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"Watching Initial D is basically track time right?"

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don't be a faggot

File: 98b869a1a4be168⋯.jpg (442.6 KB,1680x1050,8:5,WZGcNKH.jpg)

b77078 No.11822 [View All]

Because Vulcar and Ibishu.

Pic related is my Covet 4WD Turbo ECVT, 170 hp of 4WD fury in BeamNG.

55 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4e5aab No.13343

File: cca348dbe6563db⋯.gif (125.75 KB,720x480,3:2,faggot identified.gif)

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932f76 No.13348





You are the cancer killing video games.

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ad95ac No.13652

File: 496932323506cd3⋯.jpg (422.58 KB,1920x1200,8:5,14994478611888_93df5d-3559….jpg)

File: 6f8435d12dc57cb⋯.jpg (632.93 KB,2560x1080,64:27,49881b-4.jpg)

File: fe3d32d22963485⋯.jpg (595.45 KB,2560x1080,64:27,2ZSC5d2.jpg)

File: cc1e40fa77c4e63⋯.jpg (333.31 KB,2560x1080,64:27,029b8b-ydyRq4H.jpg)

File: feeb3abcb5556cb⋯.jpg (315.02 KB,2560x1080,64:27,029b8b-nXiZApV.jpg)

Well, R* decided to shit the bed with regards to modding thanks to T2 being greedy jews but those cars came out eventually once they realized they couldn't fuck with us again.

Also this fucking awesome Benefactor CLK-GTR type thing was released shortly after.

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ad95ac No.13679

File: bcd9a7b56290bd3⋯.jpg (397.98 KB,2304x1440,8:5,Annis Euros.jpg)

File: a6d4ca779591404⋯.jpg (304.35 KB,2560x1080,64:27,Annis Euros 2.jpg)

File: a07c1f0502c58df⋯.jpg (333.51 KB,2560x1080,64:27,Annis Euros 3.jpg)

File: 92b5da92c164b1d⋯.jpg (244.78 KB,2560x1080,64:27,Annis Euros 4.jpg)

File: 61c41c941602219⋯.jpg (322.12 KB,2560x1080,64:27,Annis Euros 5.jpg)

And while we were waiting endlessly for those to come out, this got quietly released last night. Link below:


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ad95ac No.13819

File: 5f944766b353815⋯.jpg (536.65 KB,1920x1080,16:9,GTAO-OSR.jpg)



So an image for the latest DLC just came out with a car that looks suspiciously like a Mk1 Escort with what is most definitely a Vapid badge. If it happens to be named the Courtesan, posting now to tell you I fucking called it.

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1bb862 No.14013

File: 710bf797c91f1ac⋯.png (3.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,349353.png)

File: bf000472530c452⋯.png (3.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,18923.png)

Bretty comfy.

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f3be87 No.14017

File: 84a62e639888318⋯.jpg (510.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,516750_screenshots_2017040….jpg)


It still is front wheel drive. Should have came up with something original.

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14fef1 No.14039

File: af7ad65b3cea27e⋯.png (43.36 KB,288x302,144:151,af7.png)


>Gommer Gobra

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14fef1 No.14217

File: 2538f1c5ecc484b⋯.jpg (352.48 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Brioso Bullshit.jpg)

File: 4cff6fba4c4a53c⋯.png (123.73 KB,823x862,823:862,brioso bullshit pt 2.png)

>He still doesn't understand his "work" isn't worth shit as it illegally profits off of R*-sourced content (the original Brioso model, textures and potentially file format too)

>He thinks he should get better treatment than people who put in 100x his work in terms of both quality and quantity such as Thundersmacker, GTAWiseGuy and the Vanillaworks team

Maybe he'll actually listen to this guy, whoever he is. Else we really should report his pathetic ass.

It irks me the fuck out when the Liberty City and RDR mods which were planned to be completely free got C&D'd while shit like this is allowed to remain untouched. This is what the copyright autism from earlier in the thread should have been about.

Fuck Steam for beginning the transformation of modders into creative kikes.

