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The heartbeat of 8kun is strong

File: 4dea0d8cd378923⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1858x1240, 929:620, 00Sanders.png)

a04b00  No.256587

Mr. Sanders, a democratic socialist making his second run for the White House, withdrew after a series of losses to Joseph R. Biden Jr., who emerges as the presumptive nominee for the general election.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Wednesday, concluding a quest for the White House that began five years ago in relative obscurity but ultimately elevated him as a champion of the working class, a standard-bearer of American liberalism and the leader of a self-styled political revolution.

Mr. Sanders’s exit from the race establishes former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the presumptive nominee to challenge President Trump, and leaves the progressive movement without a prominent voice in the 2020 race.

In a race reshaped, and eclipsed, by the escalating coronavirus crisis, Mr. Sanders faced no realistic path to the nomination after a series of lopsided losses to Mr. Biden, beginning in South Carolina in late February and culminating with a string of losses last month in crucial states like Michigan and Florida.


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7807af  No.256595


At least now we'll know who the next president will be

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a250b3  No.256596

File: 2cc68c8edf38fee⋯.png (234.72 KB, 615x613, 615:613, literally_shaking_and_cryi….png)




HA HA! /leftypol/ on suicide watch! #VoteBlueNoMatterWho The icing on the cake will be when Joe announces Hillary as his VP pick. If that happens, I might die of laughter before Corona-chan ever gets to me.

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4fe34f  No.256602


If he isn't convicted of sexual harassment beforehand kek

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4fe34f  No.256607

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228f0a  No.256610

File: fd2723200e82e66⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, 1586364906333.jpg)


Good Ole (status-quo) "Stinky Pinky" Uncle Joe™ has so much dirt in his past. I'm hoping these so-called progressives and other lefty nutjobs will do something about it, but I guess they're going to cuck to the DNC and MSM… again. This has happened to them twice and I almost wonder if Bernie was in on it. You wanna know how I know that it's all rigged and it's big PsyOp? They can mobilize huge mobs of hundreds of protestors to scream, kick, and try to beat down the doors of the Supreme Court during the Kav appointment. Antifa shows up to terrorize Republicans at rallies. I bet when this shit goes down, there won't be a single peep out of any of those people since they weren't getting paid to do it at any Joe rallies or the DNC HQ. Lefties won't do anything.

You know what I think might happen? I think they may try to draft NY Gov Andrew Cuomo into the race and dismiss Biden for failing mental capacity. Biden might have been there to derail Bernie and the socialists this entire time and the Deep State still gets to install their guy. If The Dems™ actually try to run Biden against Trump, it's going to be a shitshow of epic proportions.

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