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"Watching Initial D is basically track time right?"

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don't be a faggot

File: 27e7b777e1bb6ec⋯.jpg (170.37 KB,1200x630,40:21,Nu Gear.jpg)

31708c No.18461

crossposted from /tv/

If not, you're missing out! This week, magical sandnigger and his two disposable buddies drive pride-colored shitboxes in a totally original used car challenge never seen before on Britistani television. It's classic stuff straight on the screen, much better than watching three 60-year old has-beens say mean things about gay people and foreigners, right?


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cbb451 No.18462


>crossposted from /tv/

Go away, /tv/.

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02b3a4 No.18464

File: 04b7fabea2b423b⋯.jpg (121.56 KB,679x679,1:1,Heavy drinking3.jpg)

Those cars didn't do anything to deserve that paint job

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31708c No.18466

File: 0b0c452775c615b⋯.jpg (770.07 KB,2585x1333,2585:1333,MatraSimcaBagheera.jpg)



>Deserving anything good

But the Bagheera though, fuck. That's one of just 5 left on the road. Rare to begin with and even rarer now. They better not have banged it up for a cheap car challenge, and I'd say the same were it the real hosts, not these pale imitations. There weren't many of them around brand new.

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f479a8 No.18500

For a moment I thought those cars weren't deserving of that paintjob.

Then I recognized them.

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4d7dd9 No.18507

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31708c No.18644

Which one of you unloyal faggots posted this?


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68b660 No.18645


Why would you know, traitor?

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31708c No.18646


I like to see where my posts go. Sometimes I witness them become fully-fledged pastas, and that includes images which I give very specific dimensions and hide extremely subtle watermarks in, and in this case someone posted it more or less verbatim to cuck/o/; I'm guessing you.

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