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14fef1 No.14286

File: 8cd0297992b8b69⋯.png (34.66 KB,621x704,621:704,brioso bullshit pt 3.png)

Believe me, I hated doing this as much as the next guy, but the one thing I despise more than people throwing shitfits over free content, is people who then sell that free content on as a paid product. Wish me luck, and fuck this guy either way.

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1bb862 No.14302


Why are you autistic, anon?

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14fef1 No.14303

File: bf18e75681f4a76⋯.jpg (227.34 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dinka Blista Classic.jpg)

File: 83a84693fbe7369⋯.jpg (198.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dinka Blista Classic R-Kit.jpg)


Because some faggot thinks he's worth more than everyone else, including those that are far superior and more deserving by hiding shit behind paywalls like a hook-nosed kike, and given what T2 has done in the past, there is no way this fucker should avoid getting tarred with a brush that many greater contributors have already been tarred with. All this cuck knows is how to manipulate models, admittedly to a greater degree than many others, but that's beside the point. He can't make jackshit from scratch, and he sure as hell can't adapt lower poly models (pic related is his first "unique" work, and it doesn't even have door handles plus look how rough those fenders and upper body areas are), so why the fuck should he be allowed to continue going down this path of entitlement? In the long run it'll only encourage others to be as divisive towards the community as he is and sooner or later they'll be fucking us harder than R* has these past couple of years. They've released so many vehicles at this point they could've probably made two whole games' worth instead of planning how to rape console users' wallets even harder (if you play the PC version of V and have actually *paid* for DLC, congratulations; you're officially a dumbfuck) than they already have done.

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14fef1 No.14304



fuck this muscle memory man

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fb824f No.14802

File: 8640fbfec405c0a⋯.jpg (221.96 KB,1306x864,653:432,Deluxo.jpg)

So yeah, this just happened. Leave it to R* to fucking ruin it though and the people who convert it to IV/SA/VC to do a 10x better job at giving us a high poly Delorean ersatz rather than those who gave them it in the first place.

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fb824f No.14815

File: e46663641ae7320⋯.jpg (123.55 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Annis Savestra (Mazda RX3).jpg)

File: ac88cb801f3121f⋯.jpg (122.46 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Z190 (Fairlady).jpg)

File: 0cda22baa18847f⋯.jpg (120.6 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Viseris (Pantera).jpg)

File: 1d8287d28d12b9c⋯.jpg (135.07 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Comet4 (911 SC Dakar).jpg)

File: 4956a9f066d3ce7⋯.jpg (127.75 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Sentinel Retro (E30 M3).jpg)


Just some of Foxysnaps' latest discoveries

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3a9e0a No.14862

This thread makes me want to pick the game up again but it's a pile of shit, is it worth it if you just drive around with friends.

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205fc5 No.15820

File: 19ed7b0e11fd6e6⋯.jpg (318.81 KB,838x828,419:414,BF Floatmaster 177 - 1964.jpg)

File: 2bf3b0a921d70a5⋯.jpg (323.77 KB,838x828,419:414,Weeny Tommy - 1966.jpg)

File: 2082d5566c72448⋯.jpg (350.54 KB,838x828,419:414,Declasse Skulker - 1970.jpg)

File: 81db2ab12484943⋯.jpg (298.52 KB,838x828,419:414,Vapid Speedo - 1961.jpg)

File: ab89b971fda6ad9⋯.jpg (317.26 KB,838x828,419:414,Declasse Moonbeam Sports V….jpg)

The guy who made these, Crack Yo' Neck is now officially my God.

