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d4bfb3 No.101547
IQ is neither useful for us nor it is useful for measuring "General Intelligence"; if IQ can be profoundly impacted by your experiences and level of education than it cannot be a measure of General Intelligence. Retards like the alt-hype may be all like: "Hear that shitlibs the NAAAAAAAAZIS!!!! rejected IQ, therefore, I cannot be a NAAAAAAAAZI!!!!"
As National Sozialists we should reject the Jewish pseudoscience of IQ.
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0594e4 No.101620
Where does it say they are j*ws ?
IQ measures pattern recognition, though I am not sure how well, since 'intelligence' means "to comprehend".
EQ measures empathy. Asians score lower Europeans score higher.
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fb6281 No.101625
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Yeah, no. IQ is real and should not be rejected. Alt Hype explains while debunking JF's dismissal of IQ.
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d767a7 No.101807
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Also, there is an ongoing debate as to whether emotional intelligence and/or social intelligence should be viewed with the same importance. It would be interesting to see how many people who claim to have high IQ/General Intelligence score on this.
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f21942 No.101832
>STR is of Nazi origin
<STR is neither useful for us nor it is useful for measuring "General Strength"; if STR can be profoundly impacted by your experiences and level of training than it cannot be a measure of General Strength. Retards like the antifacists may be all like: "Hear that boomers the JEEEEEEWS!!!! rejected STR, therefore, I cannot be a JEEEEEEEEW!!!!"
<As Social Democrats we should reject the Nazi pseudoscience of Strength.
Chaos in reverse is just Chaos.
You are a retard.
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c6fe3f No.101896
IQ is real, but its overvalued. there are other factors that lead people to lead successful lives. People have a huge focus on it while in reality they'd probably declare people with a high IQ as defective in some way. If a higher IQ was just better we would probably think of autists as chads.
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2077f6 No.101931
I want to agree with you, and in some parts I do (iq tests don't test mental discipline, survival knowledge, mental ability to function in society, etc.) but it does put niggers, sandniggers, indianiggers, and taconiggers lower on the totem pole of mental ability, so I can't completely fault it either.
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a89cf8 No.101934
On the flip side, is success in our current society a good measure of worth?
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a41ee1 No.102294
Good point. The answer is obviously "No" as our current society is a Jewish Frankenstein's Monster of the corpses of what used to be great Western nations.
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a41ee1 No.102301
IQ is simply a measure of intelligence, the best we have developed so far, based on metrics such as correlation with success. It's invalid to reject IQ as a measure of intelligence without reason or without suggesting a better system. It's also invalid to deny that intelligence can be measured, which is akin to questioning the existence of intelligence.
The problem is that intelligence is complicated, and as we learn more about the evolution of society, it becomes apparent how "smart" all of our natural/traditional tendencies actually are. Conversely, one can do well on a test of pattern-finding in shapes, and still be a sociopathic narcissist bent on destroying healthy society, i.e. a Jew.
Simply put, IQ correlates with individual success, but for group success you need other things like in-group identification, loyalty, honesty, libertarian tendencies, etc. Some of these traits are in fact championed by Jews; others are not. Ideally, we would use such a test to determine who is fit for civil society (and Jews would do poorly on this test). The problem is that such a test can't be as universal as IQ, because someone could have all the right traits to live in an ideal ethnostate but not have the right ethnicity. In the future, we won't rely on IQ has heavily as direct genetic tests that measure the predisposition toward various mental and social traits.
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3efd66 No.102332
>Name ONE Nobel prize winner, excluding literature and peace, who has an IQ of under a 120.
If it's pseudoscience this should be easy. (Pro-tip their IQ's are tested)
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d9788e No.102365
>As National Sozialists we should reject the Jewish pseudoscience of IQ.
Au contraire. Hiding our powerlevel is vital in the current social paradigm. In their hybris kikes made a measuring scale that puts them, and as unintended consequence also similarly minded Asians, on the top of it therefore we cannot be witch hunted as "nazis" and "white supremacists" when we point out that shitskins (non-Askhenazi kikes and South Asians included) are stupid.
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9b43b0 No.102373
Niggers are stupid. This is an observable fact.
IQ tests predict that niggers are stupid.
Therefore IQ tests work.
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bf8358 No.102391
>IQ is neither useful for us nor it is useful for measuring "General Intelligence"
Gas yourself, Chaim.
>if IQ can be profoundly impacted by your experiences and level of education
It can not.
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17aec6 No.102432
IQ is a representation of a person's ability to recognize and apply patterns. In other words, a test of operational intelligence. The only people who claim IQ is fake are low-IQ retards buttmad about their low IQ.
