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File: 75c3be9ff9aec8b⋯.jpg (210.77 KB, 627x615, 209:205, 1582762115128.jpg)

4ff58a  No.100151

Today I found out about how Canadians have lost a lot of cyber rights today and I wanted to go and post on 4cuck's /pol/ about it and I found my IP was banned for a post I never made on a board I never post on and that I couldn't post.

It's fucking over for us Canadians. They're sending out legal letters to lots of people for downloading illegal content. All the ISPs have started spying on their customers without needing a warrant. I am now scared to post or say anything over the internet as I've already had the police visit me once in the last month for something I didn't do (someone else put up posters in my area and they assumed it was me or that I'd know who because I did something similar in the past).

Also all the based people in my area I can't reach anymore even on protonmail. They've just gone silent. I wanted to coordinate something, find some way to stay in touch in case internet was fucked, and now it's too late. I feel so unbelievably alone right now. Also all the based people on the streets, same thing, they're getting targeted by the police and disappearing. Eventually I'll be the last man standing probably and the secrets of /pol/ will just have to die with me when I either commit suicide from despair and isolation or I'm forced to LARP as an Amish or something similar in order to continue my line.

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4ff58a  No.100152

Btw proxies don't do shit when ISP is spying on you. I have no idea how to overcome ISPs spying on me.

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911b36  No.100196


that Snowden leak reveals CSIS, using NSA surveillance data, has a program called LEVITATION which is watching ALL file downloads for the top 115 websites in the world. then CSIS shares it all with the FVEYS.

that program is from 2011. imagine what they have now.

i dont intend to scare you more or demoralize you, i just want you to understand the scale of what you and all of us are up against. just how bad things really are etc…

i lived in Canuckistan during college, so i will always have an affinity for you guys, but from what im hearing all of Canada is on the brink of becoming a Failed State and a Globalist Police State. unfortunately i dont have any easy solutions.

here's what i do to counter the ubiquitous demoralization and the growing threat to our kind. i read history books about espionage and great spies. not pop culture Jason Bourne bullshit, but the real stuff. funnily enough, the stories of old KGB moles and spy rings are the best. the KGB really did run circles around CIA FBI NATO. for every one mole or spy the CIA had in the USSR, the USSR had 100 in the West.

what does espionage history have to do with today?

you, me and everyone who reads 8pol needs to get into the mindset that you are not some Waffen SS hero on the battlefield.

we dont have a State backing us. we dont have an army. we dont even have a political party. even at the height of the Cold War, there was a Communist Party in every Western nation. we also dont have a charismatic leader. we have no leaders. at best we have propaganda (memes) and publicity stunts.

what does that make us?

we are spies. we are more like the Gestapo than the Waffen SS. we have no choice but to operate in secret, at a tiny scale and not working towards quick and large wins, but to slow and small gains.

once you get that spy mentality it makes it easier to cope with the bullshit. the Enemy is spying on us? big deal, we are reconnaissance spies for the coming Fourth Reich, we expected to be spied on. we just have to act even slower and more cautiously. the Enemy is hunting us? well of course they are. in the Fourth Reich, we would hunt down rings of Semites and Bolsheviks too.

i guess what im suggesting is to change your mindset to adapt to the reality of our war against Globohomo. the first step is realizing you are at war, so you stop expecting this to be a comfy fun ride. it's going to hurt and many of us wont survive.

what do you think Adolf did when he was in the trenches in 1916? he toughened up and did his duty.

that what im doing and that what we all need to do.

by the way, the best book about KGB spies is this: The Sword and the Shield by Mitrokin


and yes, i laugh at the irony of learning the mindset and long game of being a spy from the godless Bolsheviks.

also, read any books about Reinhard Gehlen, who was Hitler's spy chief and later the first chief of the BND.

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c9c68d  No.100210


old news, op. Canada is part of five-eyes, and ISP spying is just as prevalent as anywhere else.

use a vpn not based in 14 eyes, or use tor. for comms, use qTox over Tor. it's that simple. stop concern trolling.

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4ff58a  No.100258


They no longer require a warrant now though. Before they spied on us and pretended they weren't. Now they're just doing it on a much larger scale and it's terrible. Before these kinds of capabilities were limited to a far smaller number of people now we're being mass monitored.

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177d11  No.100520


post a link at least fagface

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0a67e5  No.100563


I like the way you look at things anon, I try to steer people to a more correct way of seeing things and to always assume there is more to the story than what you see on TV.

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1c98d0  No.100573

File: 10249769e9e20c0⋯.jpeg (488.74 KB, 2025x1508, 2025:1508, 5A63ECA8_CE5B_40AC_AED2_F….jpeg)

File: 17ba4fe2ba1334e⋯.jpeg (334.8 KB, 2030x1537, 70:53, B5D141B5_0D87_4033_A561_E….jpeg)

File: bb45195e9453437⋯.jpeg (451.24 KB, 1849x1482, 1849:1482, 84345932_FCD8_4213_ABA2_6….jpeg)

File: 5def35b35939ba6⋯.jpeg (482.76 KB, 1595x1507, 145:137, 1D2970BA_885D_43D2_B224_A….jpeg)


Canada was purchase by the CCP. Enjoy social credit system and having someone harvest your body heat, semen and brain waves to mine bitcoin for them.

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e18d8d  No.100601


Just got a 3 day boardwide ban for funposting. Gotta have 30 threads about how Drumpfs told everyone to drink bleach, but one funposting containment thread is apparently too much, ban wasn't even relevant. I wish some days that 8kun was a little more fast paced, but holy fuck NIGGERTITS is going straight to hell with the shills lately. Why is it Infinite chan doesn't seem to deal with it anymore? When this place was still 8chan it seemed to have way more glowies shills and tranny raids from /leftypol/

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07b356  No.101147

File: 8950a6678958ff8⋯.jpg (701.53 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, Trudeau_Sr_Castro_Cuckoo_J….jpg)

Surprise Goyim. Surprise!

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b21ece  No.101220

File: 1e580d89b30fa02⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 450x259, 450:259, canadanextflag.jpg)


>It's fucking over for us Canadians.

And now a word from my sponsor, Surfshark.

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411bc5  No.101415

File: a1c27fe2e0feede⋯.jpg (58.8 KB, 720x480, 3:2, you_need_orwellian_surveil….jpg)


You are not alone, anon.

Yes, it will get tougher and tougher. We are all an actual persecuted minority, and the jew will cry in pain as it stabs you. But think of it like a selection function of the genetic algorithm. Will you have kids? That's the path forward, and always has.

Every time a minority is persecuted, it becomes more resilient, this is how the jews became the subversive cockroaches that they did, by being expelled for eternity. We will just have to become resilient and cunning to survive the attacks these vicious creatures mount upon us.

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938395  No.101419


You’re literally fucking retarded and know nothing about white history.

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a835e2  No.101988

File: df5956ab34837c5⋯.jpg (200.37 KB, 586x586, 1:1, 3n4ssd.jpg)

4 cuck blanket bans public access wifi had it happen to me >>100151

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1a53b0  No.102143

File: 9c7d82812f02ec4⋯.png (19.61 KB, 249x255, 83:85, bb107e90071dd3a55db02a3c0a….png)


>When this place was still 8chan it seemed to have way more glowies shills and tranny raids from /leftypol/

It did but you faggot shills went back to halfchan

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