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205fc5 No.15821

File: a1402e0819825df⋯.jpg (349.72 KB,838x828,419:414,Annis Magno - 1992.jpg)

File: e30b862969811d7⋯.jpg (331.83 KB,838x828,419:414,Shitzu Espresso - 1992.jpg)

File: 3e20781ef0a4254⋯.jpg (343.46 KB,838x828,419:414,Dinka D855 - 1991.jpg)

File: 0dd7504fd4e5b86⋯.jpg (335.57 KB,838x828,419:414,Dinka Mizetto - 1993.jpg)

File: cde1e67511fbd62⋯.jpg (302.79 KB,838x828,419:414,Dinka Kowasu Stepvan - 197….jpg)

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205fc5 No.15822

File: 79979e18977e182⋯.jpg (348.25 KB,838x828,419:414,Annis Elegy RH3 - 1996.jpg)

File: c0fefd465a943b1⋯.jpg (355.98 KB,838x828,419:414,Dinka Jester - 1992.jpg)

File: efe3a2d77aa16b4⋯.jpg (326.87 KB,838x828,419:414,Vapid RG21 - 1996.jpg)

File: 27dacbba9ffc00c⋯.jpg (340.55 KB,838x828,419:414,Ocelot Stromberg - 1974.jpg)

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205fc5 No.15823

File: c5ede7114a8667f⋯.jpg (322.01 KB,838x828,419:414,Dundreary Admiral - 1968.jpg)

File: 08302993d5dce5c⋯.jpg (334.72 KB,838x828,419:414,Schyster Greenwood - 1964.jpg)

File: 5bf5b37e1b3d110⋯.jpg (343.76 KB,838x828,419:414,Classique 69 Cruiser - 195….jpg)

File: d34eaf3279aeb1a⋯.jpg (340.96 KB,838x828,419:414,Classique 69 Cruiser - 199….jpg)

File: 7087c95101143b2⋯.jpg (332.29 KB,838x828,419:414,Dundreary Admiral - 1960.jpg)


And lastly some sedans, he made a few more but these look the best IMHO

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5d36af No.17433

File: 961cd1ce83b388e⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,600x614,300:307,1486597352_ScreenVuInSeV60….jpg)

File: ffddf5112af9d2d⋯.jpg (68.07 KB,600x543,200:181,1510662837_ScreenWiSoSeIVv….jpg)

File: 9e4df137736e2d0⋯.jpg (74.18 KB,600x549,200:183,1516470419_ScreenDruTahMP6….jpg)

File: c9f53fe1faab401⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,600x511,600:511,1480121176_ScreenZirStraSe….jpg)

Vulcar Ingot Sedan

Willard Solair Sedan

HD inspired Tahoma

Zirconium Stratum Sedan

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5d36af No.17434

File: ff29832f7a0502a⋯.png (1.03 MB,838x828,419:414,NDKFqIu.png)

File: 5cffefa2b21d203⋯.png (1001.34 KB,838x828,419:414,02wnAdN.png)

File: 93d0b8478dc2d12⋯.png (1.03 MB,838x828,419:414,yO0W6su.png)

File: b28bfada1126b9d⋯.png (1.01 MB,838x828,419:414,8AAvHRA.png)

Remake of the GTA SA Infernus alongside two interpretations of the HD Stromberg and a Vapid supercar.

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5d36af No.17435

File: f76d50946946dae⋯.png (996.56 KB,838x828,419:414,OHNzugm.png)

File: d4e7c9d7de2f597⋯.png (974.73 KB,838x828,419:414,7ssBmZv.png)

File: fedfd2b5beeff01⋯.png (840.68 KB,838x828,419:414,Yj77e5t.png)

File: d3830c492f0830c⋯.png (946.33 KB,838x828,419:414,72ILcUe.png)


my apologizes, I didn't even realize that was a near carbon copy of


SA interpretations of the Starion, SVX, Laguna, and Legacy

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205fc5 No.17436

File: 80027e050654d29⋯.jpg (491.56 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Declasse Vamos.jpg)

File: 5ea7d6c82e64c56⋯.jpg (457.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Vapid Imperator.jpg)

File: d4fb807840b83fd⋯.jpg (668.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Declasse Impaler.jpg)

File: f072cb360ac4f6c⋯.jpg (569.48 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Schyster Deviant.jpg)

File: e53e2992ea99da6⋯.jpg (519.23 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Bravado Sasquatch.jpg)


Doesn't really matter, Crack Yo' Neck is a fucking boss.

