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File: 01b3b22a3d0a6f1⋯.pdf (97.99 KB, A_critique_of_materialisti….pdf)

8301ff  No.102636

I've run into a lot of bad discussions with materialists about ethics. They all seem to boil down to one central point, and I try to refute it in one paper.

Disagree with me? I'll update the paper with responses.

PDF here:


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54b58d  No.102719

The problem with Atheists agnostics and religions is that they deny eachothers paradigms, but do so while each of their feet are in the same dirt.

All religion, and atheism and agnosticism, use the same observations of universal truth which are divine, but then unnaturally bend the perfection of god to meet their worldly needs and desires. Certainly, there is a much closer and more accurate account of god than the religions. It just doesnt exist yet. The religions motivate atheism and atheism motivates the religious. By the way, what I've just described is contrast, contrast is truth. Gods law (one of). everything rendered in the physical world is accomplished by contrast. Even internal non physical things like senses are only rendered into the brain for processing by contrast. Color sound etc. This is the same thing as numeric ones and zeros in code. The nature of social change is contrast, ie hegelian dialectic. Contrast is also the perceptual mechanic of time and space.

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13fa0a  No.103258

A whole lot of arguing about literally nothing at all under the guise of supreme pseudo-intellectualism. Enjoy your respective echo-chambers of nothing.

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