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691527  No.103740

this man is evil about Bill Gates: How Gene Editing, AI Can Benefit World's Poorest

videos list:



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691527  No.103741

File: 29f66293535faec⋯.jpeg (2.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpeg)

File: 4f87806bdf43c50⋯.jpeg (2.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12.jpeg)

File: 5bd8bbce30b3f32⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 1024x838, 512:419, oumcgmbm4su01.jpg)

they use satanic simbols in their logo right

also the the windows logo user have horns see all pictures

smarthphone use gpu=adreno

people use chrome? coincidence?


adrenochrome is a drug from child for satanic elite

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691527  No.103742

those people are sick ! SAVE THE CHILDREN

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d47204  No.103744


fuck me, got a little more jpeg there ey boomer?

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691527  No.103748

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c758ad  No.103752


Stop calling them ‘elite’ you faggot. They are parasites.

Don’t let them rent that kind of space in your brain.

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691527  No.103757


lol bot detected for spam !report this guy is troliing

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691527  No.103758


lol your a spammer bot go away

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85f8f0  No.103769


Hey can this guy be such a motherfucker? Where does he get all the energy to go on and on about killing everybody on the planet? Please share your thoughts. Is it adrenachrome or maybe he's got some magick or shit, I don't know. I'm sure he's part of a big cabal of motherfuckers but, is he bigger than the Rothschilds? or they are merely the same? Is he just the spokesman?

Fuck these ghouls!

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057070  No.103783



>bot forgets to change IP before calling others bots

Sage. Report. You refuse to name the jew. You spam boomer shit. We don’t care.

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057070  No.103785


Q-LARP, anti-natsoc, boomer neocon spam. Feel free to ignore it.

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691527  No.103788


his father family have connetion with rockefeller foundation ,George soros etc China etc big company c.i.a Darpa! and i want to say also that Hollywood is full of pedophile ,satanic people etc!also i forgot to say they are bots in chat in this thread i think they got paid to mislead people information

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691527  No.103790


lol another bot shill=))

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24d80b  No.103795


>this man is evil about Bill Gates:

Learn English schizo

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ef9bd2  No.103801


Qzog only speaks Chinese

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