These just came out for V/Online btw. After practically an entire year of disappointing DLC vehicles including a disproportioned Jester that was so bad they actually delayed it for several months, a bunch of pointless movie-themed cars that help make the game even more cartoony that it had already become, and even more up-to-date hypercars that only help to make the original game's 2013 setting even further anachronistic than it already was, they drop these on us.

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5d36af No.17437

File: 11f80df5b07b1cb⋯.png (552.21 KB,800x640,5:4,kuruma.png)

File: 9f2517649e52962⋯.png (1.57 MB,1920x1200,8:5,club.png)

File: 9d283b840d6851c⋯.jpg (455.03 KB,1600x1000,8:5,zr350.jpg)

File: 5d22f93e50f10de⋯.jpg (565.68 KB,2560x1080,64:27,euros.jpg)


Thank you for understanding.

In my opinion, the overall quality/variety of the DLC cars tanked after the "I'm Not A Hipster" update. After that, it just seemed like constant releases of retextures or outlandish shit that would never be road-legal. I honestly don't know what happened over at Rockstar's design team. In GTA IV, every single car was designed with unique and logical homages to their real life counterparts. There were enthusiast references and multiple trim-models in almost every car (ex. Futo GT, Hakumai IVT, Ingot VD90R). In contrast, most of the newer cars in GTA V seem lifeless and rushed in comparison. The remakes of previous gen vehicles were lazy and inaccurate, half of them don't even have the correct brand. In the new DLC, there's a ZR350 successor that resembles a Nissan 350Z instead of a Mazda RX7. It's a sad sight to see amateur modders consistently put out better content than Rockstar.

GTA III Kuruma, GTA SA Club, GTA SA ZR350, GTA SA Euros

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5d36af No.17438

File: f92b86674fb0762⋯.png (271.87 KB,671x528,61:48,Shogun1.png)

File: 79db418f0427ae8⋯.png (320.49 KB,909x366,303:122,Shogun2.png)

File: 6767445cc2c491b⋯.png (282.88 KB,670x529,670:529,Shogun3.png)

I'll post some unlicensed cars from lesser known games.

The Wasabi Shogun from Saints Row is based on the AE82 Toyota Corolla, the taillights take inspiration from the XV10 Toyota Camry and the Oldsmobile Achieva. I'm not entirely sure on what inspired the front, but it reminds me of a J-body Buick Skyhawk without the high beam headlights.

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5d36af No.17439

File: 8363654cb83b1df⋯.png (332.72 KB,640x551,640:551,cap1.png)

File: 7f3541b3f9397a2⋯.png (225.16 KB,735x284,735:284,cap2.png)

File: 4c457645711289c⋯.png (374.34 KB,735x549,245:183,cap3.png)

The Steer Capshaw from Saints Row 1 and 2 is based on the fifth generation Pontiac Grand Prix sedan.

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e01014 No.17440


That ad in the second picture is genious. What the fuck is wrong with the reflections though?

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205fc5 No.17441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I personally feel that all the originality and creativity that R* had when it came to producing cars for GTA IV, GTA V and the DLCs released in 2014 and 2015 are long gone. The last unique design choice I recall before they started copying real-life vehicles more or less verbatim was the Vapid FMJ having those tiny Vulcan-style headlights. Everything since then has been too similar to real life. Compare the Issi Classic made by R*, and the one made by Vanillaworks that dropped a week or two later (but was actually 90% ready by the time the former released theirs, completely unknowingly) and in my opinion, much better follows the design of the modern HD Issi.

