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"Watching Initial D is basically track time right?"

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don't be a faggot

File: aa6760ceaab3f35⋯.png (114.39 KB,400x460,20:23,aa6760ceaab3f35742e54eb265….png)

File: 936ab364e641b97⋯.png (308.49 KB,990x682,45:31,nobrainniggermonkey.png)

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693fb7 No.18610

I drive a 2005 Ford Focus zx3, and holy fucking shit is it a pain in the ass to do anything on that car other than check basic fluids. The PCV valve is underneath the intake manifold. It's the main reason I still haven't replaced it. I guess one of these days once the weather gets cooler I'll have to suck it up and go for it.

Today I recharged the A/C. It has a very slow leak, and about once a year the refrigerant level gets kinda low and I add some refrigerant and maybe some A/C oil if it needs it. The fucking low side port is up under the fucking passenger side wheel well. You have to undo a little screw to get behind the plastic panel of the wheel well. To get access to it, you have to turn the wheel all the way to the right or left. I prefer right. Then I undo the screw, but get this, IT'S A FUCKING TORX HEAD.


This isn't some delicate part that should only be touched by the hands of Ford's highest qualified mechanics. It's a shitty piece of plastic to keep dirt and shit from flying up into the engine compartment., which won't even happen unless you're driving backwards as fast as you can. It's also cramped and you pretty much have to put the hose on by feel. I guess you could jack up the car, take off the wheel, and completely remove the panel, but that's even more work for an A/C charge a fucking retard should be able to do in their sleep.

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9a83b1 No.18611


>A/C charges being simple

Have they ever been? Have not heard of A/Cs being user serviceable, because the refridgerant is unobtainium for even average mechanics. There are some dedicated places where i live where you can get your A/C serviced and only the A/C, nothing else. Regular shops don't touch those janky things.

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8621fb No.18615

File: dbbe71e282f5e6a⋯.jpg (92.72 KB,458x750,229:375,question snake.jpg)

What's a good way to into servicing your own car besides watching the how-to videos on jewtube?

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693fb7 No.18617


What country do you live in? In the USA, basic A/C stuff has been easy to do since the switch to R134a back in 1993/4. You don't need a license for it like you did R12. I bought my gauge and hose setup, was well as the refrigerant at walmart along with some deodorant and a block of cheese.

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