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File: 9990263fb4d4db9⋯.webm (2.57 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Vader_Preaches.webm)

53e928  No.101565

Thinking of reading Mein Kampf for audio books–was wondering if there was an translation (in English) that is in the public domain? Got to spread the good word.

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e06aed  No.101570


The author has been dead for 74 years, so it's in the public domain. Learn German and translate it yourself. Or is that too much work, you lazy nigger?

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171919  No.101606

File: 936d6e1eada8e8d⋯.pdf (2.43 MB, Adolf_Hitler_Mein_Kampf_St….pdf)

You're on a list now.

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2b0ae0  No.101654

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e0778b  No.101658

Anything other than Ford and Thomas Dalton's recent translation would be public domain. But there is a professionally done audiobook of the Ford translation, and at least half of Murphy by some "Free Audiobooks" website years ago, so, if you're going to do audiobooks for the cause, you may want to devote your time to something that's never been done before, to really get the most out of your efforts.

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2fab05  No.101660


You were assigned 10 bad goy points for posting that

Your right to travel by air and roads is now revoked. Available modes of transportation remaining: Walking, rail

Report to your local synagogue for advice on how can you improve your goy score. Potential actions including: Giving money to the rabbi, renouncing your daily bug-derived proteins and switching to a full vegan diet, volunteering in a refugee camp, attending a workshop on gender diversity and transexualism, becoming a transexual etc.

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3874be  No.101698

File: 577b8449b9b8e53⋯.pdf (2.38 MB, STALAG.pdf)


STALAG Edition translated by men in their own ranks, the only translation without (((edits))) and (((footnotes))).


Anons on 8ch a year ago were working on an audiobook. Not sure what ever came of that.

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53e928  No.101740


>implying that I haven't been on a list already.

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