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5d36af No.17442

File: 94d75f9d830c0ac⋯.png (1.31 MB,1600x900,16:9,Rancher.png)

File: 48d5adc847e0b47⋯.png (1.37 MB,1600x900,16:9,Virgo.png)

File: 03cc633c16038a7⋯.png (1.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Bucanneer.png)

File: d2c1896f0814aae⋯.png (1.28 MB,1600x900,16:9,Fortune.png)

File: 0ae7357ec602956⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Stallion.png)


I agree, every DLC consists of unoriginal 80s homologation specials, the latest supercar, or Mad Max-tier greifing machines. Rockstar doesn't acknowledge continuity and brand design language with the same intuition that they did in GTA IV. Most of the 3D era cars in GTA IV were recreated faithfully or given appropriate facelifts. Most of the GTA V designs remind me of cars from Saints Row or Just Cause. Overly generic, minimum details, and odd proportions. Many of the chosen names were also uninspired (ex. 811, Neon, GT500. Baller, 190z, BeeJay XL, Impaler). My assumption is that there were department shifts that lead to less innovative designs from the developers. There is a relatively small "lore-faithful" modding community, but they still notice the finer details from previous designs and incorporate them into their designs, even if some of them are 3D models ripped from other games. Rockstar couldn't even manage to carry over the right badge when they converted some of the IV models to V.

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205fc5 No.17443

File: d343bd6908d46dd⋯.jpg (792.86 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Saikou.jpg)

File: fb64336c15b4f23⋯.jpg (568.74 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Saikou Tuned.jpg)

File: 6b52c3f99504a30⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Saikou Tuned 2.jpg)

File: 420c9a03dac207d⋯.jpg (724.98 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Saikou Tuned 3.jpg)

File: 02377a58b0091c3⋯.jpg (767.61 KB,3620x2091,3620:2091,Saikou Advert.jpg)


Somewhat agreed, 811 is an awful fucking name that means literally nothing. BeeJay plays into their humor, and could conceivably work if the FJ40 exists in their world as the BJ69 or whatever. Baller and the whole idea of Gallivanter is pointless since I thought Vapid took the role of Land Rover with the Huntley S, which is now an Enus for some inexplicable reason.

And the few good designs they make are ruined with forced bodykits like the Comet Retro and the Elegy Retro. Thankfully the community have rectified this with their mod versions, but the point is they shouldn't have had to.

One thing I want to turn attention to is the range of cars that each company makes. In real life, Ferrari have 5 cars in production:

A Hypercar (LaFerrari)

A Supercar (488 GTB)

And three grand tourers (Portofino, 812 Superfast and GTC4Lusso)

Whereas in GTA, Grotti have 6 cars currently in production:

Three Hypercars (Cheetah, Turismo R and Visione)

Three grand tourers (Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare and Itali GTO even though Progen already makes the Itali GTB)

And nothing else. No company would have more than 1 hypercar in production at any one time. Three is overkill. They certainly wouldn't have zero supercars, since that's where a company like Grotti would make most of their money.

Same case with Pegassi; assuming the Infernus was succeeded by the Reaper, it, along with the Tempesta, Zentorno and Osiris all occupy the same market that one car, the Aventador, does in real life. Ok, you could make the argument that the Tempesta is the successor to the Vacca, since it's based on the Huracán, so then why the hell did they make it AWD and the Reaper RWD? Wouldn't you want the power going to all four wheels for your flagship hypercar? Why do they have almost identical stats? What is the Zentorno supposed to be, other than a production run Veneno? And where does the Osiris fit into all of this? Is that the Infernus' successor given they were both based somewhat on Paganis?

Not even in the 80s would you see a company offer several top-level models and nothing below. Ferrari had the F40, Testarossa and 328/348 and the Mondial. Hypercar, supercar, sports car and an "entry level" Ferrari. Porsche had the 959, 911 Turbo, 944 and 928. Exactly the same business model. By having less brands they've simply congealed the combined rosters of each of their equivalents together rather than combine the designs and make it seem like one brand identity, and only Dewbauchee manages to do that well IMHO.

Pix related are of the Saikou, a now-cancelled lore-friendly take on the Supra that in my opinion, far eclipses the Jester. I'm still holding out hope they release it one day, but it seems with many of their projects, it's just been memoryholed.

