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4e4fe9  No.100502

AronRa in his video Correcting Darwin's Critics at around the 12:00 mark starts talking about how creationists often slander Darwin as a "racist".

Aron says in the video that Darwin is accused of being racist because the title of his most famous book mentions "Favoured Races" but he says that race back then meant a lineage of species. Later in the video Aron explains that in Darwin's later book Descent of Man Darwin says that humans were not sufficiently distinct to be considered separate races.

If we define race as "a lineage of species" than we can say race doesn't exist in humans, but as far as I can tell most race realists don't attempt to argue that human races are separate species. So, if Darwin was around today would he be a race realist who simply argues that the "races" of man are at a lower taxonomic division than "species" or would he be a race denier that wouldn't be out of place in an anthropology class at a university as Aron seems to portray him in his video?

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b513a5  No.100537

This guy is the definition of fedora: he's an overweight leftist with a retarded haircut and black kids, who comes from a time when it was cool to make videos dunking on cherrypicked low IQ religious people. Who cares what he thinks? There are better fish to fry.

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b513a5  No.100538


He's the fedora version of Sargon.

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b513a5  No.100543

File: 502aa5e7a7cb97a⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 1084x726, 542:363, C3uv1mjWIAAWfiK.jpg)

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9c5668  No.100972


Learn the facts about one of the most redpilled person to live.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

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f5fa60  No.101036

Good thing that despite making many accurate observations, his theories were fundamentally wrong because they denied the Telos. Just another utterly kiked Anglo scientist pushing the usual (((narrative))). I could bet that we could find some rather interesting (((backing))) if we started digging.

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47fe91  No.101437


> if Darwin was around today would he be a race realist who simply argues that the "races" of man are at a lower taxonomic division than "species"

He'd probably put humans into different "breeds" based on skin color and other differences like purebreed cats are classified, except there are no "purebreed" humans. Even if you were to ignore human species hybridization (like white people having some Neanderthal origins) you still can't really find a large genetically cohesive population.

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60f653  No.101466



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60f653  No.101467


The fuck's a "lineage of species"? Species like every taxonomic rank is by definition a lineage. I suppose the the faggot thinks the arbitrary rank of "species" has some sort of magical barrier around it?

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60f653  No.101676

File: 200e98bba0258e0⋯.png (209.08 KB, 1024x896, 8:7, 200e98bba0258e0eb2bb863285….png)


>you still can't really find a large genetically cohesive population.

Cool (((Lewontin's))) fallacy there, schlomo.

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