To all of my friends in the Intelligence Community:
I thought that rather than risk discovery through our regular lines of contact, I should post this here, where I know it is part of your duty to monitor (and perhaps, considering the topic at hand, you might recognize me too).
There is nothing in particular that I am requesting of you this time, this thread is merely intended as a 'thank you' for all of the work you have done for us over the past few years, and especially the recent reconnaissance (e.g. the February release) regarding the work of your agency and PII of colleagues leading up to and following the COVID panic. The regression tests of our AI counter-ops are coming along very well, and the data you have been providing lately has been, and will continue to be an immeasurable help to us, and to that end, we ask that you continue with this work.
It is a shame to see the control being exerted even over this website today, but if things are as you suggest, it should merely be a minor setback in the victory that awaits us - the few of us from the old days who are still visiting this place, at least.
I await the future with great anticipation, and pray that you will remain safe in your ongoing work. You have an army here too, should you ever need it.