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Six million more!

File: f44b89d21d08cb9⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, white_baby.jpg)

9f911a  No.104134

White man Elon Musk just fathered his 7th white son. Another son of the European Revolution who will contribute to the conquest of Mars and migration of white people to Mars and across the cosmos.

Hopefully we can destroy all the anti-white institutions because God and Elon Musk both know the only way non-whites are getting to Mars is if the anti-white institutions and anti-white brainwashing leads to white people taking non-whites to Mars at their own expense like Affirmative Action diversity hires. But if the anti-white institutions are destroyed and don't push anti-white diversity propaganda, Mars will naturally become a white ethnostate (like the United States would have been if Jews hadn't imported black slaves and then pushed third-world immigration starting in 1965).

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9f911a  No.104136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rise, son of the European Revolution.

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9e4f22  No.104138

File: 77d335e792b6cd2⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 896x994, 64:71, 2mojly.jpg)


Baby Goo Goo Ga Ga!

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f46336  No.104260

File: 54c90488ce6b01e⋯.jpeg (335.72 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 3AEDB691_1EE0_459B_94B6_C….jpeg)


Man is completely multicultural globalist. I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. This is why all their projects are CGI, because they hire ‘multicultural’ aka incompetent staff.

I hope that you are not hanging your hat on this being ‘the future of the European race’.

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941bbe  No.104312

File: 2623974d18c1723⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Elon_Musk_Birthrate.mp4)

Gratz Elon

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3e889a  No.104319


He looks a bit Kazakh from pic.

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f46336  No.104330


IDK what he is but I never get that feeling of ‘my people’ when I look at him so despite the fact that most SA are Dutch, I never feel the slightest bit of kinship when looking at photos of him. ‘Foreigner (not kin)’ is what my mind says when I look at his photos.

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50120e  No.104349


you can't be serious mordecai

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5b0b08  No.104354



>Man is completely multicultural globalist.


When you hear him talking about declining birthrates being the death of civilisation, he doesn't address the issue beyond that. That is the absolute furtherst he is going: that there aren't enough birth rates and that the population is declining. Not specifying which birth rates, just birth rates as a whole. Just barely enough to tickle people's fancy so that they could conclude whatever they want to hear but not enough to actually state the reality. His main concern is the inverted demographic.

<religious people have more children

<the inverted demographic is incredibly concerning, worse than the black plague and war

<something needs to be change or otherwise we will be replaced

<by robots

<religious extremism is a concern, especially luddite and anti-science

His concern is less with the fact that Europe is being replaced and more with the fact that, if not done more slowly and gently, people against this type of technological revolution would take over once the cattle die off, thus undoing their work. It is clear that Elon is being shilled as a saviour so that we would rally behind him: controlled opposition that we are supposed to pretend is secretly on our side because he gave a bit of vague platitudes.

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