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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: b002fce1cd9f81e⋯.jpg (543.74 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Harvey_weinstein_jeffrey_k….jpg)

File: 67d6d6d076919ca⋯.jpg (155.52 KB, 600x432, 25:18, death_camp.jpg)

b2c97a  No.101142

Why does Hollywood have a hate boner against Germans and constantly makes anti-German propaganda and making them the villains? I don't understand how you could have a grudge like this 80 years in the future.

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3db866  No.101227

File: 639a5df87876b19⋯.gif (463.2 KB, 287x323, 287:323, jew_schumer_the_tumor.gif)



A thread died for a question we all know the answer to.

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