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File: 7605dfe2bf126dc⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 927x540, 103:60, 15697440632342.jpg)

cedc55  No.10113

4chan is run by kikes. Try posting anything anti-kike on any board but contained ones like /pol and /b and you'll get banned, but feel free to post cp, or tranny shit all day long no one will say a word.God i fucking haste that jewy site.. fuck that chink and fuck fag moot for selling it

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457f8c  No.10114


>fuck fag moot for selling it

Forgot about /pol/ Harbor?

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cedc55  No.10115


No but he had to sell it to that chink, for that pocket cash there's thousands of people who could've bought it and use it for something good. i'm sure the fag did it on purpose..

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5feac7  No.10116


No shit…I got banned and banned and banned from there every ISP I tried. Not only is it run by kikes but you can't say anything TRUE there at all…like this: White men are responsible for their own symbiotic relationship with the parasitic kikes. You protect and shelter them, defending them from the whole planet because they allow you to blame someone for your degeneracy while you never take responsibility for your own actions. You are the host, reveling in your demise and they are the parasite, fulfilling your destruction. If you cut out the kike out of your lives, they would die and you and yours would live…but you will never do that because you love the kike more than you hate the fact that they are genociding your people. As long as you can blame your 'scapegoat' pets, you don't have to take any personal responsibility for your BEHAVIOR or defend your people. LAZY FUCKS.

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eace02  No.10125


Those mystical "thousands of people" who could have bought it didn't have the money to pay. If someone is offering you $5 gorillion dorrah for something and someone else offers you "love and respect", which the fuck are YOU gonna take?

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cedc55  No.10129


He sold it for 40grand and the chink paid him apparently in several installments.. like i said literally almost any one of us could've bought it..

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5feac7  No.10133



But he is their bitch now because he was probably high or just thinking like a nigger when he sold it…so…who is better off and who is worse off in this scenario? He is still their bitch every day.

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cedc55  No.10136


that's probably true..

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ee86f2  No.10139


>fuck fag moot for selling it


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f5fdf1  No.10271


Sometimes I post jokes about kikes on /bant/ and I've never been banned for it. But if you look at the trackers and background-scripts on 4chan, you can see that there are a lot that come from google.com and g-static.com (run by jewgle). I'd say it's more likely that jewgle is steering the discussion on 4chan in the direction they want it to go by being an external partisan, rather than an internal one.

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3ff591  No.10279


8chan is also run by kikes. That you were so stupid as to stay on 4chan 5 years after it was exposed as anti-white is proof that you’re retarded. Go away.

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49ef99  No.10280


> after it was exposed as anti-white

How was it exposed as anti-white

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cedc55  No.10454


everyone can type nonsense anon. what's the alternative? reddit? don't be ridiculous, there were always only image boards worth visiting 4ch and 8ch, as for others you might as well go on tumblr..

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3ff591  No.10492


>doesn’t know why we’re here

For fuck’s sake.


>what’s the alternative

Gee, I fucking wonder.

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c62298  No.11145




16chan or neinchan

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4b4b1c  No.11147


Welcome to 2010-2012?

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000000  No.47116

The Jews use a number of techniques to get people banned in ways intended to fool the victim.

One of these targets people using their cellphone hotspot. Cellphones draw IPs dynamically from a pool. One B'nai B'rith or their allies finds out that you are using such an IP, they get on their own cellphone hotspot and post CP or other bannable offenses. Once they get the board owner to ban your individual, dynamic IP (or rangeban the whole lot from making OPs/posting images), they simply make sure that your phone will draw that "black IP" address.

This method grants the board owner plausible deniability. This technique operates here as well.

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c6ba1e  No.47126

File: 872d9074a2c7b5c⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 2064x3456, 43:72, 1422028052392.jpg)

File: 8d0d152100b4fa6⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2249x1687, 2249:1687, 1422032400009.png)

File: 88b9ccc53e4509d⋯.jpg (672.16 KB, 1418x2202, 709:1101, 1422038311133.jpg)

File: f529e7f676263f7⋯.jpg (983.78 KB, 2669x4402, 2669:4402, 1422039018474.jpg)

Hello, I want to shit on moot. Time for a history lesson.

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0a991f  No.48266


4chan treats itself as “the last bastion of free speech on the internet” but yet you can’t say soyboy on there. Also, flat earth threads automatically result in two day bans.

