have reopened 8CHAN as soon as legal. The El Paso and Christchurch shooters were individuals indoctrinated on dark, seekrit Facebook groups.

HW had long lost ownership of the site by that point. During El Paso he wasn't even here, just posting on Twitter about his favourite pajeet caligraphy set while he complains about hate speech. And during Christchurch he definitely engaged people and had at least some form of authority among the userbase, but he did not hold ownership. At the very least do some fucking research, retard.

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b07411  No.104299


Stop replying to this faggot

and stop giving him false information

Everyone knows what he is saying is true,


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