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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nofap is a harmful cult. Porn and especially masturbation has been shown to be completely fine, even healthy. Seriously, you people should just fap and relax. The amount of backlash I'll get for this post is evidence that nofap causes mental problems and any benefits are a placebo. Seriously, porn is completely fine, I fap 5 times a day and I'm plenty successful.

Read this article for more information:



File: 99edba6801169ee⋯.png (295.35 KB, 838x720, 419:360, 1384628923879.png)

I don't care about success or getting a girlfriend, I just want to stop being a slave to something so degenerate. Better reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Fucking sheep, I bet you're a cuck too.




Debunked long ago. Just like his book "The Myth of Sex Addiction" which got debunked by Robert Weiss in 2012. Better luck shilling for your fraudsters next time, OP.


>I fap 5 times a day

I don't believe you


Good to see that I didn't waste a decade of my life, thanks for the pep talk.


I think the article makes a good point

But it also misses the whole point,

nofap is not only about not masturbating or not watching porn, it's about changing yourself in order to control yourself instead of always getting into your urges

Also OP if you can't understand than not everybody is like you, you're a fucking retard

>I do X, that means X is good for everyone and there's nothing wrong about it!



Nofap is becoming like a religion. But then again, at least it's not Islam, so go ahead, kids.


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thank you, you are my greatest ally



Is there anything that this board doesn't fucking find Jewish?


I'm trying to nofap because I find going an extended period of time increases my levels of energy and overall aggression.


/anita/ please leave



Everything that isn't fucking Jewish. Like purity, moral, standards, dedication…

But you with your degenerate porn (mostly owned by jews) obviously promote judaism.


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What the fuck? Porn doesn't make me want to convert to Judaism, or think about it. It makes me hard and I jerk off. That's it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moral degradation and the eventual collapse of the goyim through drugs, pornography, materialism and the like is all in accordance with their plans to bring about the Jew World Order. Your only goal is to live and die as cattle, that's just how their religion perceives you.


File: cf0aef60daa2297⋯.pdf (2.73 MB, 251x201, 251:201, The Protocols of the Learn….pdf)


File: 4a7b06ca7e2f415⋯.png (403.42 KB, 681x509, 681:509, niggayedontunderstand.png)

It's okay if you do it once every 7-15 days, more than that and you're really over doing it, and it doesn't feel even close to as good.

>fapping 5 times a day

You cum waaay too fast and/or spend too much time on fapping m8.

some studies also suggest a correlation between fapping and hair loss, and though it's not confirmed, it does explain why so many nu-males are bald.



If you don't stfu I'll trigger you with porno



I haven't fapped in 3 months and urges are completely gone. Not fapping at all is actually possible. You will keep fapping only because you keep doing it. You would never crave a lobster if you never ate it.



I never said you would convert to Judaism. But you are spreading their cancer. That's why you are their >>6562 greatest ally


Porn is a very cheap hooby, I used to like drawing better but then I realized I am trash and no mather how much I practized I simply had no talent, they dont even sell guns to people in my country, so fapping and sleeping are my main hobbies now.

but if this TALL MEN in the board want to WORSHIP THE ABRAHAMIC MONSTER its ok, its their decision.

also, no fap helps you to get lucid dreams, there you can BEAT CHRIST in your dreams and take REVENGE for your failed attempts at becoming a cartoonist.



Can't you get a gun with a highly regulated license? In USA average people can't get automatic weapons, only people who have a class 3 license.



I still hate Jews and niggers. Watching porn doesn't change that.



Do it faggot.

You bald, addicted faggot.


Actually, if Jews are behind porn, Jews are awesome because porn is awesome.



Are you retarded on purpose? The point is that you are not only giving in to jewish tactics but you are also spreading them. Spreading jewish tactics means you help them, if you like it or not.



Calling me and all other porn viewers a bad person isn't going to make your board get very far.



>I fap 5 times a day and I'm plenty successful.

That's like someone claiming drawing massive amounts of blood from themselves five times a day is in any way beneficial.

You're either too young to yet have suffered the detrimental effects, or you're a lying shill.



hey fucker we're not trying to convert anyone

GTFO if you don't care about nofap



>bad person

Remember, you said it. Not him.



What are you, five?

Frankly, if the Jews want to spread happiness through orgasms and fapping I'm all for it.



^can't beat that argument, can you faggot?



What >>6689 said. We are not here to convert anyone, we are here to improve ourselves, so all we care for is the community of like minded people and if someone doesn't want to belong to it it's not our problem or a subject of matter. You were the one who came here to convert us.


>Frankly, if the Jews want to spread happiness through alcohol and drugs I'm all for it.

Still sounds good? The Harm of porn and fapping has been proven.


How to troll nofap:

>start argument

>ignore evidence

>be belligerent



I did read heavily of yourbrainonporn.com and its clearly anti sex Christian propaganda.



You didn't read shit, garry wilson states all the time that he is an atheist and pretty liberal. You went in with a set of ideas and ignored anything that didn't fit with them.



I said I looked at it. It might of well have been written by a Christian though. There are a few studies on porn addicts, but most of that site is taking studies from actual addicts of real drugs and alcohol and speculating that those studies apply to porn.




File: 27504ceaabdc449⋯.png (536.37 KB, 600x893, 600:893, serveimage.png)


>Masturbation did nothing wrong



Wtf I love jews now!

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