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e88e26 No.111316
higher iq link to more money
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532c84 No.111415
> if IQ can be profoundly impacted by your experiences and level of education
it cannot
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532c84 No.111418
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9cfd57 No.111723
I looked at a broken clock. It said the same time that it actually was. Does that make the broken clock always right?
My assessment of intelligence is the speed at which information is processed and the reliability of the results. It does not require high levels of memory retention that current (((IQ))) tests utilize ( a case of garbage in, garbage out comes to mind). Nor does it measure the speed at which information is transmitted to the brain (eg fast reading skills). It is purely on mental processing power.
>is success in our current society a good measure of worth?
Not really. First you need to determine what it means to be successful. Does it mean getting a high paying job? Does it mean having a large white family? These things have their own benefits and deficits in today's (((society))).
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7ef74b No.111729
People who score low on IQ tests usually dispute their validity, people who score high on IQ tests usually don't question their validity.
That matrice needs to be expanded to include more factors, and no, "emotional intelligence" is not one of them, it was only introduced to make people feel good about themselves. You have people with low verbal intelligence who excel in spatial cognition, socially retarded people with high mathematical proficiency etc.
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c9751e No.111886
>"emotional intelligence" is not one of them
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b1e6a0 No.112028
Wrong. Jews want IQ tests and SAT scores banned from universities and affirmative action quotas that keep Asian and White students out of those schools so their kids are surrounded by low IQ minorities that make (((their students))) look smarter by comparison. They hide behind (((diversity))) to keep the goyim from knowing that they stack the deck in their favor.
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ae5cc7 No.112047
East Asians have higher IQs and also score higher by some other metrics, yet we still blew past them with the industrial revolution and whatnot.
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e2cef8 No.112051
Yeah, I'm sure the Chinese government is totally not fudging those numbers.
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567602 No.112167
IQ is one of the few real psychometrics you fucking wignat. You're literally parroting a leftoid cultural marxist talking point.
Sincerely who cares if some kikes are a few autism points smarter. I'm sure it's reaaaally advantageous considering all the crippling and chronic hereditary disorders they have. Totally reinforced by the fact they can only be successful through nepotism.
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758ae1 No.112181
>IQ isnt X
>Therefor IQ is useless
You are a goddamn two digit IQ mongoloid arent you?
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70c8e2 No.112189
Oh damn. Didn't even think about this. Good point. Literally nothing CCP provides can be trusted. Their I.Q. is like Mars's. Unknown. Not logged.
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fdbd03 No.112262
>Jews are the master race.
>Jews have higher IQ than whites.
>Therefore IQ tests work.
Sure, buddy.
Na. It's that their tests are a lot about memorisation and giving the perfect socially acceptable answer and stuff like that.
Not to mention that the students are taking drugs to stupefy themselves for that memorisation task. Forgetting stuff is a feature not a bug.
Be glad that you forgot all that horrible shit you had to go through in your life.
Every test can show that stupid people are stupid because they can fuck up filling out the form or didn't learn to write.
IQ is an absolute shit test for proving someone to be intelligent. Nor can there be such a thing as general intelligence.
There can at most be general stupidity like those retards to stupid to shit or speak by themselves.
Like processors we can't be described by a single benchmark. Processors can be good at a lot of different things:
Floating point and integer performance doing different arithmetics, memory cach sizes and their performance, cores, clock speed, power consumption…
Can we really expect to dumb down humans to something like a "brain performance value" when we can't even do it for computers?
And "emotional quotient" is… What am I even supposed to say? Do hysterical people get a high EQ? What is an EQ good for?
Further NS eugenics was positive eugenics which means the healthy people make more children and only the birth defect people are not allowed to.
Why do we have to care about an "Intelligence quotient"?
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511f11 No.112291
I think there various type of intelligences. I think there is a difference between theoretical math and mathematical logic from applied math.
I also think there is a difference between verbal ability, reading ability, the intelligence to write non-fiction, and the intelligence to
write fiction. Those are also different from the intelligence to understand foreign languages. IQ tests are accurate at measuring the abilities for
applied math and reading; but the tests are not accurate at measuring the other intelligences
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b1e6a0 No.112526
Why would jews want to ban IQ tests and SAT scores? Hmmm….
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b1e6a0 No.112530
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b1e6a0 No.112666
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68005d No.112820
Can't make this shit up lel
Golems just love their Marxist buzzwords
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b299b9 No.112830
I'm easily convinced by your meme, because when I was in the military, I LOVED doing PT with females. In Boot Camp it was all men and I could barely keep up. Once I got to the Fleet, I never had to worry about being the weakest or slowest person in the group again.
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a30d09 No.113460
>IQ is neither useful for us nor it is useful for measuring "General Intelligence"
Raven's is the gold standard and has nothing to do with experiences. Shit disinfo thread and kike faggot OP.
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133e17 No.113691
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133e17 No.114445
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133e17 No.115484
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