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5d36af No.17444

File: 900b75b9b03929f⋯.png (215.33 KB,512x363,512:363,Torrida.png)

File: 517a746a9aa59fd⋯.png (215.43 KB,512x363,512:363,Citi.png)

File: 8280ad2d9531eae⋯.png (105.25 KB,534x403,534:403,Cocotte.png)

File: da7b7aff7ae1857⋯.jpg (35.13 KB,800x392,100:49,previon.jpg)


Unfortunately, Rockstar takes little consideration into maintaining brand consistency and avoiding anachronisms as you pointed out. The inflation of supercar and hypercar releases in relation to the ratio of "mundane" cars available to purchase is fueled by their microtransaction sales. It's apparent that they are more concerned about retaining the attention of children who play the game rather than implement a cash system that is proportional to reality and to seldom release high-end cars in a realistic manner. GTA IV had ~five cars you could consider supercars, GTA:SA had ~seven. You can create a true sense of exclusivity when the supply of supercars is less than the demand. Concerning the drivetrains of the Vacca and Reaper, I am convinced that the development team overlooks details like this. They blatantly misbadge cars and have no interest in maintaining any coherent timeline, let alone develop any convincing brand structure. GTA IV was most likely the last game where we will ever see such a realistic interpretation of imitation brands in a video game.

Vanillaworks releases good content, hopefully the Saikou goes the path of the Issi Classic and will get released. It's nice to see Midnight Club 2 cars get remastered. Some of them would fit in well to the Los Santos atmosphere. I'm just waiting for the day someone remasters the Previon from San Andreas.

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205fc5 No.17449

File: f84ae93265040db⋯.jpg (52.7 KB,800x450,16:9,Stirling GT GTA IV.jpg)

File: a183b3c188c048c⋯.jpg (411.18 KB,1600x900,16:9,Vapid Retinue.jpg)

File: 805b8544b0f9461⋯.jpg (154.45 KB,1200x700,12:7,Rapid GT Classic.jpg)

File: cfbf6a6791e8a6d⋯.jpg (679.43 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Obey Omnis.jpg)

File: 801f9c5bca21037⋯.jpg (987.56 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Vapid Flash RC.jpg)


The biggest problem is the hardware-related speed limit implemented on the seventh gen version, which means basically every car beyond a low end sports car can compete with one another. This also means R* can make as many shiny hypercars as they want without putting any thought into the performance and ruining them with godawful handling flags.

To extend my previous post, I'd say the long-delayed Heists update is where the DLCs jumped the shark, though occasionally you'd see bits and pieces of greatness shine through, like the Stirling GT in Ill Gotten Gains Part 1. For that car they took the front end from the 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe and stuck it to the rear end of the production 300SL, and it looks sweet.

Further Adventures in Finance and Felony is where they turned into irredeemable trash IMHO. Not one vehicle from that DLC added anything of value. We had the FMJ, which was a 2017 Ford GT in all but headlights, the awful 811, the X80 Proto which nobody asked for, the Reaper which helped to add confusion to Pegassi's lineup as was previously mentioned, an ugly ass Benefactor SUV that only sold because of its armored variant, and countless variants of pre-existing vehicles. The Seven-70 didn't even have to try to be the best vehicle in that DLC, though it's a shame its rear end was such an afterthought.

Cunning Stunts had the Lampadati Tropos, and the Omnis which could have been something if they made a stock version. Two years later a modder named Erth finally gave us what we were looking for, but it was still a massively wasted opportunity on behalf of R*.

After that, we got the two classic Pegassis, to which extent I still feel the Infernus Classic/Torero each had the wrong names; the Countach should have been the Infernus Classic as that's what it was in the Vice City games, and the Diablo should have been the Torero. Hell, that's how it is in my copy of the game.

Smuggler's Run had the Retinue and Rapid GT Classic, both of which can look stunning in the right light.

