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The holocaust never happened

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fda818  No.102393

Powerful deep state tool Dr. Anthony (((Fauci))), director of NIAID spanning over 5 decades, has announced no major sports are to be played for at least the rest of the year directly following the announcement from Major League Baseball that they are working on setting up a season in the coming weeks. This is Fauci's latest effort in a never-ending string of statements and policy recommendations intended to completely destroy the US economy and bankrupt the nation.

What is his endgame? How can we stop him?

WATCH: https://youtu.be/oS_16PxDJeU

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5d063f  No.102397


Oh noes! How then now can I into niggers throw balls? D:

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e7d126  No.102485


Just set up your own local sports. Zog owns the professional sports anyways. Who wants to watch the niggas stand or kneel anyways

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5f485b  No.102491


Are you worried it won't be reopened in term for Jackie Robinson day, nigger lover?

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3deedf  No.102502

File: 567b17cf9de4193⋯.jpg (175.42 KB, 940x705, 4:3, 1568564362900.jpg)

A world without niggerball.

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d93d1c  No.102767

File: 7f4afaa37fa44d7⋯.gif (955.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, no_more_niggerball.gif)

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7d13d2  No.102791

File: 984a8699472528b⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fauci.mp4)

Is he a member of the (((privilege class)))?

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4c06e5  No.102801


>no more sportsball?

sounds good to me.

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d07aea  No.102804


I really don't give a shit about sports. As long as he keeps those vaccines to himself, he can piss off trot around and muck up whatever other idiotic mind control event he wants to. I bet if commie govt-run public schools were closed the children would be a lot brighter these days too.

What the stupid ass corrupt government will do is bailout rich sports teams, watch that happen!

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8c678a  No.102816


Watch nigger porn.

I believe they throw some balls there.

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b419d3  No.102840


end goal obviously is vaccination and depopulation of unsuspecting citizens and destruction of western civilization + annihilation of atleast 70% of world population with bill gates funds,

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