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8fbee0  No.48307

File: bdba546276f993d⋯.jpg (175.3 KB, 765x1024, 765:1024, 1580786699608.jpg)

>post on 4chan for nearly a decade

>make a single off topic but harmless reply in an off topic thread that has been up for hours

>instantly perma banned, thread stays up

>they even added a faggoty little ban counter

>I had been banned over 45 times in a decade so I got permad for a single shitpost

fuck those jews

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07410f  No.48483

File: 59845dba6c23b37⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 1920x3500, 96:175, 1464281688041.jpg)


>4chan is run by kikes

<implying 8kun isn't

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623bd0  No.48924

File: 71c27f3c770f8b1⋯.jpg (723.29 KB, 689x958, 689:958, 1579292442217.jpg)



>cant into ban evasion

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7f681f  No.48946


>too stupid to evade a ban on cuckchan

It’s called changing your IP address. There are literally billions of them. If you’re that retarded–moreover, if you’re so retarded that you continued posting there after 2014 for any reason other than exposing the site ownership for what it is–why the fuck would we want you here? Trick question: the only reason to post here is to expose THIS site’s ownership for what IT is, too. I can get a post through roughly once every five minutes, since they’ve purposely broken access for the entire browser I use. Spam the New Reply button a hundred times and it goes through maybe once.

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c8f76a  No.48960

File: d04a7ef89ed9018⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 194x259, 194:259, Laowhy_86_Serial_Killer.jpg)


>4chan is exactly the same as all the other co-opted shitholes on Nu Internet

Welcome to the future, faggot OP. Do a flip off your roof to protest.

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901d2d  No.49167

Ass if this joint didn't get a renovation each time it went down…

Nostalgia brings me back now…

The net will catch some and save others…

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9b229b  No.49205


i was banned once for unironic shit posting.

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7624ff  No.53619

So 8cunt is just a honeypot now?

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f9574f  No.53747



Since jim took over four years ago, yeah. Stop bumping months old spam threads.

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293eec  No.54032


I fucking hate cuckchan so much. The redditors there are extremely rude and the kike mods stalk good posters so they can immediately delete a thread if you drop a major redpill in there.

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c467d1  No.64124


I was banned for making a shity thread on /fit but I never visited /fit in my entire life.

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a1dbdc  No.64713


>still their bitch everyday.

Also true

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fed11a  No.65243


No worse than 8coon. One is infested with weaboo fags and the other other with nigger fags. Why not create a white only imageboard where only serious discussion is allowed?

I'm working on a server where I'll block all non-white and designated glownigger CIDRs.

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7f681f  No.65249


Because it’s illegal and whites refuse to break jewish law for any reason.

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64b66f  No.65390


>Shitty Alt Chan Fedaration boards are an alternative

Fuck off nano

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631154  No.78241

Honestly cuckchan's /pol/ is now cuckchan's /b/-lite. Each thread is started with a picture of some whore

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8fbee0  No.78295

File: ad29d71d59082ec⋯.jpg (104.23 KB, 886x584, 443:292, lelf.jpg)


uh why send people that hate 4cuck back when your site is dying

brilliant idea

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8fbee0  No.78302


yeah it's astroturfed hard and 2018 was the point of no return

they always shilled to some extent in the old days but now Im sure at least 75% of threads are made by some indian or israeli in a cubicle

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1cd02a  No.78329

File: e761f9ca3282b96⋯.jpg (126.24 KB, 638x960, 319:480, moot_pwnd.jpg)

File: 718e99761f3902a⋯.jpg (150.76 KB, 717x960, 239:320, mootles.jpg)

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631154  No.78460


I found that single FBI-agent made here two threads in support of JEWNITED STATES within 2 hours about how bad is Iran when the war almost started in January with posting the exact same bullshit within both threads, so this place is not much better.

Here is what cuckchanners actually believe currently

>ZOG good

>Iran, NK, China, Russia, any country which opposes the west bad.

>All violence bad.

>each time a thread is started with a girls picture in OP someone talks about nigger cocks.

>Most of the threads are either bait threads or have some whores picture or generals like /sg/, /ptg/. Rest are threads cycling like /pol/ humor thread/overdiscussed topics or some retarded tweet.

>half of the replies in the threads are about ass, dicks or cunts because everyone there is a cumbrain.

>most replies to the thread are borderline retarded jokes or some establishment "official" opinions

>people instead of arguing start insulting

>all they care about is being based conservative MIGAtard.

Honestly I think anyone who posts there should be removed from the list of the living people.

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29bdbf  No.112556


> Try posting anything anti-kike on any board but contained ones like /pol and /b and you'll get banned

i never got banned because of this tho

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