Doomsday Heist and SSASSS was one big clusterfuck I really wanted to like, but they didn't try hard enough. We got a handful of classics of varying quality, including the Issi that really doesn't work for me and the Cheburek which was probably the best car they'd made in a long while, since it combined the design of the Lada with the Datsun 510 and they went all out with the tuning. The 190Z should have been more 2000GT-like, since the 240Z-inspired front end only conflicts with Vanillaworks' Annis Requiem. The Flash GT looks really sweet as a road car as Vanillaworks proves, but the rally version leaves a lot to be desired.

After Hours will probably go down as one of the worst DLCs ever made, let alone for GTA. Bringing back Gay Tony was a clear sign of trying to take the past into the present. The single "highlight" was the delayed Jester, which was only there since R* spectacularly botched it first time round. The Swinger, which everyone thought would be an E-Type and what the Windsor should have been, ended up being a carbon copy of the XJ13, and the Stafford was similarly a direct copy of the Silver Cloud II, except with a rear wheel cover.

I have a strong theory btw, that the "Annis ZR380" is a leftover 350Z coupé model that was cut from Midnight Club LA, since that game only had the convertible variant. The front and side profile look exactly like the 350Z, and the only thing that sets the two apart is the altered tail lights on the rear. They've made cars that look almost identical to their real world versions, but the ZR380 is just blatant.

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205fc5 No.17470

File: 58f3783e6319a36⋯.jpg (757.03 KB,1920x1200,8:5,ZR380-1.jpg)

File: ad7445f08adba5b⋯.jpg (854.96 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ZR380-2.jpg)

File: 945460cabb5ec38⋯.jpg (797.51 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ZR380-3.jpg)

File: 9c12ef1a51e61fa⋯.jpg (695.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ZR380-4.jpg)

File: 519eaf3c4717344⋯.jpg (799.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ZR380-5.jpg)


Welp, stock ZR380 is out, and in record time too.

Now that I can see it in all its stock glory I like it a bit more, but one has to wonder how much of its design was changed by the VW crew in order to make it look more lore-friendly. Roofline looks really dodgy.

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30ded9 No.17479


last pic looks like a Veloster

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c03dc0 No.17489

File: 1b45bfba3fc14fa⋯.png (240.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,Assoluto Bisonte.png)

What's your favorite fictional design?

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5d36af No.17549

File: 8cdeadb3e00cd2f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1200,8:5,4f9449-0-min.png)

File: ef2c39564ef599f⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,715x421,715:421,Insurrection-GTAVCS-advert….jpg)



Handling in GTA V as a whole is godawful regardless of vehicle class. But yes, the speed limit in accordance with the rudimentary handling killed any hope for a balanced supercar/hypercar class. I agree with you on the Heists update. Before it released, the only "immersion breaking" DLC vehicle was the Liberator from the Independence Day Special. A typical DLC consists of misinterpreted nostalgia cash-ins, movie/TV reference cars, military surplus vehicles, and the one passable design. It's a depressing sight to see the level of talent and creativity fall so low, but as long as single player is still compatible with mods and Rockstar won't pull any more stunts regarding the validity of said mods, I won't be too upset. It'll be interesting what will happen concerning the next installment of GTA and what path it will take regarding automotive lore.

Your theory on the ZR380 is most likely correct. With the shift of developer focus onto RDR2, I wouldn't doubt that the modelling team hastily dug files out of the archives in order to hold people over. The rest of the DLC consisted of reskinned/modified V cars sans a few muscle cars. And for all we know, the muscle cars could also share some assets from cut Midnight Club LA cars. What confuses me is that Rockstar stopped porting and releasing cars from GTA IV, given that those are relatively easy conversions.

Vanillaworks recently released the ZR150 – their interpretation of the FB Mazda RX7. It somewhat resembles the Insurrection from GTA Vice City.

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5698c3 No.17550


They didn't just port over or slightly modify cars, a lot of assets from V come from R*'s games all over the 7th generation f.e. the yacht from Max Payne 3, FN handgun from L.A. Noire and double-action revolver from Red Dead Redemption.

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9029bb No.17556


I'm not sure if there's going to be a GTA 6, considering the shitty path they're taking I expect them to release new maps as DLC

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1b1146 No.17559

Since this is turning into GTA talk I will say I wish they had done a single player DLC like they did with 4. GTA5 came out in 2013 and they're still somehow making money and people are still playing so that's long dead.

