Welcome to the Clownifornia Reichpublic, better known as /pcal/.
This is a state specific /pol/ board for those residing in all parts of Commiefornia (formerly California).
We also have a discord server whose permanent link can be found here:
Board Rules
1. No posting of any content that is illegal under United States law
2. No porn/nudity
3. Don't post photos of yourself or of your friends/family or anything personally identifiable here. We are NOT (((Facebook)))
4. Threats of violence that are not confined to minecraft or your MMORPG of choice (irl violence is bad m'kay? keep it in minecraft), will not be tolerated.
5. No spamming
6. Contact threads are allowed so long as they're not explicitly related to sex/drugs/hookups (EXAMPLE: Your thread or post about wanting some fuck or how you can hook someone up with drugs will be deleted and you will be banned)
7. The Following types of /soc/-tier threads are not permitted
>Rate threads of any kind
>[Insert Body Part] rate thread!
>Regional threads
>"Dirty" threads (See rule 2)
>Camwhoring threads of any kind
8. Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
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