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File: 595f6f9c3dd34a8⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 95812227_10158309696506950….jpg)

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ff3723  No.103250


Real one may be dead or in a coma


>Kim Jong-un appeared on May 1st. I don’t know if it was deliberate. The back of the stage is to prove that it is a new photo. It is greatly printed on May 1, 2020, rather than the "main body May 1st 109" that North Korea used to Picture file 1).

>Dingyu talked about the disappearance of Kim Jong-un and kept the same view … Sick, alive, and still in power. So Dingyu should have no doubt about the appearance of Kim Jong Un.

>But … but … I always thought that Kim Jong-un appeared on May 1 with a strange look, so I found some information on the Internet. You can refer to it to see if this Kim Jong-un is a fake. ?

>Picture files 2. 3. You can compare the two Kim Jong-un's teeth, upper lip, teeth, bite, moles on the nose, smile and charm, do you think they are the same person?

>Image file 4. The two Jin Zhengen before and after are fat. Although plastic surgery can deal with some commonly used comparisons, such as ears, etc., their eyes and style can not be adjusted. Do you think these two are the same person?

>Picture 5. Kim Jong-un was photographed chatting with two similar "avatars".

>After reading, do you have any ideas, welcome to add, correct, or provide different information, photos.

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f877a7  No.103259

Bump. This is important.

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703c7b  No.103283

File: f3ef0c3174c804b⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1080x1147, 1080:1147, 1588368736588.jpg)

He does look different, also the top of the nose, lower eyelids and lower lip stand out particularly

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bb06ed  No.103290



Look how stupid they are to highlight the mole on his nose when THE TEETH ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND FAR MORE VISIBLE.


Why. Do you know anything about North Korea?

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41b744  No.103292



hmm, when I saw the new pics I was instantly thinking that he looks different, but I was thinking it's because of swelling from surgery or something, oh well, doesn't really matter that much

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14a61a  No.103294


Kinda hard to tell from the pics, definitely different looking of course. Especially the comparison for the mark on the nose, the before picture is very blurry and positioned differently so it's difficult to get a conclusive answer from it. The second one looks much heavier body-wise than the first. It's very much possible Kim put on a decent amount of weight during his time away, he's been missing for around a month now, correct?

It's possible he was in quarantine like everyone else. The surgery statement very well could have been a cover-up for it, it's common for North Korean and Chinese leaders to use life-threatening situations such as surgeries for use in social manipulation. Get the populace concerned about you after all. Then again that's just a musing on my part, there's plenty of other scenarios they could have come up with besides heart surgery. I'm just more concerned about the significant weight-gain. That's what's mostly making me suspect a fraud. Most East Asians frown very heavily on, for lack of a more eloquent way to state this, people getting fat. As a leader of a nation, especially who's viewed as a God, I doubt they would take too kindly to such excess. Which could of course damage his reputation, which is everything when it comes to dictators and other such absolute monarchs. Which would then, of course, make me suspect on why they would use a body-double whom is more overweight compared to the original.

In the end I must profess that I care very little for North Korean politics and intrigue. They do not affect me and mine. Inconsequential and ultimately irrelevant unless they do indeed get a fully functional space and missile network operational. Even then I still would not care. The Norks care as little for me and mine as do I and they. Worst case scenario they turn urban soil into glass and soot, in which case they would earn my gratitude rather than my ire.

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78fab0  No.103300



And his teeth are totally different from the dead mans teeth.

You beat me to it.

But that man looks about 20 years older than the dead man as well.

Ears, which are as unique as a fingerprint also look different in the photos but it is too blurry to tell.

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57a89c  No.103339

File: 4325839d7fda746⋯.webm (3 MB, 853x480, 853:480, 1588487925225.webm)

From tardchan

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4d0224  No.103353


That man looks like he has ‘bwain damage’ from the WuFlu. He looks like that ribbon is an insurmountable hill or challenge that he can barely manage to overcome. Look at the differences between his movements, abilities and actions and the woman handing him the scissors.

Do you all think his sister had him lobotimized while he was ill?

Easing the transition to her own power?

I think she ran circles around him already, but he looks like he might be (maybe) about 75 IQ in that video…I am surprised he isn’t drooling (or maybe we are just to far back to see it; or maybe she had his salivary glands removed as well).

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9341bb  No.103400

File: c44d5947cdebd55⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 745x745, 1:1, hmmm.jpg)


>second pic

>total different set of teeths

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fa305e  No.103446

File: 3ab95ec91dd1568⋯.jpg (178.69 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericanBornChinese_48_e14….jpg)

>second pic

>the two front teeth

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3bf11a  No.103452

File: afb1c42efde30d3⋯.jpeg (695.33 KB, 2511x533, 2511:533, 42A57704_0E8A_41C5_8AB7_C….jpeg)

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