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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

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72d6bb  No.100835

Around the middle of April 2020 covid reached 2.5k daily deaths.

Expectatives are USA is going to lose between .5 and 2% of its population. Anywhere from 100k to 400k deaths in the following 6 to 18 months.

While this happens Donald Trump is going to be re-elected. Biden has no chance, never had. Trump is going to trample him over without even trying. And that is honestly the best case scenario.

Biden would appease the working class with crumbles and follow the same heuristics that got USA in this situation, only worse by wear.

Vote trump and accelerate the process. That is why Julian Assange helped Trump. The only way to fix the system is to allow it to break itself.

So I'm calling the leftist in the crowd, the Marxists, the liberals, the progressives and the anarchists, the socialists, the bundists, the maoists and the panthers. Also the white supremacists and fascists, though you guys are the real trumpers.

Unite and vote republican or don't vote. Individuals cannot crash the system and institutions won't do it but it's own internal contradictions will, if allowed.

The dems spitted on bernie bros, bernie was good but he gave up.

This is obviously not a democracy, so stop pretending it is and accelerate the system collapse so it can be changed.

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148510  No.100887


You hope too much.

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000000  No.100931


You always lose, niggerpill.

We always win.

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