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File: 55a36251681781f⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 700x525, 4:3, christians_love_israel.jpg)

File: fccffb4c3037b32⋯.jpg (89.2 KB, 730x476, 365:238, Israel_Super_Wall.jpg)

File: aad058227701086⋯.gif (73.89 KB, 611x648, 611:648, israel_conflict5.gif)

1d8519  No.103350

Israelis are white, while Palestinians are brown sandniggers so we should support a Zionist state in Palestine and support the genocide of brown people so we should financially aid them through taxes and foreign aid.

As white, Christians we should support Israel as they share our judeo-christain values.

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a2ced4  No.103361

File: 3dafaf9c9e17eba⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1547x1323, 221:189, SmugMonoeyeGirl.png)

>Israelis are white

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32ce7e  No.103379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Im not opposed to the idea of "Zionism" or the state of Israel. Im also not opposed to having any sort of positive relationship between America and Israel.

What I am opposed to is the zionist lobby (both israeli and American jews) manipulating America to act exclusivly in the favor of Israel while we ourselves get nothing back in return from them and in fact are harmed by this.

That being said, its pretty obvious I am not a rabbid jew hater, but the "Christian zionist" crowd is probably the most cucked people on earth. Do you realize these stupid protestant dumb hick boomers actually go to Israel and do slave labour? Yes, they find Israeli local businesses and work for them for completely free because they think thats what their role is for "Gods chosen people"

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bbd117  No.103450

Its an interesting use of reverse psychology but the kikes won't fall for it and bump this thread with replies. They know you're trying to expose their jewish racism.

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e7fd59  No.103473

File: 3353c152f65d816⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 840x560, 3:2, Copy_of_880077_01_08_15730….jpg)


If Israelis are white, then this Jordanian is also white but neither Jordanian nor Jews are white, they are Semites.

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db60fb  No.103488

>selectively using our values against us when it suits your agenda

I hate you jews so goddamned much, you follow us around to wherever we go.

We dont have problems with brown people as long as they stay in their sand shitholes.

Who is enabling and causing migration to the West? Its jews and their proxies.

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8e5d60  No.103552

Everyone who supports a foreign state must be executed for treason.

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0101cf  No.103557

File: f8c2532b920de42⋯.jpg (198.71 KB, 777x1000, 777:1000, Deutschland_erwacht.jpg)

File: bb376417f9c26d2⋯.png (325.47 KB, 811x802, 811:802, Gro_deutschland.png)

File: f447355c0d017a4⋯.png (229.51 KB, 924x877, 924:877, DeutschesReichStandortKart….png)


Even Americans who support the German Reich?

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f4487f  No.104121


you're neither white nor christian

kys kike

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