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44f8fc No.17582

File: 8c17b80a14e0c79⋯.jpg (367.24 KB,1600x900,16:9,1982 Celica XX.jpg)

File: b867a0ea70f2c3b⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,736x552,4:3,ST165 and ST185 with an ST….jpg)


The Insurrection looks more like a Celica XX with the puppy dog 5th gen pop-ups imo

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c7300f No.17784

File: 8495b7b58b44783⋯.jpg (668.09 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Bistro.jpg)

File: 888dae06e5894c8⋯.jpg (876.75 KB,2715x1527,905:509,20190202143559_1.jpg)

File: 5df84d9fddd461d⋯.jpg (785.18 KB,2715x1527,905:509,20190202143437_1.jpg)

File: c24ecae45d727b8⋯.png (419.87 KB,1000x653,1000:653,unknown (41).png)

File: 5674b9de04e2fb0⋯.png (377.05 KB,1047x618,349:206,unknown (42).png)

RUNE Bistro, lore-friendly Skoda/Moskvitch

Plus a couple photos of the in-universe R34 Elegy, and a couple renders of an upcoming 80s Group C racer from Karin.

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e468aa No.17797


bumping an ancient thread, have i done good enough to go into heaven?

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21727f No.17844


I second this bump

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c7300f No.18084

File: 6631ac123c01632⋯.jpg (980.5 KB,1860x1576,465:394,RUNE Odessa.jpg)

File: 43aaa0f36eddcb2⋯.jpg (565.51 KB,2048x1280,8:5,RUNE Baikal.jpg)

File: 4ec2606ef06ce03⋯.jpg (729.49 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,BF Bug.jpg)

File: 18c687fc92f6b36⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,2720x1530,16:9,Vapid Flash.jpg)

File: e0744ca849bf6c8⋯.jpg (520.85 KB,2048x1280,8:5,Annis ZR180.jpg)

Two new Russian designs in the pipeline, a BF Bug, and I'm happy to report the Vapid Flash road car is back in development. Also a bonus pic of the ZR-180, one of the greatest lore-friendly GTA car designs of them all.

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cafc91 No.18086

File: 78457987768ea86⋯.png (2.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Capture1.PNG)

rate my forza screenshit, /o/

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cafc91 No.18087


top right and top left

end me

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cafc91 No.18088


meant bottom right

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5c99a6 No.18089



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c7300f No.18619

File: 6f46e707170c6f5⋯.jpg (439.98 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Vulcar Nebula Turbo.jpg)

File: db33b9158062be5⋯.jpg (449.72 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Ubermacht Zion Classic.jpg)

File: 177a6cc33df7df4⋯.jpg (437.64 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Weeny Dynasty.jpg)

File: 2e587c1aa61f93b⋯.jpg (357.6 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Bravado Gauntlet Classic.jpg)

File: fa848b7ab13a065⋯.jpg (668.91 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Vysser Neo.jpg)

I legit think this is the best update V/Online's had in years - just look at these new additions!

>Vulcar Nebula Turbo

'80s Swedish brick with turbofan wheel covers. Official car theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k-wWui2eUA

>Ubermacht Zion Classic

Lore-friendly E24, what's not to love?

>Weeny Dynasty

Lore-friendly Morris Oxford/Hindustan Ambassador, comes with taxi liveries for that authentic Dr. Bombay experience

>Bravado Gauntlet Classic

Lore-friendly Cuda, unfortunate R* had to take another car already made by Vanillaworks but whatever.

>Vysser Neo

For no particular goddamn reason, especially since the game's nearly 6 years old and we haven't seen another Bollokan since launch day, they make an in-universe Spijker. And it actually looks visually appealing and with no direct inspiration from any one car in particular. It looks different enough from the real C8 that it's its own design in its own right, just like the IV and V cars of old. Plus it has a load of GT/race-inspired parts and liveries.

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