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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 25a5490c1a35fc1⋯.jpg (147.12 KB,640x625,128:125,Pepe-7.jpg)


lately nofap has been ruff

>fapping every 2 days like a fucking normie

I don't get it. I see people getting to day 33, day 90 etc and here I am relapsing every two days like a fucking nigger. Is it correlative, like something to do the environment I'm being subjected to, or have I just given up? I honestly do not know.

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every 2 days is still better than i've been. i go on a 3 day streak (my record) and then binge and fap 4 times in one day, and every day for days in a row

right now i just beat day 3 again. it's really easy cause recently i just don't have any desire to masturbate. i can't even force it or edge or nothing. maybe one of those times will come along for you

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The first couple of days are the hardest. You just have to get through the 3rd day and you will be fine.

Some guidelines

Do not watch porn of any kind

Think about the last time you've masturbated without porn. I bet its been a while. I'll bet that you wouldn't even be able to masturbate without porn.

Do not touch your penis or groin area.

Its that simple. I'm telling you right now, you won't even get a boner so long as you don't touch your dick or watch porn.

After the third day or so, you'll occasionally question yourself. You'll probably think "well its been 3 days, its a new record. I can go longer next time. If I only do it once it'll be fine."

But you can not falter. You must always say no. You must always remember that you aren't just doing nofap for yourself, you are doing it for your community nation and race. If you fail, you fail for everyone.

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File: 005ce2fc7140cdd⋯.png (28.08 KB,754x324,377:162,005ce2fc7140cdde28e9313457….png)

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They're retards and don't know what placebo is.

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Those last words hit home. Good post

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>The first couple of days are the hardest. You just have to get through the 3rd day and you will be fine.

In my case it took 2 weeks to get out of the worst of it. (finishing week 3 right now)

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I tried nofap multiple times (on day 46 of my current streak), and the hardest are the first two weeks. After this it starts becoming part of your routine not to think about fapping. Of course you'll still think about it at times but the urges will be smaller.

Also, don't focus on masturbating, don't focus on what you don't want to do but instead what you want to do to fill up the void that nofap brought in your life (and working out is of course an easy and powerful solution to this).

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File: aa1439b6bd9abfd⋯.jpg (116.82 KB,700x888,175:222,celibacy LOTR.jpg)


>4 times in one day

I know the image its probably from reddit or something since i got it from my search engine but it's still relevant.

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That's a good question, actually. How long is it going to be before I start feeling benefits from it? I'm this guy >>10152 and so I'm almost 4 weeks in. I'm not feeling swayed to fap, but I want to know how long I need to wait before real results come in.

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File: db80bebe99402c8⋯.jpg (378.2 KB,1120x747,1120:747,ΠΑΥΩ.jpg)


Day 400.

For quick reference:

>Ain't No Rest For the Addicted (14 days)

>The Passenger (30 days)

>The Abstention of the Lambs (90 days)

>New Discipline - True Faith (180 days)

>NoFap Mode - Enjoy the Silence (270 days)

>Beyond Nutterdome (365 days)

>Paradise City (400 days)

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File: 0303c80ac0740c6⋯.png (407.52 KB,456x640,57:80,covfefe.png)


>tfw haven't even had 14 days in years

Gonna make this happen.

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Going from multiple times a day to not at all is quite a jump. Its no wonder its hard to break that conditioning. You've unintentionally programmed your brain to get easy sexual pleasure and reward daily.

I struggle as well, but I generally find a week to be pretty easy, but then it becomes a vertical climb in difficulty. At the end of the day, try and keep yourself busy. Having a job or going to college helps immensely I bet as I'm stuck in NEET mode.

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