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"Watching Initial D is basically track time right?"

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don't be a faggot

File: bc43e255e727efa⋯.jpg (376.59 KB,1854x768,309:128,lamborghini-gallardo-red-L….jpg)

0f39ab No.18077

What happens when you LS swap a Gallardo?

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e7aa4f No.18080

You get 1,000 free Reddit Upvotes™.

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36dd8f No.18093

File: 59431e70931ca54⋯.jpeg (45.89 KB,479x397,479:397,1511563397.jpeg)

You waste your time.

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fb136c No.18096

File: 5d80265a9d2bc82⋯.gif (142.62 KB,429x611,33:47,5d80265a9d2bc82464eb434b57….gif)

VW representatives send the German Inquisition. Also known as the SS.

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1c2c93 No.18643

File: 574b111b8598b29⋯.gif (7.34 MB,532x299,532:299,heresy.gif)

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c3b8ba No.18650

File: 93babf48f4476b0⋯.webm (2.13 MB,640x360,16:9,HERESY DETECTED.webm)


>soundless gifs of webms

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a65cab No.18657


>gif with sound

I'm interested

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